满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

With your brother's help, I've made grea...

With your brother's help, I've made great progress in English and I really want to do something for him ____.

    A.in turn       B.by turns            C.in return        D.in answer


C 【解析】略

—I am afraid this pair of shoes is a little expensive.

—If you really want to buy them, I will give you a ____ of 10 percent.

    A.quantity        B.amount            C.discount         D.account



—Have you heard ____ news that over 10,000 people lost their lives in the earthquake in Japan?

—Not yet.What ____ big surprise!

    A.the; a           B.the; /           C./; /            D./; a







要求:1. 表达准确,语言连贯;

2. 词数:120—150词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总数)。

参考词汇:选修课 selective courses

It is good that the schools have opened selective courses for the students, whose interests will be met and knowledge expanded.                            












Color use in nature

Nature is very colorful, full of different hues(色调)that delight the eye. What makes these colors and why do they exist?

Causes of Colors in Nature

Colors in nature are formed in two ways. Pigments, like the melanin in skin and many animal furs, produce most blacks, browns, reds and yellows. Most plants are green due to chlorophyll(叶绿素). Other colors are caused by structure, like many greens, blues, and whites. Blue bird’s feathers actually contain black pigment, but their structure causes them to appear blue. The scattering of light by tiny dust particles in the air, viewed against the black background of space, makes the sky look blue too.

Color Use in Plants

Color has a great effect on the survival of plants and animals. Flowers have bright hues and patterns to attract insects. These insects move from one flower to another, making sure seeds are produced. Bees can see colors we cannot, i.e. ultraviolet, and follow these patterns of stripes or dots to the inside of the flower.  

Not only flowers but also fruits use color for the good of the plant. An unripe fruit mixes in with the leaves, but ripe berries contrast, becoming more appealing to the creatures who eat them. Birds are especially drawn to red fruit, and in turn help the plant by broadcasting its seeds.

Camouflage(伪装)in Nature

Many colors and patterns camouflage animals who want to avoid enemies. Some animals have damaging shapes to break up their outline, so an enemy will not recognize them. The eye, a very recognizable animal characteristic, is often disguised by a black stripe or patch. Light color below makes up for the shadow on the underside of many fish, amphibians and mammals.

Some animals even change colors to better camouflage themselves, seasonally like the snowshoe hare.

Warning Coloration and Mimicry(动态伪装)

Warning colors make an animal more visible rather than hidden. These usually indicate a negative aspect of the animal, like the bad taste of a monarch butterfly, smelly smell or painful bite of a bee. Usually black and a contrasting color (white, yellow, orange or red) form a striking pattern in these creatures, and frighten their enemies away. Nature is tricky, though, and sometimes harmless creatures pretend the patterns of harmful ones to scare off animals living on meat too.  

Social Coloration in Nature

Sometimes coloration is important socially. Male birds, typically more colorful, defend their territories and attract females. Eggs may use color and pattern to remain hidden. When they hatch, parents feed the nestlings when they see the bright pattern in their gaping mouths.

Taking a closer look at nature throws light on how color is used in marvelous ways!

Color use in nature

___1.____ for colors in nature

Many colors are caused by 2. which produce most blacks, browns, reds and yellows.

Other colors exist due to  3. , like blue bird’s feathers, which appear blue but actually contain black pigment.

Color use in Plants

Flowers have bright hues and patterns to attract insects, and then insects’ moving from one flower to another makes seeds    4.    .

Fruits use colors, ripe color for example, to protect and help  5.  .

Color use in animals

Colors help many animals    6.  their killers. For example, damaging shapes can break up their outline, so an enemy will not recognize them.

Some animals, like snowshoe hares, 7. change colors to camouflage them.

Using warning colors to make themselves more8.  , thus frightening their enemies away.

Harmless creatures     9.     to be those harmful ones to scare off their enemies.

Social use in nature

Animals use colors to defend their territories and attract the     10.   sex.




 All people need to sleep. Sleep is a necessary process that promotes proper body functioning and can improve the quality of your life. Not only is the quantity of sleep important, but also the quality of sleep.

Your bedroom should be shaped to your taste and to allow you to sleep in a peaceful environment. One of the biggest mistakes people make in their sleep is to use their bedroom for activities other than sleep. If your bedroom also functions as a command station for your life and work, the likelihood of your sleeping being poor is rather high. Bedrooms should be designed, decorated and used for mainly sleep. TVs, computers and other things should not be in your bedroom if at all possible.

Establishing regular sleeping and waking times can help improve the quality of your sleep especially for those suffering from sleeplessness. Avoid hot food, caffeine, sugar and alcohol at least 4 to 6 hours before your sleep time. Develop a regular exercise program. Proper exercise and nutrition will help improve sleeping patterns. However, avoid exercising 2 hours before sleeping, since this may stimulate your body and make sleeping more difficult.

Establish a pre-bedtime rule that will help focus you on sleep. You can try meditation(沉思),reading or deep breathing and relaxation. Your bedtime rule should be yours. Do not worry about it fitting into a specific category. Do what is the best for you.

Things such as room temperature, noise and light levels and even your bed mattress can have a lot of effect on the quality of sleep that you experience. Block out distracting noises and lights. You are in your bedroom to sleep and not be distracted by environmental interferences(干扰).

1. According to the author, ________.

A.the bedroom has many functions than expected

B.the bedroom is better used for sleep

C.computers can make people sleep fast

D.amusements are forbidden in the bedroom by law

2.If you have sleep problems, __________.

A.a well- designed bedroom is important to you

B.you’d better have steady sleeping and waking time

C.cold food and sugar are good for you

D.you need proper exercise and nutrition

3.The following sentences are true EXCEPT ______.

A.Alcohol can produce troubled sleep.

B.Anytime taking exercises does good to sleep

C.What nourishes the body can improve sleeping patterns

D.taking a deep breath can calm you down

4.The main idea of the last paragraph is _______.

A.a good sleep environment contributes to good sleep.

B.blinding lights can make for a good sleep.

C.bed mattress plays a key part in sleep.

D.distracted people are sleepless.



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