满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分...


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


BEIJING (AFP) — Archeologists in China have uncovered more than 3,000 dinosaur footprints,state media reported,in an area said to be the world’s largest grouping of fossilized hones belonging to the ancient animals.

The footprints,believed to be more than 100 million years old,were discovered after a three-month excavation(发掘、出土) at a gully in Zhucheng in the eastern province of Shandong,the Xinhua news agency reposed.   

The footprints range from 10 to 80 centimeters (4 to 32 inches) in length,and belonged to at least six different kinds of dinosaurs,including tyrannosaurs,the report said Saturday.

Wang Haijun,a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences,said the footprints faced the same direction.Xinhua said.

This indicated a possible migration or a panic escape by plant-eating dinosaurs after an attack by predators(食肉动物),Wang added.

Archeologists have found dinosaur fossils at some 30 sites in Zhucheng,known as“dinosaur city.”The region has seen two major digs since 1964,and experts say the discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a dense area could provide clues on how the animals became extinct millions of years ago.

Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area.

36.We can infer from the text that_____.

A.most of the footprints are more than 32 centimeters long

B.the footprints found belong to some predators

C.the dinosaurs were running in all directions because of an attack

D.the area is considered to be a perfect tour source

37.Which statement below is true according to the passage above?

A.The number of the footprints found is more than 3000.

B.The dinosaurs may live in an age 10,000,000 years ago.

C.The discovery of fossils may open a new age.

D.Archeologists still wish to find some more fossils.

38.The passage may be picked out from_____.

A.a magazine    B.a science book   C.a newspaper    D.a students’ textbook


36---38   DAC   【解析】略



I have learned to expect gifts from Cod in the form of people.People who I meet for a few

seconds,a few hours or even for   16 .

My wife and I   17   a short train ride on an old train.It was   18   of her birthday plan.I was expecting to meet someone new who would   19   at our table.That was to be my

20   for that day.

We weren’t seated for two minutes   21   I heard,“Would you mind if I   22   you?”I replied,“  23 .1 was expecting you!”

He was in his early sixties and   24   introduced himself.But for the following 45    minutes,he never stopped   25   loudly.If there was a pause in the conversation,it was because   26   on the train was giving us some background information about the old train

27 ,this gentleman kept speaking to us about himself.Some things he said were very interesting.but most was a complaint about his experience as a   28   and different types of law.He never asked   29   of us what we did

So.if   30   did send him,what was the message this time?

He needed   31   and I needed to be reminded how important it was to listen to people,

32   for a few seconds.a few hours or for a lifetime.Perhaps I was sent to him.Maybe he was

33   to God to meet someone who   34 .

God gave us two ears and one mouth,because we need to listen   35   as much as we speak.

16.A.a lifetime            B.a few months      C.several years           D.a long time

17.A.put                     B.enjoyed              C.took                             D.planned

18.A.part                    B.gift                    C.dream                    D.intention

19.A.explain               B.glare                  C.come                     D.sit

20.A.inspiration                 B.expectation         C.gift                        D.conversation

21.A.after                   B.when                  C.suddenly                D.before

22.A.seated                 B.joined in             C.talked with             D.joined

23.A.Go ahead            B.Never mind         C.Forget it                D.With pleasure

24.A.formally             B.politely               C.immediately           D.intelligently

25.A.complaining         B.weeping              C.talking                   D.laughing

26.A.a tour guide          B.a conductor         C.a consumer             D.a trainer

27.A.However            B.Sometimes          C.Moreover               D.Otherwise

28.A.supporter            B.professor            C.mayor                    D.1awyer

29.A.each                   B.every                  C.either                     D.one

30.A.someone             B.God                   C.my wife                 D.the train

31.A.to improve          B.to talk                C.to control               D.to target

32.A.once                   B.by contrast          C.if only                   D.other than

33.A.praying              B.talking                C.desiring                 D.begging

34.A.should listen         B.maybe listen        C.must listen             D.would listen

35.A.much more           B.twice                  C.with two                D.a lot more



_____,there were also no lights in the houses along the street.

A.There not only were no streetlights

B.Not only there were no streetlights

C.Not only were there no streetlights

D.There were only no streetlights



My daughter went to see her grandma by bus,but I_____her there.

A.must have driven

B.should have driven

C.could have driven

D.might have driven



There is no need_____,because the flight has been cancelled.



C.to hurry




When we got to _____ farmer’s house,he greeted us in_____ special way.

A.the;a quite

B.a;a quite

C.the;quite a

D.a;quite a



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