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Active participation in the classroom i...


       Active participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student’ s oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role (I.e., listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, students questions, and informal lectures.

       A professor’s teaching style is another factor that determines the degree and type of student participation. Some professors prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without controlling it. Many professors encourage students to question and challenge their ideas. Students who make statements that contradict the professor’s point of view should be prepared to prove their positions.

       Ideally, the teacher-student relationship at universities is characterized by trust. The “honor system” demands that the student be honest in all areas of school work. Thus, cheating on tests, presenting others’ ideas as original, and turning in homework done by someone else are all forbidden.

       Violation of the honor system can result in a student’s failing a course, having a record of the violation placed in the student’s school files, or even being driven out from the university. Students who cheat may lose the respect of other students, particularly those who study for exams and work independently. When leaving the classroom while students are taking an exam, an instructor may or may not say, “I expect you all to obey the honor system.” Even if the words are not stated, the student is expected to work alone and not to share answers.

1.    In many courses, teachers__________.

       A. allow the students to participate

       B. require the students to participate

       C. both A and B

       D. neither A nor B

2.    If a student does not agree with the professor in a lecture, the student is encouraged to    __________.

       A. remain silent

       B. challenge the professor

       C. leave the class

       D. tell the professor immediately that he is wrong

3.    If a professor believes in the “honor system,” it implies his _________.

       A. suspicion of the students

       B. distrust of the students

       C. trust in the students

       D. pride in the students

4.    Violations of the honor system do not include __________.

       A. cheating

       B. failing a course

       C. sharing answers

       D. handing in homework done by another student


 C  B  C  B 【解析】


Section B

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in  the passage you have just read.


       Matsushita, the world’s largest provider of consumer electronics, has decided to move in on Hollywood. Last weekend, Matsushita company leaders met with movies VIPs from MCA, Inc., the entertainment community that produced the movies as “Jaws” and “E.T. the Extra-terrestrial”. If the negotiations are successful, Matsushita will pay somewhere between $6 billion and $7.5 billion for MCA, by far the largest U.S. buying by a Japanese company.

       The deal is larger than last year’s $5 billion buying of Columbia Pictures by Matsushita’s competitor, Sony Corporation. The movement by the Japanese companies shows Tokyo’s growing interest in the entertainment world. It is surprising for both sides of the Pacific Ocean. Why does a disciplined, no-nonsense nation like Japan want to get into show business? The answer is quite simple: To make money. Japanese corporation leaders feel the global potential of the entertainment business and recognize that there is an increasing market for movies and television in the rapidly industrializing world.

1.    The movement of buying American entertainment companies by the Japanese shows       that____     _.

      A. American movies are better than Japanese

      B. Japan has growing interest in the entertainment world

      C. Japanese market is larger than American market

      D. Japanese people are richer

2.    A disciplined nation like Japan wants to get into show business because _____

      A. they want to make money

      B. they want to learn from American people

      C. they want to entertain their people

      D. they want to win in the competition

3.    Matsushita would pay ______ for MCA.

      A.$5 billion

      B.$6 billion

      C.$7.5 billion

      D. Somewhere between $6 billion to $7.5 billion




III. Reading Comprehension:31%

  Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that fits the context.


Good news! Tiny robots designed by University of Nebraska researchers may   50     doctors on Earth to help perform surgery on patients in space.

   The tiny, wheeled robots, which are about 3 inches tall and as wide a lipstick case, can be slipped into small incisions ( 切口 ) and computer-controlled by surgeons in different    51   . Some robots are equipped with    52    and lights and can send images back to surgeons and others have surgical tools attached that can be controlled    53   .

   “ We think this is going to    54    open surgery.” Dr. Dmitry Oleynikov said at a news conference. Oleynikov is a    55    in computer-assisted surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

   Officials hope that NASA will teach    56    to use the robots soon enough    57   

surgeries could one day be performed in space.

   The camera-carrying robots can provide    58    of affected areas and the ones with surgical tools will be able to operate inside the body in ways surgeons’ hands can’t. The views from the camera-carrying robots are    59    than the naked eye, because they    60    back color images that are magnified. Because several robots can be inserted through one incision, they could reduce the amount and    61    of cuts needed for surgery, which would decrease recovery time. This is particularly    62    to those patients who have been weakened by long illness.

   Eventually, Oleynikov said, “ The tiny robots may enable surgeons to work without ever __63__their hands in patients’ bodies. That is the    64   . It is getting easier and easier. We can do even more with these devices.”


50.  A. use                         B. pay                          C. allow                       D. force

51.  A. locations                 B. directions                 C. fields                       D. ways

52.  A. operators           B. monitors            C. cameras               D. flashes

53.  A. automatically        B. remotely            C. manually               D. widely

54.  A. perform           B. undergo             C. follow                D. replace

55.  A. reporter            B. specialist             C. designer               D. director

56.  A. astronauts          B. nurse                C. teachers               D. trainers

57.  A. in order to         B. so that               C. thus                 D. in case

58.  A. answers          B. services               C. views                D. insights

59.  A. weaker            B. stronger                     C. poorer                D. better

60.  A. send              B. produce                     C. change                      D. create

61.  A. measure            B. size                  C. power               D. pressure

62.  A. relevant            B. true                 C. helpful              D. interesting

63.  A. touching           B. pressing              C. holding             D. placing

64.  A. ambition         B. goal                 C. achievement          D. victory




Section B

   Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need


A. agree          B. suffer        C. system       D. notice        AB. through  

AC. dangerous     AD. space       BC. limited     BD. absorbs      CD. let out


   For years scientist have been worried about the effects of air pollution on the earth’s natural conditions. Some believe the air inside many houses may be more    41    than the air outside. It may be one hundred times worse.

   Indoor air pollution can cause a person to feel tired, to    42     eye-pain, headache and other problems. Some pollutants can cause breathing disorders, diseases of blood and even cancer. Most scientists    43    that every modern house has some kind of indoor pollution. People began to    44    the problem in the early 1970s, when it was that builders began making houses and offices which did not waste energy. To do this they built buildings that    45    the flow of air between inside and outside. They also began using man-made building materials. These materials are now known to    46    harmful gases. As the problem became more serious, scientists began searching for a way to deal with it. They discovered a natural pollution control    47    for building green plants. Scientist do not really know how plants control air pollution. They believe that a plant’s leaves take in the pollutants. In exchange the plant produces oxygen    48    its leaves and through its tiny organizations on its roots. Scientists suggest that all buildings should have one large plant or several small plants inside for every nine square meters of space. Studies of different plants show that each    49    different chemicals. So the most effective way to clean the air is to use different kinds of plants. Having green plants inside your house can make it a prettier and healthier place.




      People in industrial countries take in _________as they actually need every day.

     A. twice as much protein                           B. protein as much twice   

       C. twice protein as much                            D. protein as twice as much




To meet the challenge, the young people preferred _______ heavier work to do in their spare time.

     A. to have given     B. to be giving            C. having give      D. to be given



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