满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Michelle: My Dad hates my Mom. He t...

Dear Michelle:

      My Dad hates my Mom. He tells me that she is a liar and that I should not trust her. Of course, they are divorced but they have “joint custody(共同监护)”. What a joke! I am 15, my brother is nine, and we have a life of hell, frankly.

   We live one week on and one week off. This was the brilliant idea of both of my parents, which was fair to them but ruining my life. I can’t get away from his voice and his putting my mom down. Sometimes I think about running away.

                                                                     A Hopeless Ant

Dear Hopeless Ant:

   First, thank you for trusting me with your problem. If all you said is correct, then there are several

things that you can and should do to help yourself, your brother, and your parents.

   ● You need a family counselor(顾问). Such a person could listen to each family member alone and

then meet together to talk about the situation.

   If refused, you need to talk to a counselor in your school. You need to be heard, and you need an

adult who will listen. A school counselor can organize a meeting with your parents.

   ● Perhaps you need to write to her. Writing things down allows people to go over it more than one


   I cannot imagine that she will stand passively by and do nothing at all to help once she reads how

you feel. Your father needs a letter as well. He may not realize the destructive effect that it has on his


● Lastly, have a plan in mind when all else fails that is not self-destructive. Life passes very quickly, and you will grow up and have your own life.

   Above all, you need to keep yourself safe. Never doubt that it will get better. Write back and let me know how everything is going.


The Hopeless Ant wrote the letter to _______.

   A. complain about the problems

   B. ask for advice

   C. make his father punished

   D. just play a joke


 The Hopeless Ant hated his father because __________.

   A. his father always told a lie

   B. his father wasn’t friendly to his mother

   C. his father divorced his mother

   D. the Hopeless Ant couldn’t stay with his parents


 According to the text, which of the following advice is in greatest need for the Hopeless Ant?

   A. Keep himself safe.                  B. Have a talk with his parents.

   C. Have his own family plan.            D. Write letters to families.


 In which part of a website may the passage appear?

   A. Entertainment.        B. Advertisement.       C. Life.       D. Education.


1..B 2..B 3..A 4..C 【解析】 略

Any observant person has noticed that a wild animal will allow a man or other potential enemy to approach only up to a given distance before it flees. “Flight distance” is the term used for this interspecies spacing. As a general rule, there is a positive relationship between the size of an animal and its flight distance—the larger the animal, the greater the distance it must keep between itself and the enemy. An antelope will flee when the enemy is as much as five hundred yards away. The wall lizard’s(壁虎) flight distance, on the other hand, is about six feet. Flight is the basic means of survival for mobile creatures.

  Critical distance apparently is present wherever and whenever there is a flight reaction. “Critical distance” includes the narrow zone separating flight distance from attack distance. A lion in a zoo will flee from an approaching man until it meets a barrier that it cannot overcome. If the man continues the approach, he soon penetrates(进入) the lion's critical distance, at which point the cornered lion turns back and begins slowly to stalk (逼近) the man.

  Social animals need to stay in touch with each other. Loss of contact with the group can be fatal(致命的) for a variety of reasons including exposure to enemies. Social distance is not simply the distance at which an animal will lose contact with his group—that is, the distance at which it can no longer see, hear, or smell the group—it is rather a psychological distance, one at which the animal apparently begins to feel anxious when it goes beyond its limits.

Social distance is not always rigidly(刻板的) fixed but is determined in part by the situation. When the young of apes and humans are mobile but not yet under control of the mother's voice, social distance may be the length of her reach. When added control is needed because of danger, social distance shortens. To show this in man, one has only to watch a family with a number of small children holding hands as they cross a busy street.


 Which of the following is the correct explanation of “Flight Distance” in paragraph 1?

A. Distance between animals of the same species before fleeing.

B. Distance between large and small animals before fleeing.

C. Distance between an animal and its enemy before fleeing.

D. Distance between certain animal species before fleeing.


 If a lion’s critical distance is penetrated, it will __________.

A. begin to attack.

B. try to hide.

C. begin to jump.

D. run away.


. The example of “children holding hands when crossing the street” in the last paragraph shows that ________.

A. social distance is not always needed.

B. there is no social distance among small children.

C. humans are different from animals in social distance.

D. social distance is sometimes determined by outside factors.


. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. Critical Distance

   B. Social Distance

   C. Relationship Between Animals

D. Spacing in Animals



One of Lewis Gordon Pugh’s first big attempts to put his cold-water skills to the test nearly ended in disaster. On a one-mile swim in Antarctica in December 2005, just yards from the finish, his body began to give in. The temperature inside his thigh muscle dropped to 87.8 degrees, the lowest ever measured in him. He was completely at the limits of his ability.

   Despite what he called the “grueling (折磨人的)” Antarctic swim, Pugh scheduled an even more fearsome test for himself at the North Pole. Stepping off the way of the Russian icebreaker that had crunched(咯吱作响的穿过) through floating sea ice for five days to take him to the North Pole, Pugh walked across the ice to a pool of open water over one mile long and two and a half miles deep. The sea temperature was 29 degrees, only a little above the freezing point of salt water.

   Pugh quickly took off his padded clothes. In only his bathing suit and cap, his skin already pink, he walked to the water’s edge. “The only place I’m getting out is at the end,” he told himself. Then he removed his earphones and dived in.

   The pain was immediate. His entire body felt on fire. The doctor kept pace with him in a boat. Through iced-up goggles(护目镜), Pugh could see the armed guards keeping watch for bears.

   His friend Becker had broken down the huge task into manageable parts, each one marked by a flag planted in the ice that represented a friend, family member, or teammate. Fog started to roll in as Pugh headed for the final marker, the flag of Great Britain. He imagined his late father standing beside it--- the man who had done so much to give him an interest in adventure. Then Pugh drove himself to the finish. After 18 minutes 50 seconds in the water, his body was not even hypothermic(体温过低的).


Why did Lewis Gordon Pugh swim in Antarctica in December 2005?

   A. To train his determination.

   B. To end a disaster.

   C. To test his cold-water skills.

   D. To check the temperature in Antarctica.


. It can be inferred that in the pool at the North Pole Lewis Gordon Pugh __________.

   A. had to suffer from the cold water with his goal to achieve

   B. dived to the depth of two and a half miles

   C. broke the records that the Russian kept

   D. spent nearly 19 minutes walking over one mile


. To make sure of the successful test in the pool at the North Pole, __________.

   A. Lewis Gordon Pugh had to carry flags

   B. Lewis Gordon Pugh was accompanied by his father

   C. Pugh took measures to keep his body temperature

   D. Pugh’s task was separated into several parts



Not too long after I had begun to drive as a teenager, someone pulled out of a parking lot onto the road in front of me. I reacted   36  and pulled up very close behind her--- just to show my irritation(怒气) and let her know she didn't "just   37   with that!" We've all been there with      38   incidents and reactions. My mother was with me, and told me to turn into the   39  parking lot. Safely there, she asked me why I   40   that lady had pulled out in front of me purposely.   41   rude, power play--- I guessed. Mom said that maybe she had just had some bad   42  , maybe she was late picking up her child and was distracted(分心). Think of all the   43   of why someone does something like that. It's usually not on purpose--- but what I do as a reaction is on purpose. She always said that I   44   to think about the other side before I   45  . Usually the reaction causes more of a   46  .

I am in my fifties now, and to this day, that has always   47   my head whenever those   48   happen. I've   49   my children the same thing. We often see and hear about "road rage." No matter to what   50    that "rage" is taken, my children will say something like, "They need Grandma's words!" As adults, I don't see them react as most of us do   51   their first reaction is always anger and irritation --- they   52   it and   53   what the other person's problem might be. Even if the other driver really might be   54   or doing a "power play," no more   55  reactions will occur because of their irritation.

1... A. calmly 

B. quickly

C. angrily 

D. carefully

2.. A. get up  

B. get away

C. get down  

D. get along

3.. A. similar  

B. terrible

C. rude    

D. familiar

4.. A. first

B. farthest

C. last

D. nearest 

5.. A. suggested

B. complained 

C. thought 

D. concluded

6..A. Always

B. Just 

C. Almost

D. Still

7..A. impression

B. grades

C. skill

D. news

8.. A. lessons

B. purposes

C. possibilities

D. reasons 

9..A. used

B. needed

C. preferred

D. reminded 

10..A. decide

B. drive

C. react

D. do

11..A. problem

B. threat

C. mess

D. result

12.. A. happened to

B. came across

C. passed by

D. flashed through

13..A. accidents

B. incidents

C. affairs

D. quarrels 

14..A. noticed

B. given

C. taught

D. passed

15..A. degree

B. measure   

C. step  

D. action  

16.. A. as soon as

B. in case

C. as though

D. even though 

17..A. get

B. set

C. make

D. catch

18..A. question

B. wonder 

C. forget

D. know 

19... A. troublesome

B. polite

C. rude

D. warm

20..A. casual

B. dangerous

C. amazing

D. cautious



--- Hey, what’s up? Water is everywhere. What can I do for you?

   --- Oh, great. I ______ how to operate this damn new machine.

A. just wondered                  B. was just wondering     

C. had just wondered               D. have just wondered 



The parties to the contract have equal legal status, and neither party may impose(强加) its will on _____.

A. others       B. the other            C. either              D. another



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