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Section B Directions: Complete the follo...

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.  Each word can be used only once.  Note that there is one word more than you need.




D.claimedE. spirit

F. publicly     G. combined    H. produced   I. rebel       J. especially

Ludwig Van Beethoven was one of the greatest musicians in the 19th century.  Living in a period of change, he expressed the ___41___ of his time in his music. 

At that time, people were trying to break out of the feudalism(封建主义), and they were trying to pursue ___42___, equality and universal love.  Such social change, ___43___ the French revolution, greatly inspired Beethoven.  He, together with many contemporary artists, ___44___ many vigorous works, which praised heroism and ___45___ the love for nature.  To some extent, Beethoven was a social ___46___.  He refused to bow to social traditions and power.  When Napoleon was in power, who ___47___ to be a believer of the republic, Beethoven admired him so much that he devoted his Symphony No.5(第五交响曲) to him.  But then Napoleon put crown on his own head and became an emperor.  Beethoven got very angry and he ___48___ criticized Napoleon, regardless of possible life threat. 

Except for all his social and political wishes, he also led to great progress in the history of music.  It was he who clearly defined the form of symphony and ___49___ developed it.  And his achievements, according to some, marked the end of the classical period and the beginning of the romantic period in the music history.


41. E 42. A 43. J 44. H 45. B 46. I 47. D 48. F 49. C 【解析】略

______ as the main reason for the recent world-wide economic problems is the fact that the US government would hardly accept.


B.To regard


D.Being regarded



The Apple Company had scarcely released i-Phone ______ it became one of the best-selling electronic products.







Electrolysis(电解)is the process ______ electric current is passed through a substance to cause a chemical charge.



C.to which

D.by which



So much ______ by the poem for the Wenchuan earthquake that he decided to participate in the re-construction of the damaged region.

A.did he move

B.he moved

C.was he moved

D.he was moved



Scientists ______ SARS for several months before a major discovery was made in the field.

A.had been studying

B.have been studying

C.have studied

D.are studying



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