满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- What about__________concert? --- It ...

--- What about__________concert?

--- It was too boring, you know, ________concert for me.

A.a; the

B.the; the

C.a; /

D.the; a


D 【解析】略



第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Dear Abby,

How are you? I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you.I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education Three hundreds and twenty students took the exam

for it,but only a few were chosen and 1 was one of them.Therefore,my parents are not happy about it.They are strong against my going there They say it is too far that they will not see me for a whole year and they are afraid that I will feel lonely and will not be used to the climate here.They can’t imagine a young girl like me live alone. They advise me to study in the capital instead.Then I’Il be able to continue living with them.How could I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?




71    It might understand more than you think.

A dog named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany.   72   Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee.

In one experiment,the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects.   73   In four tests,Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right.As the dog couldn’t see anyone to get clues,the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.

In another experiment,the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew.   74    

The correct object was chosen in seven out of 10 tests.suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of removing.A month later,Rico remembered half of the new names,which is even more impressive.

75   Even if they do,they can’t talk back.Still,it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog

every now and then You might just get a big,wet kiss in return!

A.The owner then told Rico to fetch the object,using a word the dog had never heard before

B.Do dogs more understand us than some friends?

C.It’s hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say.

D.Be careful what you say around your dog.

E.The dog also appears to be able to learn new words

F.Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back.

G.Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog.




It is a hot summer day,and you feel thirsty A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade.How do you feel when you see the glass? Will you describe your feeling as happiness or as pleasure? I believe you will say it is a feeling of pleasure.There is a connection between these two kinds of feelings,and sometimes one causes the other,but they are not the same.Pleasure is more dependent on the five senses while happiness is independent of them.

When you are happy,little unpleasant events usually do not disturb you.When you are unhappy,you feel as if everything is against you.You may compensate for it by eating chocolate and sweets because this gives you pleasure;yet you stay unhappy.A person may smoke cigarettes

because it gives him pleasure,yet,this does not make him happier,especially if he knows the fact that it is not good for his health

The physical world is always in a changing state.At each moment a new thing is being created,changed,transformed and then destroyed. This is the normal state of things and no one call change it.If we stay still in a certain state,we are sure to experience unhappiness sooner or later.On the other hand,if we adjust to the environment,nothing can influence our moods.Then outer events have nothing to do with our inner joy of mind.

The room of the mind was filled with worry or fear.If you are free of thinking about them, the room has been emptied,and then you will see what is happening and experience it When your

mind stays quiet,you will see that happiness comes from the inside.

67.What does the underlined phrase“compensate for”in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?

A.to make a suitable payment for       B.to let out your anger for

C.to provide with a balancing effect for    D.to solve the problems for

68.According to the passage, in which of the following situations can you feel happy? 

A.A friend gives you a glass of cold lemonade when you feel thirsty.

B.You eat chocolate and sweets when you feel as if everything is against you.

C.Smoke cigarettes even though you know the fact that it is not good for your health.

D.You are free from worry or fear when your mind stays quiet.

69.We can learn from the passage___________.

A.happiness is more dependent on the five sepses

B.pleasure sometimes arouses happiness

C.you feel happy when nothing around you changes in a certain state

D.you feel unhappy because you have to adjust to the environment

70.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Pleasure Leads To Happiness             B.Happiness Changes Us

C.Happiness Is Within Us                        D.Stay A Quiet Mind




An oasis (绿洲) is an island of life in an ocean of temperature extremes.Any oasis always contains one or more springs Oases make it possible to survive through the desert.In large deserts such as the Sahara.towns are located around sources of water such as oases and rivers.

What causes an oasis? An oasis is actually a spot in the desert where the altitude is low enough that the water table is fight below the surface,resulting in the presence of springs.Even in a desert, it rains occasionally,and this produces a water table just above the bedrock,usually several hundred feet below the surface.Sand is very porous (可渗透的),so most water runs right

through it and down to the bedrock.

Deserts consist of many millions of tons of sand.There is only one natural force capable of moving it in noticeable amounts:the wind.Although,in an average dust storm,ten cubic feet of air only holds about an ounce of sand,a cubic mile of air can move about 4,600 tons of it,leading to erosion (侵蚀).A severe storm is capable of moving as much as 100 million tons of sand and dust.

In certain areas where large quantities of sand are moved by storms,erosion digs all the way down to the water table,putting it just beneath the surface Seeds planted in the ground there are capable of extending roots into the moist land,producing an oasis.

Sometimes.the oasis produced by the wind can be very large when vast tracts of desert are wiped clean by storms.The great Kharga oasis in the Sahara,for example,is over 100 miles long and 12 to 50 miles in width. The oasis was produced when erosion caused the edges of the hollow places to sink down to the water table.    

63.What does “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to_______.

A.erosion        B.water table          C.sand                      D.storm

64.How many conditions of the oasis formation are mentioned in the passage without considering

The wind and seeds?

A.3                B.4                        C.5                           D.6

65.We can infer from the passage ________.

A.there is at least one spring on an oasis

B.the bedrock is usually just right below the surface

C.the great Kharga oasis is the biggest oasis in the world

D.the great Kharga oasis is at a low altitude

66.In the last paragraph,the author mentions the great Kharga oasis as an example to_______.

A.introduce the great oasis to the readers

B.tell how the oasis was produced by rain

C.show the oasis produced by the wind can be very large

D.tell it’s easy to form oases in the desert after storms




13th CLIC/LISO annual conference set for California


13th annual CLIC/LISO Conference


May  l7 to 19, 2007


Santa Barbra, California,US


Conference on Language,Interaction (相互作用) and Culture


*The Australia Research Council (ARC);

*Language,Interaction and Social Organization (LISO) group;

*The Center for language,Interaction and Culture (CLIC).

Keynote and featured speakers

*Barbara Fox,professor of 1inguistics (语言学),University of Colorado,Boulder,US;

*Celia Kitzinger, professor of sociology,University of York,UK:

*Norma Mendoza-Denton,professor of anthropology (人类学),University of Arizona,US;

*Jason Raley,assistant professor of education,University of California,Santa Barbara, US

Topic areas

*Anthropological linguistics;


*Conversation analysis;

*Discourse analysis


Language and culture researchers from institutions across US,Australia and many other countries.

Background information

The Language,Interaction. and Social Organization (LISO) group is composed of professors and researchers in the areas of linguistics,sociology,and education,etc.The Center for Language,Interaction,and Culture (CLIC) is made up of experts from anthropology,applied linguistics,education,psychology,and sociology. Their common purpose is to promote cross-disciplinary discussion of issues regarding language as a complex resource for thinking and acting in the world.

The Australian Research Council  (ARC) plays a key role in the Australian government’s investment in the future prosperity and well-being of the Australian community.

For further information,please visit http://www.hcsnet.edu.au/.

60.Who are likely to attend the conference?

A.Language researchers                       B.Language learners

C.Business men                                      D.Social volunteers

61.What topic will not probably be discussed in the conference?

A.Pragmatics study                             B.Discourse analysis

C.Economic development                       D.Language and culture

62.It is inferred from the passage that______.

A.1anguage is so difficult that learners should study sociology first

B.LISO aims to promote the prosperity and well-being of the world

C.the conference will be held in California of Australia

D.language has a close connection with sociology



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