满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Living on Mars isn’t ________ as it soun...


Living on Mars isn’t ________ as it sounds.

         A. as strange an idea       B. as idea strange

         C. as a strange idea         D. as an idea strange


A 【解析】


         Visitors ________ take an animal or any other item prohibited by the Expo Bureau to the Expo Park.

         A. needn’t        B. may not        C. mustn’t        D. will not




One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain ________ good knowledge of basic word formation.

         A. /   B. the       C. a  D. one



Ⅱ.Guided writing (25分)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

学校近期将开设“学生理财入门”(Money Management ABC)选修课,你会参加吗?请作出选择并陈述理由。



第II卷       (共45分)

I. Translation(20分)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 歌咏比赛将于下周三举行。(hold)

2. 再努力一点,你会做得更好。(and)

3. 面对这样复杂的问题,他一筹莫展。( loss)

4. 人人都愿意和乐于助人、有幽默感的人交朋友。(who)

5. 毋庸置疑,她将会被选为2010年世博会志愿者,因为她有很强的沟通能力。(choose)

6. 一般说来,你越了解一个国家的历史和文化,你就越对这个国家怀有敬意。(more)



Section C

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

A  Preparation for taking a citizenship test

B  Citizenship tests in European countries

C  Cultural differences and conflicts

D  New US Citizenship Test

E  Different views on the new citizenship test

F  Goal of the new citizenship test




Last week, a sample of the new US citizenship exam was released by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services(US-CIS). It will be tried out in 10 cities early next year to replace the current test in 2008. Instead of asking how many stripes the US flag has, as the current test does, the new one asks why there are l3 stripes. Instead of having to name the branches of government, an applicant is asked to explain why there are three.



The newly released US citizenship exam has included more information and knowledge. People who take it need to know more about the adopted country and have a deeper insight into its culture and values. “The goal is to make it more meaningful.” explains Emilio Gonzalez, director of the US—CIS. Immigrants who pass it are expected to have a better “understanding and respect” for US civic values, Gonzalez says.  



The US isn't the only country dealing with citizenship tests that aim to get a “shared commitment” from immigrants for their adopted country's “values”. In recent years, in addition to the usual requirement of language/work skills and economic status, several European countries have adopted citizenship tests. Britain introduced a new citizenship test last November. In March, a new Dutch law took effect requiring all would-be immigrants to take a citizenship test. It involved watching a video showing nude(裸体的)women bathing at beaches and gay(同性恋的)men kissing in public. The aim was to ensure that “newcomers will be comfortable with the country's liberal social mores(风俗)”.



Europe has been known for welcoming immigrants for decades. But, today, the fact is that some immigrants are kept apart from local citizens by culture and they become hostile (敌对的) to each other. Promoting unity has become a major concern for European countries, after the rioting in Muslim ghettoes(少数民族聚居区)in France and the killing of Dutch public figures by religious extremists.



Officials believe that a person's attachment to a country can be tested by his or her knowledge of the country. However, some critics say that the changes can do little to help people assimilate(同化)themselves. “Immigration is a culture war today. Is giving a new test the right way to lessen the accusations in that fight?” says Ali Noorani, of the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition(难民辩护联盟).



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