满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

IV.短文改错:(共十个小题:每小题1分,满分10分) 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字...




         Growing up is not easy.Sometimes all that is need is someone to rely on.For many years, she was Mum.My mother was a career woman and has her own problems to take care, but when I needed her, she was always there.Her strength came from anywhere.I don’t quite know, somewhere very deep.She was so strong that she would never break down, even while I went to her with all my little-boy problems and shout at her.Her strength made me stronger and gave to me courage to try things other thought were impossible.A helping hand is always stronger enough to lift you up.


56.need→needed    57.she→it    58.has--had   59.take care 后加of     60.anywhere→somewhere   61.while→when(though/if)   62.shout→shouted   63. 删掉to.  64.other→others     65.stronger→strong 【解析】



         Nobody has ever succeeded in their attempt to stay young and live a very long life.__51__ But is this really true?

         Dr Aubrey de Grey thinks that we can stop people getting old and that in about 20 years, people will be able to live to be 1,000 years old!__52__

         In Dr Grey’s opinion, getting old is a problem that can be solved.__53__ If we can cure this disease, we can stop the aging process.We can also make people have young bodies again.

         Dr Grey believes that science will soon be able to stop the causes of aging so that a person’s body won’t get weak and won’t suffer from the typical diseases of old age.

         Dr Grey compares the human body to a house.As the house gets older, some things must be repaired.Broken hearts must be replaced.The same thing can happen with the human body, he thinks.We can use stem cell technology to grow new, healthy tissue to replace the old , damaged one.We can also try to remove disease-causing molecules in our bodies.__54__.

         __55__However, they admit that Dr Grey’s ideas have not yet been proved wrong.Dr Grey is convinced that his opinions are realistic and that his research is very important.If aging is a disease, he says, we must try to cure it.

         A.At the same time, people’s bodies will stay young and healthy.

         B.Scientists succeed in solving the problem of aging long ago.

         C.A lot of scientists think his ideas not realistic.

         D.When our bodies change as we get older, this is like a disease.

         E.New deadly diseases may also be cured, if we can stop the aging process.

         F.It seems that everybody must get old and die.

         G.In this way, a person could easily live to be 1,000 years old.




         A branch of psychology called neurolinguistic programming has made an interesting and useful discovery :You can change the way you imagine or remember things without changing what you imagine, and it will change your feelings.For example, if a visual memory makes you sad whenever you think about it, you can make that mental picture smaller and dimmer, and when you do, the memory won’t make you as sad.Since you haven’t changed the content of the memory, you haven’t lost any information.You have simply made it less painful.

         When you visually remember a pleasant memory, you can made the picture more colorful and the money will give you even more intense good feelings.You can make your pictures of the future brighter, wider , deeper, or you can bring the images closer.Changes like these will make you feel different--- even when you leave the content of the picture the same.

         These are general guidelies ( 指导方针 ).You’ll need to experiment for yourself to find out what will work for a particular image.For a few people, making an exciting picture brighter makes the feelings less intense.And for some kinds of pictures, increasing the brightness would cause the feelings to become less intense --- for example, a romantic memory.

         What is true for visual images also applies to the way you talk to yourself.

         For example, if you have trouble motivating yourself , try changing the tone of voice you use when you spread to yourself.Some people order themselves about .The voice they use to talk to themselves is harsh and commanding.Listening to yourself being bossy can have the same effect as listening to someone else being bossy: It can make you want to rebel.Change your tone to friendly or seductive, and you might feel more motivated .When you tell yourself, “I can do it,” fill your internal voice with enthusiasm and back it up with inspiring music.The possibilities are in fact endless.

         The important thing to understand is that they way you code your inner world has an impact , and you have quite a bit of control over that coding.You can change it deliberately.When you do , it will change your feelings, which change your actions, which will change the world around you..

1.Which is the best title of the passage?

         A.You Can Change the World Around You

         B.Be Merry

         C.You Can Change People’s Attitude towards You

         D.Talk to Yourself in a Friendly Way

2.The underlined word  “deliberately “ can be replaced by ___

         A.by change              B.on purpose             C.difficultly      D.wiser

3.We can infer that if we make a sad mental picture bigger and brighter, we can become _____

         A.happier        B.sadder                C.calmer              D.wiser.

4.What does the underlined sentence “Some people order themselves around” suggest?

         A.Some people order a lot of food.

         B.Some people order others to follow their instructions

         C.Some people are very hard on themselves

         D.Some people are very strict with themselves.




         The human body is a living machine, and, like all machines, it needs "fuel" (燃料) to supply it with energy.This is provided by the food we eat.But how much do we need to stay healthy?

         The energy value of food is usually measured in calories.A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1℃.The number of calories people need per day is different.Also, the number of calories you use at any one moment normally depends on the activity you are in.For example, you need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than for walking, and so on.

         The energy in food is in the form of three kinds of chemical materials-carbohydrate(碳水化合物), protein(蛋白质)and fat.Carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm, protein 4.0 Cal/gm, and fat 8.8 Cal/gm.Each food contains different amount of these materials, as the round pictures show.










1.The amount of calories supplied by equal amounts of milk, rice, and peanuts is the largest in the case of ________.

         A.milk             B.rice               C.peanuts        D.rice or peanuts

2.Choose one statement from among A-D that agrees with the passage and the pictures above.

         A.You need more calories for swimming than for mountain climbing.

         B.Food contains energy in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fuel.

         C.Different people need different amounts of energy depending on their age, sex and the activities they are in.

         D.3 grams of milk provides 16.6 calories because carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm, protein 4.0 Cal/gm and fat 8.8 Cal/gm.

3.This article mainly tells us ________.

         A.all the energy is in food           B.the human body needs energy

         C.the number of calories depends on your activity

         D.we must only eat peanuts to get calories




Safe burn

         Planning a home demands great care .The fireplace should be distinctive and elegant, with a fire that looks like a fire, giving your family the warmth and protection they need.

         Every year 7,000 people die in fires in Britian , and hundreds of them are little children.Thousands more are disfigured for life.

         When you choose a fire, choose Safeburn .It gives you the atmosphere of home comfort you are looking for, and sets your mind at rest.

Caithness  Pride

         Caithness Pride.The ninth Duke of Caithness would only drink the best whisky, So he built his own private still, in the heart of the Highlands, with the fresh water running in the stream nearby.When we came into possession of the still, we paid the Duke’s heirs a lot of money for it.But it was worth it.After all what was good for the Duke is too good to be kept a secret.

1.The above two passages are _____ .

         A.the covers for two books.

         B.The descriptions about two pictures

         C.The advertisements for two products

         D.The advice on home planning and whisky drinking

2.Fire can provide people with all the following except ____

         A.heat               B.home comfort         C.great care    D.peace.

3.From the second passage we’ve learnt that to make food whisky people need ___

         A.a famous person’s name        B.a private still

         C.good water                   D.good land

4.In the second passage, they are trying to make it clear that ____.

         A.their whisky was once drunk by a vey famous person

         B.their whisky still was built by the ninth Duke of Caithness

         C.their whisky is not expensive

         D.their whisky is second to none




(共20 小题,每小题2分,满分40分)



         For her first twenty-four year, she’d been known as Debbie---a name that didn’t suit her good looks and elegant manner.” My name has always made me think I should be a cheerleader, ”She complained.”I just don’t feel like a Debbie!”

         One day ,while filling out an application form for publishing job, the young woman suddenly changed middle name, Lynne, for her first name Debbie.“That was the smartest thing I ever did,” She says now.“ As soon as I stopped calling myself Debbie.I felt more comfortable with myself… and other people started to take me more seriously”.Two years after her successful magazine editor--- friends and associates call her Lynne.

         Naturally, the name change didn’t cause Debbie/Lynne’s professional achievement--- but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents.Social scientists say that what you are called can affect your life.Through history, names have not only identified people but also described them.”… As his name is, so is he …? says the Bible.For better or worse, qualities such as friendliness or reserves, simpleness or charm may be suggested by your name and encourage other people before they even meet you.

         Of course , names with a good sense can work for you ---even encouraging new acquaintances.A recent survey showed that American men thought Susan to be the attractive female name, while women believed Richard and David were the most attractive to men.One woman I know turned down a blind date with a man named Harry because “he sounded dull.” Several evenings later she came up to me at a party, pressing for an introduction to a very nice man with whom they looked at each other all evening.“Oh, “ I said.” You mean Harry?” She was ill at ease.

1.Debbie’s changing her name ____.

         A.had actually little to do with her career.

         B.was what she happened to do when filling out the form

         C.did have an effect on her success

         D.entirely contributed to her luck

2.The author introduced Harry to the woman___

         A.at the request of the woman herself

         B.to tell her that names didn’t matter really

         C.to make her feel uneasy in mind

         D.the person is more important than his /her name

3.The name Debbie may be connected with something ____

         A.huge           B.quiet            C.dull               D.attractive

4.The best possible title for the passage may be ____

         A.Names are the most important         B.Your name is your fortune

         C.Don’t care much for names       D.Names and making friends



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