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语音知识(共5小题;每题1分,满分5分) 从 A、B、C和D四个选项中,找出其划...


        从 A、B、C和D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. dangerous    A. Canadian    B. January      C. balance       D. advanced

2. exact        A. expert      B. exhibition     C. exercise      D. exist

3. ground      A. house       B. country      C. group        D. cough

4. spare      A. fear     B. earn      C. pear       D. beard

5. smooth     A. feather      B. tooth        C. thief         D. warmth


 1.A2. D 3.A  4.C 5. A 【解析】略

最近,你们班上将要组织一场以 “To be self-confident”为题的主题班会。你是英语课代表,请根据以下内容准备一篇120词左右的文章作为发言稿。

提示:1. 简述自信的重要性。

2. 假设你以前缺乏信心…(1) 谁给了你鼓励? (2)什么事让你改变?

3. 适当加入自己的评论





You must be _______ me _____ my younger sister.


The Whole system was not _________ _________ ___________.


The next day, US President ________ __________ __________ Japan.


The two teams will ________ ________ the championship.


________ the novel _______ ________ pre-war London.




Is there a “success personality”—some winning combination of qualities that leads almost inevitably (必然地) to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula(公式), and can anyone develop it?

At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, inquiring into the attitudes of 1500 distinguished people selected at random from Who’s Who in America. Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is common sense.

Common sense is the most widely possessed quality of the people surveyed. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense is very important in contributing to their success.

To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to remove extra ideas and get right to the key points of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: “The key ability for success is simplifying. In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”

Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man’s answer is that common sense can definitely be developed. He owes this to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their—and your own—mistakes.

Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense stands out. If you develop these qualities, you’ll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in Who’s Who someday.

Secrets to success

Finding of the 1.________

Top achievers have some common 2.______, one of which is common sense.

The most important quality

79 percent of the people surveyed 3.______ highly of common sense. And 61 percent say their success4._______ from this quality.

Understanding of common sense

To most, it means one is5. ________ to present sound, make practical judgments on everyday affairs by6.________ on what really counts.

7.________ to get common sense

8.________ it through activities like learning how to debate in school. Increasing it through mistakes by observing others.

Other factors leading to success

9._______ from common sense, many other factors contribute to success, luck10.________. But common sense is the most outstanding.




I went on line to check if my pay was in my bank account(账户). To my amazement I discovered that not only had I been paid, but a company I’d never worked for had also paid me! I know I would have been beside myself (情绪失控) if my own salary was not in my account, so I tried to get the money back to the right person. Easier said than done.

The bank couldn’t help as it “wasn’t a bank problem.” The human-resource department at the company that paid me was unable to help as I didn’t have enough details. I rang the bank again. Thankfully I had a sympathetic call operator who gave me a name, so I again rang the company “Daniel” worked for.

I expected the bank would contact me to arrange to take the money from my account and repay Daniel. I heard nothing for a month and the money remained in my account when Daniel called, explaining he’d tried to get back his money but had been unsuccessful as neither the bank nor his company felt it was their error. He had rung to ask if I could speak to the bank, but after chatting for a few minutes we realized we could probably fix this problem ourselves.

We decided I would take the money from my account and he would pick it up from me. Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his. I never had any intention of keeping Daniel’s pay but red tape(繁琐手续)made it difficult to do the right thing. It all came down to two people being able to do what a huge bank and a large company couldn’t do — admit a mistake has occurred and fix it.

1.What was the attitude of the author towards the extra money in his bank account?

A.He didn’t know what to do with it.

B.He felt lucky to get it.

C.He thought of keeping it for himself.

D.He wanted to return it to the right person.

2. How was the problem solved in the end?

A.The author and Daniel solved the problem themselves.

B.It cost Daniel a lovely bottle of wine to get back his money.

C.The author gave the money back to the company.

D.The call operator offered to solve their problem.

3.From the passage we can infer that _________.

A.the bank could solve the problem soon and easily with the red tape

B.some large organizations usually have troublesome official rules

C.Daniel didn’t know the error until he contacted the author

D.it was easy for a company to have a mistake which had occurred fixed



“People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help deal with climate change,” the world’s leading authority on global warming has told The Observer.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further.

Pachauri, who was re-elected the panel’s chairman for a second six-year term last week, said diet change was important because of the huge greenhouse gas emissions (排放) and other environmental problems associated with raising cattle and other animals. “It was relatively easy to change eating habits compared to changing means of transport,” he said.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are produced during the production. For example, ruminants (反刍动物), particularly cows, give off a gas called methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than CO2.

Pachauri can expect some opposite responses from the food industry to his advice, though last night he was given unexpected support by Masterchef presenter and restaurateur John Torode. “I have a little bit and enjoy it,” said Torode. “Too much for any person is bad. But there’s a bigger issue here: where the meat comes from. If we all bought British and stopped buying imported food, we’d save a huge amount of carbon emissions.”

Professor Robert Watson, the chief scientific adviser for the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, said government could help educate people about the benefits of eating less meat, but it should not regulate. “Eating less meat would help, there’s no question about that,” Watson said.

However, Chris Lamb, head of marketing for pig industry group BPEX, said the meat industry had been unfairly targeted and was working hard to find out which activities had the biggest environmental impact and reduce them. “Some ideas were contradictory,” he said. “For example, one solution to emissions from cattle and other animals was to keep them indoors, but this would damage animal welfare. Climate change is a very young science and our view is there are a lot of simple solutions being proposed.”

1.What is directly related to global warming?

A.Consumption of meat.

B.Growth of cattle.

C.Methane from ruminants.

D.Processing of meat.

2.Who holds a view opposite to the others’ in the passage?

A.Rajendra Pachauri.

B.John Torode.

C.Robert Watson.

D.Chris Lamb.

3.It is implied in the passage that _____.

A.we should try to keep away from cattle

B.ruminants should not be left outdoors

C.the meat industry will soon close down

D.we must do our duty to save the earth

4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.Less meat, slower global warming

B.More animals, more greenhouse gas

C.Less imported food, better our environment

D.Greater diet change, smaller climate change



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