满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When she heard the sad news of her famil...

When she heard the sad news of her family, the lady ________.

   A. broke down        B. broke out          C. broke up          D. broke into


A 【解析】略


 假如你是李华, 听说你的同学Tom吸烟, 给他写一封建议信,包括以下内容:

1.    吸烟对自己和周围的同学、老师都有害,影响健康。

2.    吸烟浪费钱和时间,中学生应该珍惜时间努力学习。

3.    已经吸烟成瘾的要下决心戒烟。

4.    当你因不吸烟而感到焦虑和紧张时,做深呼吸或做一些放松活动。

5.    把注意力转移到学习上。

Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to hear that you have got into the habit of smoking. ________________



                                                    Li Hua



短文改错(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

文中有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

       2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A minister was asked to dinner by one of his friend, which he knew was an untidy housekeeper. When he sat down at the table, he notices that the dishes were the most dirtiest he had ever seen in his life. “Were these dishes ever washed?” she asked. His friend replied, “They’re as cleanly as soap and water could get them.” He was a bit worried, so the food smelt so good that he couldn’t wait to start eat. He was happy, as the food was delicious, even though the dishes were dirty. Before dinner was over, his friend took the dishes outside and shouted her dogs,” Here, Soap! Here, Water!”



1. This painting is fairly _____________(典型的) of his early works.

2. He _____________(尝试) to get a high position in the company, but failed.

3. Can you give me some _____________(具体的) examples?

4. She is the ____________(赞助人) of this activity.

5. His schedule is _______________.(灵活的)

6. The manager s___________ that key point in particular at the meeting yesterday.

7. The soldiers have _________________(加强)their defenses.

8. He was d__________ when he lost all his money.

9. I was always an _____________ (笨拙的) dancer.

10. We can e___________ our currency for dollars in the bank.



 Do you regularly get together to talk with your family about problems or the day’s events? _____1_____ Want to improve your family's communication skills? Try these simple steps to improve your family’s communication skills.

1. Create opportunities for talking.

Make time for talking by reducing the number of activities your family is involved in each week. And if you do find yourself in the car running from place to place, make a point to turn off the radio, the cell phones and the personal game players, and use that opportunity to catch up on the day’s activities.

2. Insist on family meals.

In addition to bringing everyone together for a wrap-up of the day’s activities, insisting on a few standing family meals creates ritual and routine that kids come to expect and look forward to. _____2_____

3. _____3_____

Spending time with each of your children lets them know that are not getting lost in the hubbub of a busy day or large family. Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place. Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket, especially when you let them select their favorite cereal or special dessert.

4. Remember the 80/20 rule.

When trying to improve any relationship, listening is far more important than talking. _____4_____ If you do verbally explode before your child is finished, apologize quickly and assure him or her that you’re now ready to listen.

5. Create family traditions.

_____5_____ Family members come to expect and appreciate these traditions, seeing them as opportunities to come together as a unit. If your family is short on traditions, there’s no reason you can’t start some now.

A. We should have an active attitude to our family life.

B. Lunches with aging parents keep those relationships healthy, as well.

C. Setting up a family movie night, attending religious services or visiting the same spot every year for summer vacation are all the examples.

D. When it comes to family communication, listen four times longer than you speak.

E. Go on individual dates with your children.

F. Use the family dinner table as an opportunity to share what’s going on in family members’ lives.

G. Conversation is the key to any strong relationship, especially for family communication.



Americans All

Type: Musical Running Time: 50 Minutes

     This is a musical play set in a high school classroom that will teach you the importance of staying in school. This fun and entertaining musical experience will appeal to anyone. It has a positive message that will be well received by students as well as their teachers and parents. Almost all of the roles can be played either by males or females. The dialogue teaches values, ethics and how to be the best you can be. The lyrics (歌词) and music flow non-stop with piano accompaniment (伴奏).

     A Mother in My Head

Type: Short Play Running Time: 45 Minutes

     Where does motherly advice and direction begin and where does it end? Or does it ever end? This fast-paced play follows the lives of two young people as they begin their careers, meet, and fall in love, each coached in every step of the way by the "mothers in their heads". The on-stage presence of the mothers provides an interaction (相互交流) between characters that is thoroughly enjoyable.

     One of Our Clowns Is Missing

Type: Short Play Running Time: 30 Minutes

     Adapted from the full-length play One of Our Clowns Is Missing by Robert Frankel, this play will bring the audience to cheers, tears, and applause. Sandy lacks self-esteem (自尊), but after meeting a group of characters that turn her life around, she regains her confidence and makes a new start.

     My Fed Ex Christmas Request

Type: Short Play Running Time: 10 Minutes

     Nicky is naughty every year so instead of getting toys under his Christmas tree, Santa has been leaving him a lump (块) of coal in his stocking year after year. Well, Nicky has finally had it with being labeled as naughty by Santa and decides to pack himself in a FedEx box and ship it to the North Pole. He’s going to defend his case face to face with Santa. This comedy shows us what happens when Nicky decides he’s not going to take it anymore!

1.To encourage their children to stay in school, parents should take their children to see __________.

A. Americans All                  B. A Mother in My Head

C. One of Our Clowns Is Missing     D. My Fed Ex Christmas Request

2.A Mother in My Head___________________.

A. teaches young women how to be good mothers

B. advises mothers to care more about their children

C. shows mothers’ influence on young people’s lives

D. encourages young people to live with their mothers

3.Which of the following can inspire people to gain more self-confidence?

A. A Mother in My Head.              B. Americans All.

C. My FedEx Christmas Request.       D. One of Our Clowns Is Missing.



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