满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His parents are convinced ____ the fact ...

His parents are convinced ____ the fact the their son always focuses his mind ___ his study.

   A. of; on   B. of; at   C. by; to   D. on; at 


A 【解析】略

The farmers built long fences, ____ keeping the wild dogs out of them.

   A. aimed at   B. aim for   C. aiming at   D. aimed to  













1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2. 词数 120 左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

      Recently, our class have had a discussion about whether it’s right to clone humans. _________





1.The TV series was so interesting that neither of them felt like _______ (go) to sleep.   

2.The brave soldiers were determined to save all the people ________ (trap) in the burning building.

3.I want to leave now; I can’t stand _____________(do) nothing useful here. 

4.The boy pretended ___________ (study) when his mother came in.    

5.The poster was revised _____________ (base)on the suggestions of other group members.  

6.__________(ask) around, I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.

7.The boy was naughty but he always avoided _________(catch) so the teacher thought I was good.

8.______ (ensure) the safety of gas, the government has checked the city’s gas supply system thoroughly.

9.The old man is badly ill and he needs ___________(take) to hospital at once.

10.The problem __________(discuss) at the meeting tomorrow is about the preservation of local cultural heritage.




1. Before the Spring Festival, streets and shops are always c__________ with people.

2.It is i__________ to kill rare animals and whoever kills them shall be punished.

3.The couple did not have a child of their own so they a__________ the baby deserted in the street.

4.Don’t care what others say and trust in your own j__________.

5. In the last three d___________,great changes have taken in my hometown.

6.______________(产量) of computers has increased double in the last few weeks.

7.He is considered as an __________(杰出的) actor who has a gift for acting.

8.Zhao Benshan is one of the most popular ___________(喜剧演员) in China.

9.He __________(发誓) he hadn’t taken my watch.

10. It was __________(荒谬的)of him to raise such a foolish question in class.





Mirriam Websters online dictionary defines happy as: enjoying good health and satisfaction. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? I know a secret that can lead to happiness. Now you may ask, what secret is that? It’s a well-known secret, in fact. Perform a random(随意的) act of kindness per day.

Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to grow. According to University of Pennsylvania’s website, positive psychology has three central concerns: positive emotions, positive individual character, and positive systems. Understanding positive emotion includes the study of satisfaction with the past, happiness at present, and hope for the future. Understanding positive individual character consists of the study of the strengths and virtues, such as love, courage, creativity, curiosity, self-knowledge, self-control, and wisdom. Understanding positive systems needs the study of meaning and purpose as well as the strengths that help the growth of better communities, such as responsibility, leadership, teamwork, purpose, and tolerance(忍耐力).

Positive psychology focuses on strengths as well as weaknesses, on building the best things in life as well as repairing the worst. It asserts(断言) that human goodness and excellence is just as real as sadness and illness, and that life consists more than seeking the answers to problems. All these things can be summed up in one concept: giving can equal a meaningful life, i.e. happiness.

But you are probably wondering how. Well, let’s examine the research, shall we? A 1996 study showed that wealth is only weakly related to happiness both within and across nations, particularly when income is above the poverty level. So money does not mean happiness. In 2000, a different study showed that activities that make people happy in some way—such as shopping, good food and making money—do not lead to satisfaction in the long term, indicating that these have quick diminishing returns(收益递减).

However, on the other hand, we also know that people who witness others perform good deeds experience an emotion which drives them to perform their own good deeds. Making a contribution to the lives of other people may help to extend our own lives.

This is why I make a point of trying to do something nice every day. Sometimes I tip much larger than I need to. Sometimes I just smile at someone who looks like they really need it. A random act of kindness is an act that receives just as much as it gives. You’ll be happier. They’ll be happier. And you’ll live longer. So, please, perform a random act of kindness each day.


Happiness and kindness

The 1. ______ of happiness

Being healthy and 2._____.

The 3._____ to happiness

Performing a random act of kindness per day

Positive psychology behind happiness

The three central concerns:

u  Positive emotion is the positive attitude toward the present, the past and the future.

u  Positive character is the4._______ and virtues in one.

u  Positive system is what helps better communities 5._______.

The focus of positive psychology:

u  It attaches much importance to building the strengths and repairing weaknesses.

u  Life is more than 6._______ problems.

u  A meaningful life lies in 7.______.

The results of a study

u  Wealth is only related to happiness in a(n) 8.______ way.

u  Some activities only bring happiness for a 9._____ time.

The influence

u  Good deeds can bring people an emotion to do the 10._____ and make them live longer.

u  I will do something nice every day such as giving a larger tip and smiling at whoever needs it.



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