满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When he bought the products in a large q...

When he bought the products in a large quantity, he was angry to find they were _____ the samples given to him.

A.as not well as

B.as not good as

C.not so good as

D.not so well as


C 【解析】略

Building a new school is one thing, while keeping it running smoothly is quite ______.

A.the other






The volunteers for the Shanghai World Expo are busy from dawn ______ dust but they feel very proud of it.











第II卷 (共20分)

I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 和他讨论这个计划是没有用的。(use)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

2. 世博会给我们提供了一个了解世界的好机会。(offer)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

3. 一家餐厅是否受顾客青睐取决于它的食品和服务。(depend)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

4. 快餐吃得越多,对我们的健康越有害。 (the more…, the more)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

5. 网络的发展使我们很容易就能找到所需的信息。(make)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

6. 一个人不可能总是失败, 只要努力,一定会美梦成真。(as long as)

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________





Section C 

Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.


A. The factors leading to a good speaker

B. The importance of enunciation

C. Talk with strangers

D. Pronunciation, the other important assistant in conversation

E. A famous master of conversation

F. The great use of dictionary


1. _________________________

The ancient Greeks were very good at making conversations, and the greatest talker of them all was philosophers Socrates. His student Plato surpassed some of his supposed conversations, and we read them in The Dialogue of Plato. In many classrooms today, Socrates’ method of teaching is used.

2. _________________________

The best talkers appear to have had a great interest in and love for their follow creatures, a curiosity about the world in general, some powers of observation and tolerance for those of others, and quick thinking. And they talk for the fun of it, not to show off their knowledge.

3. _________________________

A good voice must have the help of good speech, whose two assistants are clear enunciation and correct pronunciation. Poor enunciation may suggest to your listeners that you lack consideration, and that you are not especially concerned about their opinion of you.

4. _________________________

Pronunciation is settled by common agreement of the community of group speaking the particular language or dialect. For standard pronunciations of words, a dictionary is your best friend.

5. _________________________

Think of meeting a stranger as a chance to have a good time to talk, to make a friend. Look with a smile directly into the other’s eyes when you are introduced, and shake hands with a firm, friendly clasp (紧握). This will give you confidence. Then try to have a smooth and pleasant conversation with him.




They travel in groups, noses just inches away form GPS screen. Suddenly a boy shouts “I found it!”, grinning and walking away from the group.

The others focus on their screens. “Me. too!” shouts another a moment later, until all six kids are crowded around a tree, pulling out a plastic bottle painted to look like tree bark. It doesn’t seem like much from the outside, but everyone gathers around, eager to see what’s inside.

This is geocaching, a high-tech game played using coordinates (坐标) and global positioning systems to find hidden “treasures”.

It’s open to anyone—hiders or seekers—with a GPS and access to www.geocaching.com, where more than half a million users download and upload the coordinates of nearly 1 million hidden caches (储藏物) and write about their experiences in this worldwide hunt.

Although some adventures can take hours or even days, the contents inside the actual cache usually aren’t valuable—often just a book or a small trinket (小饰品).

But participants aren’t in it for the treasure. They say it’s a great way to exercise. Or it brings them to remote destinations or historical sites. Some consider it an extreme sport, looking for geocaches hidden in mountains or in other nearly inaccessible locations.

Jeffrey Howe, 41, sees it as an opportunity to take kids on adventures to unfamiliar places. The youths at the shelter mostly come form the city, but geocaching has taken them to parks, the suburbs, and, once, to a 498-meter-high mountain.

“Geocaching is a way to give kids the idea that there’s a whole world out there other than what they know from their home neighborhoods and video games,” he said.

How does it work? Log onto the Website and enter your zip code (邮编), then search for caches near your location. Although posted coordinates will take a GPS within about 4.5 meters of a cache, a good hide will require seekers to do a bit of hunting around. Caches can’t be buried underground, nor can they be hidden on private property (财产), in dangerous locations or in some national parks.

Posts written about the find—whether successful or unsuccessful—are an important part of the game, with users proudly recording the places to which they’ve traveled.

1.    What is the meaning of the underlined word geocaching in paragraph 3?

         A. A computer game played all over the world.

         B. A TV series popular around the world.

         C. An outdoor game of hiding and finding things.

         D. A name of the latest GPS.

2. In geocaching, which of the following statements about players is NOT TRUE?

         A. Players need to have GPS to play the game.

         B. Players need to download the coordinates to find the hidden caches.

         C. Players need to be young and strong to the play the game.

         D. Players are asked to hide things in parks or other places most people can reach.

3.    What is Jeffrey Howe’s attitude toward geocaching?

         A. Negative.     B. Objective.    C. Uncertain.   D. Supportive.

4.    Many people like to play this game because __________.

         A. they take pleasure in the process of the game

         B. they like to visit historical sites

         C. they want to find some treasure

         D. they want to change their lives



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