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In today’s throw away society, dealing w...

In today’s throw away society, dealing with the city’s growing mountain of waste is an inereasing challenge for the city countil(市议会)。

   Recently. Edinburgh is faced with the problem of dssposing of(处理)about250,000

Million tons of waster a year . Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner---largely through encouraging tecycling---its aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.

   The European Union(EU) has issued a new policy, regulating how such mountains of waster are to hr disposed of. The five councils (Edinburgh. East Lothian. West Lothian. Midlethian and Borders) face fine around $18million a year from 2013 it they don’t inerease recycling levels and rely less on landfill. With this in mind, the coumlls got together with the idea of building a lage incinerator plant (垃圾焚烧厂)to burn half of the waste produced in their districts. But the plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new UK government waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the city’s waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.

After the plan was abandoned, a private company which already transported millions of tons of the city’s wast by train to a landfill site near Dunbar, offered an alternative soution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.

Since Powderhall is supposed to close in 2015, it seemed necessary for the members of the Edinburgh Council to accept the suggestion. But soon they turned it down—after 700 local objections reached them—because it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.

That still leaves eth council with a problem. By 2013,only50%of 1995 levels of waste will benllewed to be sent to landfill. Even if recveling large are met, there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up. Due build an Edinburgh and Midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an ineinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.

1.The main way of handling waste in a green manmer in Edinburgh is       .

A. recyeling    B. restoring   C. burying   D. burning

2.The five councils worked out a plan to build an incinerator plant to       .

A. reduce the roast of burying waste

B. meets the EU requirements

C. speed up waste recycling

D. tempter landfill sites

3.The city council of Edinburgh rejected the suggestion to open a huge landfill site near Portobello because     .

A. a name from a private company

B. the comelier was not interested in it

C. it was not supports by EU

D. the local poodle was waist it

4.What is the final dream an Edinburgh and Midlothian Country?

A. To open a new landfill nearby

B. To close the powder hall landfill in 2015

C. To set up a plan for burning waste

D. To persuade people to deduce their waste.


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 【文章大意】这是一篇有关英国爱丁堡政府建立垃圾焚烧厂的报道。 1. 细节理解题。定位关键词waste , a green manmer.根据文章第二段的Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner---largely through encouraging recycling可知答案。 2. 细节理解题。定位关键词The five councils。根据文章第三段的内容可知。 3. .细节理解题。定位关键词reject,找到文章第四段After the plan was abandoned, a private company which already transported millions of tons of the city’s wast by train to a landfill site near Dunbar, offered an alternative soution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.可知答案。 4. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句内容可知答案。

 Howling is a behavior commonly observed among a wolf nark. An animals, wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling was an important means of communication each other. There are different explants of a wolf’s howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.      One theory is that wolves howl to bend better together. It’s almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feeling a sense of involvement with each other when singing a song together . But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harington, a professor who studies wolf behavior.     Indeed, there have been tines when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a exhorts, and the next, quarreling anions each other. It appears that usually the lowest-tanking menthes of the pack may actually be “punished” for

Joining in the churs at times. So is howling a way to strcagthen a social boad or just a way to reconfirm status among its members? ——Why do welves howl for sure?

What is cleat, however, is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that woloves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appcars to be an ercellent means of gathering.

Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occat in the morning, as if wolves were doing some sotr of “roll rall”where wolves all howl togeter to howl, very likely others will follow. This is often seen to occar in the morning, as if wolves were doing w some sotr of “roll call”where wolves all howl together to repotr their pteence.

1..What the por similarity between wolves’ how humaes ting in chorus?

A.The act of calling each other.

B.the sense of accomplishment.

C.The act of hunting for something.

D.The sense of belonging to a group.

2..Why does Harrington think the“secial boad”theory may be wrong?

A.Wolves separate from each other after howling.

B.Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.

C.Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together.

D.Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.

3.Reseatchers are sure that wolves often howl to______.

A.show their ranks

B.find their companion

C.report the missing ones

D.express their lonelingess

4..“Howling… is a contagious behaviour”(in the last paragraph)means_______.

A.howling is a signal for hunting

B.howling is a way of communication

C.howling aften occurs in the morning

D.howling spreads from one to another



Honesty, my mum always used to tell me, is the best policy. Of course, this didin’t include her when she told me that if I didn’t eat all my vegetables Father Christmas would find out and wouldn’t give me any presents.

But when it comes to medicine, I had assumed it was important to always be honest with my patients. After all, the doctor patient relationship is based on trust, and therefore honesty is essential, Or so I thought.

I had just started working in geriatrics(老年病科). Mr. McMahon was brought in when his baby was faound very swollen. I took a medical history from his daughter would accompanied him in the ambulance. She’d been his main carer for years. I stood looking at him as she gave a detailed history. “Has he lost any weight recently?” I asked, “Well, it’s funny you should mention that, but yes.” She said slowly. There was silence for a few moments. “Why? What are you worried about?” she asked, I hesitated. She was obviously very involved in his care and it was only fair that I told her the truth. “Well, we need to prove it’s not cancer.” I said and talked briefly about some of the tests I was going to order.

Half an hour later, a nurse called me: “Mr. McMahon’s daughter broke down-she said you told her he had cancer.” My heart sank. By the time I arrived at the ward, my consultant was already there, explaining that we still had to run lots of tests and that it was by no means confirmed that he had cancer. I stood silently at the end of the bed. My consultant was obviously angry with me and as we left Mr. McMahon, she turned to me. “Why on carch did you do that?” she asked to disbelief. I looked at her andbit my hp. “She asked me what I was worried about and I told her.” I said, hanging my head. “And give her more to worry about?” replied my consultant. “You don’t say the word ‘cancer’ until it’s confirmed. Even if you suspect it, think very carefully before you tell people.”

As it turned out, it wasn’t cancer. But I did learn that when somecone is stressed and worried about their loved one they’re sometimes selective in what they hear-and as a doctor it’s important to be mindful of this. In being truthful, I’d made the situation worse.

1..The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to show that the author        .

A. misunderstood the doctor-patient relationship

B. was anxious to receive Christmas gifts

C. regarded honesty as the best policy D. had an unhealthy eating habit

2.The author’s consultant was angry with him because         .

A. he told the daughter what he suspected.

B. he delayed running the necessary tests.

C. he failed to confirm the parent’s disease.

D. he forgot what the consultant had advised.

3.The author hung his head (the underlined part in Para.4) because he was feeling     A. guilty    B. hurt   C. disappointed   D. helpless

4..What lesson has the author learnt from his experience?

A. Learning form parents is necessary.

B. Jumping to a conclusion is dangerous.

C. Telling the truth may not always be the best solution.

D. Selecting pleasant words may not be the perfect policy.



The young wonman entered the pool where an injured dolphin(海豚) was swimming. Despite her fear,she felt strong wearing her new leg.

   In her second grade. Maja  31  her cousin.Jasmina.After Jasmina’s death.Maja swore she would honor the little girl by  32  with a dolphin,an animal that both girls  33  .”Jasmina never got the chance to do it.”says Maja.now32,”so I  34  that someday I’d do it for her.”

   In high school,Maja was  35  about sports. she even planned to become an athlete.   36  ,in 1993. during the eivil war in her home country, a bomb  37   her left leg.

   After two years’  38  in the U.S.,Maja received her first artifierd (人造的)leg. But  39  it didn’t fit well, walking for Maja was painfei   40   she managed to graduart from a loca high school. Then after receiving a   41 from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and   42   started her own campany.

     To relax. Maja   43   ofter watch the dolphins play at an auarium (水族馆)near her home.A young dolphin. Winter, who had lost its tail, eaught her   44     One day,Maja happened to see trainers   45   Winter with a high-teeh tail.When they were done.Winter swam freely in the water.Maja was    46  . She managed to find the inventors of Winter’s tail.Within ten days,she  had a new leg which freed her the   47    that had troubled her for almost 16years.

  Now, Maja was ready to keep her   48    .She went to the aquarium. Lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Winter, who approached    49     , then swum away. After a few minutes. The dollop hint let Maja     50   its back Finally .they began to swim around together.


1. A .lost       B. visited       C .rescued          D. left

2.  A. talking    B. living        C. swimming         D. surfing

3. A.adored       B. adopted      C. possessed        D. premised

4.  A. pretended   B.deeided       C. perfected        D. agreed

5.  A. positive    B. atheistic    C. particular       D. curious

6. A. Undoubtedly  B. Surprisingly  C. Strangely      D. Unfurunaterly

7. A. took away   B. took ever    C. cut down         D. cut out

8. A. study      B. potation      C. treatment       D. experiment

9. A. until      B. because       C. although         D. it

10. A. Otherwise  B. Therefore      C. Besides         D. However

11. A. scholarships   B. degree      C. prize          D. notice

12. A. gradually       B. actually    C. eventually     D. niter

13. A. might           B. should      C. could       D. would

14. A. eye            B. leg         C. nose         D. hand

15. A. celebrating     B. grueling   C. marking      D. firm

16.  A. inspired       B. passed       C. shocked      D. amused 

17. A. worry           B. sadness    C. pain         D. fear

18. A. appointment     B. promise    C. record       D. halt

19..A. blindly         B. angrily    C. gratefully    D. cautiously

20. A. strike          B. cover      C. touch          D. wipe



When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster ,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside __________ younger men.

A. in terms of    B. in need of    C. in favor of    D. in praise  of



The government has taken measures to__________   the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.

A. take down   B. bring down   C.  hand down   D. tear down



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