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(B) Single and Not Finding Love? If you ...


Single and Not Finding Love?

If you are single and have not had a good relationship for a long time, you might want to see what you need to improve about yourself or about your life in order to attract the right kind of person to you. Do you always seem to attract the same kind of person? Find out and you can attract the kind of person you WANT to be with. Call 626-772-5653.

Anxiety Help

Do you have anxiety, stress or depression? Come to our group. Free workshops, lectures and counseling options available. We don't use drugs in our solutions. You can talk to someone about your situation in a free one-on-one consultation. Call 626-792-7533 and ask for Sara or Lisa. We are a non-profit organization.

Life Coaching

Come in for a free interview to find what area(s) you want to expand. We will do a free personality analysis that is extremely accurate and plots such traits as stability, happiness, aggressiveness, communication level, affinity for others, criticalness, responsibility and more. After the interview we will tailor a program just for you and your needs to attain your goals. Our goal is to help you get to the next level in your life and achieve your goals.

How to Succeed Even in This Economy!

There are basic tools that guarantee personal and business prosperity. Make all your biggest dreams come true in 2010! Learn how by attending the Prosperity Workshop Series. Each week a different topic will be addressed. Marketing/ Financial Planning/ Public Relations and more. Pick the workshop you wish to attend or attend them all. $10 per event -- includes a booklet. Call 626-792-7533 to sign up.

69. You can read these classified ads on the Internet when you click “______” in the catalogue.

A. education            B. activities             C. entertainment        D. volunteers

70. According to the ad, one needs to pay if he is interested to attend the program in ______.

A. Life Coaching                                             B. Anxiety Help

C. Single and Not Finding Love?                             D. How to Succeed Even in This Economy!

71. As Mrs. Smith wants to take a personality analysis, she may ______.

A. call 626-772-5653                                        B. contact Sara or Lisa

C. sign up for an interview                                D. attend a workshop


69-71             BDC 【解析】略

Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


After a few days in Pittsburgh, I was happy to leave the city and enjoy the harmony of the countryside. I left my hotel early and drove south to the Bear Run Nature Reserve. As I arrived, I was immediately impressed by the charming Laurel Highlands and other natural sights. However, I was not there to enjoy beauty: I was there to see a house, one of the most famous houses in the world.

The house I had come to see is Fallingwater. It is called Fallingwater because it was built over a waterfall. As most houses are built on solid ground, this house’s location instantly made it famous. When you approach the house, surrounded by forest, streams and mountains, it looks as though the clear blue water were flowing through it, since the stream rushes out from under the ground floor of the building.

The house was designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, for businessman Edgar Kaufman and his family. As I toured the house, I learnt that it took Wright three years to build the place. The Kaufman family had asked him to design them a home in the middle of the countryside where they could enjoy the sights and sounds of the natural world. Though they lived in the city, they loved to come to the mountains to spend some time in the peace and quiet of nature, where they could go camping in the forest and play in the stream with their children. In fact, they loved the water so much that they asked Wright to design a house that would let them view the beautiful waterfall every day.

Many people have suggested that this incredible building is a work of art, and I would agree that this beautiful house is a masterpiece of design. It also demonstrates how important it is to live side-by-side with nature and to respect it rather than try to dominate it. 

65. ______ impressed the author first as he arrived at the location of Fallingwater.

A. The beauty of nature                                    B. The sight of the waterfall

C. The designer of the house                              D. The preservation of the environment

66. Fallingwater quickly became famous because ______.

A. a famous architect designed it                        B. it was built over waterfall

C. blue water flowed through it                         D. it was situated in a nature reserve

67. The Kaufman family had the house built there in order to ______.

A. move to the countryside                           B. live in a masterpiece

C. enjoy the harmony of nature                         D. create a new scenic spot

68. What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Talent Designer and His Masterpiece          B. Human and Nature

C. A House over Waterfall                                D. Life in Fallingwater



III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Many times when our new husbands and wives enter our lives, they need to accept another love that is already there. A lot of us have pets and they are a huge part of our __50__. Some may not want these loved ones absent from our most __51__ moment of getting married. There are many things you can do to your pets to be __52__ included in your wedding and not have the event turn into a __53__. Let's talk about how you can have a pet friendly wedding! 

First things first, some people may be allergic(过敏)to pets and this does have to be taken into consideration when you're thinking of __54__ your dog, cat or other pet in the wedding activities. The __55__ thing you want to do is have sneezing guests that are miserable the whole time they are at your wedding. __56__ you may want to plan an outdoor wedding so that the pet dander(毛屑)does not become an issue it would be if __57__ indoors.

Next, set aside an area where pets will be kept out in the open and __58__ but still away so not to spoil the wedding ceremony. If the pets are __59__ and used to being around other pets, allow the pets to play together. Also, you should ask anyone that has a pet __60__ at the wedding to sit towards the back and away from anyone that may have allergies.

And last but not least, not only will you have to plan a special meal for your __61__ guests, you'll also want to make sure there's plenty of food and water for any pets present. Although this may be a bit __62__, you may want to allow only certain types of animals to attend the wedding activities. __63__, if you have a dog, perhaps only allow guests that also have dogs. Obviously you will not want aggressive pets possibly to __64__ any part of the event. I'm sure you are not going to want to walk through the crowd to pets fighting in the background.

50.A. lives                   B. homes                     C. marriages                D. families

51.A. lively                 B. important                 C. attractive                 D. representative

52.A. safely             B. blindly                     C. smoothly                 D. uncertainly

53.A. dream             B. comedy                    C. legend                      D. disaster

54.A. feeding                  B. raising                            C. including                  D. attending

55.A. last                     B. only                         C. other                       D. similar

56.A. However             B. Furthermore             C. Therefore                 D. Meanwhile

57.A. held                  B. trapped                    C. participated              D. celebrated

58.A. at risk             B. in sight                    C. for fun                            D. by hand

59.A. healthy                  B. energetic                  C. sociable                   D. sensitive

60.A. alert                   B. angry                             C. present                     D. disappointed

61.A. human            B. formal                   C. party-animal            D. animal-loving

62.A. tough                  B. silly                        C. serious                    D. common

63.A. In general           B. By contrast            C. In conclusion            D. For instance

64.A. attend             B. witness                     C. worsen                     D. interrupt



Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.




D.involve E. necessary

F. potential     G. shortcuts         H. specific      I. structurally   J. surprises

The home inspection is an essential part of any home buying process. Without a home inspection, you can never be sure what you're getting and when buying a home that's a lot of money to __41__ on uncertainty. A home inspection ensures that there are no __42__ and that you can enjoy your future home for years to come.

A home inspection will __43__ hiring a company to send a home inspector out to go through your potential home with you and thoroughly inspect everything to make sure there are no major problems that might not be obvious to the average home owner. He will go over all the wiring, plumbing(管道系统), the roof and the foundation to make sure everything is __44__ sound. At the same time as the home inspection it's always a good idea to have a pest (昆虫) inspection to check for damaging insects such as carpenter ants.

Different states have different regulations for home inspections. So you need to be aware of what the requirements of your __45__ state are and make sure the inspector covers these areas. It’s a good idea to ask to see any __46__ certification, which a professional home inspector will gladly show you. It’s also best to make certain that your specific inspector has experience with your region. A local home inspector will better __47__ conditions in your area such as damp basements, winter damage to roofing or cracks in the foundation caused by normal settling.

A thorough home inspection takes time, so don’t settle for someone that you feel might be taking __48__. Many home inspectors are happy to have you accompany them on the inspection. A walk through with the home inspector is a great time to learn about how your home works and what to look for in terms of __49__ trouble.

A home inspection is just absolutely necessary and one will provide much peace of mind once you move into your new home. 



After ten years of living in a remote village, she is a completely different person from _____

she used to be.







The 2010 World Expo _____ in Shanghai is expected to attract more than 70 million visitors

from home and abroad.

A.to hold

B.to be held


D.to be holding



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