满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第四节书面表达(共计20分) 请根据以下中文提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你校在3...











One possible version: Our school organizes a music week in the first week of March each year. This year each class gave some performances, such as singing, dancing and short plays. Some of them were put on in English. We also invited a famous pianist to our school. He not only put on a performance but also gave us a lecture about the history of the piano. Besides this, we had a musical knowledge contest. Many students took an active part in it. They said they enjoyed themselves very much in the music week. 【解析】略


76    I don’t know the reason which he stole the money._____________

77    The girl with which I work got married last month. _____________

78    As a result of being overhunted, many species of wild animals are died out._____________

79    Two reports for the meeting tomorrow are being writing by the secretary now._____________

80    A number of students at our school has been cut by 20%._____________

81    I would appreciate if you could take care of my cat while I’m away._____________

82    The house which we live is going to be pulled down._____________

83    The boss in which company my father works is a very kind person._____________

84    Can you tell me if this is the way which you looked into the problem._____________

85    Since the weather is so bad, so we have to put off our journey._____________




71. The police came and____________  ____________ the crowd.(驱散)

72. ____________  ____________, Mike has learnt how to use chopsticks.(另外)

73. After we heard the news that the kid had been found, we sighed ____________ ____________.(松了一口气)

74. This is the home I have always ___________  ____________. (梦想)

75. We should never waste anything. _____  ______, we should not waste time.(最重要,首先)






61. Your encouragement made me more__________(自信的)in my abilities.

62. He is not asleep—he’s just___________ (假装)to be sleeping.

63.Though your products are__________(吸引人的)in design, they cost too much.

64.The buildings are regularly___________(检查)by the fire-safety officer.

65.She spent all the morning a__________ (欣赏) the wonderful works of art by that famous artist.

66. He is e_______by a big company and enjoyed a high pay.

67. Though it rained heavily, we s                in getting there on time.

68. We all burst into l__________at the funny hat he was wearing.

69. The insurance company paid him $7,000 for damages and l____________ in the fire.                                     

70. As everyone knows, smoking a_________a person’s health.




I was riding along the road when I heard someone shouting behind me. It was a young shepherd (牧羊人). He was running across a field, and pointing at something.

I looked and saw two wolves running across the field. One was fully grown, the other was a cub. The cub had on his back a lamb (羔羊) which had just been killed, and he had the leg in his mouth. The old wolf was running behind.

As soon as I saw the wolves, I joined the shepherd and started in pursuit (追击), setting up a shout.

When they heard, some peasants started out also in pursuit, with their dogs.

As soon as the old wolf caught sight of the dogs and the men, he ran to the young one, snatched (攫取) the lamb from him, threw it over his back, and both wolves increased their pace and were soon lost from view.

Then the shepherd began to tell me how it happened. The big wolf has sprung (跳跃) out from the valley, seized the lamb, killed it and carried it off. The old wolf allowed the young wolf to carry the lamb, but kept running a short distance behind.

But as soon as there was danger, the old wolf stopped giving the lesson, and seized the lamb himself.

58. What is a cub?

A. It’s an old wolf.     B. It’s a young wolf.    C. It’s a strong wolf.    D. It’s a big wolf.

59. The old wolf seized the lamb for himself because __________.

A. the cub would not carry it any longer         B. the cub was too tired   

C. there was danger                         D. the cub would not learn

60. What is the passage about?

A. How a young wolf carried a lamb.

B. How the wolves escaped.

C. How some peasants tried to catch the wolf.

D. How an old wolf taught its cub..




The Harp Seal is one of nature’s most beautiful and appealing (吸引人的) creatures. Many years ago it was hunted for its fur. Hunting Harp Seals is now illegal.

The seals spend the summer months migrating (迁徙) in large groups. Harp Seals close their nostrils (鼻孔) and earholes when diving in water, but have to surface frequently to breathe. Their favourite place to rest is on the top of icebergs.

The female Harp Seal gives birth in February or March and feeds her pups for 14-18 days. Baby Harp Seals begin to lose their white fur at around six to eight weeks of age. As an adult, the Harp Seal has brown skin. At birth, Harp Seals weigh 12kg but can weigh up to 130kg as adults. Harp Seals eat small fish, shrimps and krill. However, they are able to switch from one food to another depending on what they can get as food. Males have a lifespan of 29 years while females usually live for longer than 30 years.

Since the Canadian Government introduced laws to protect the seal pups from hunters, their numbers have increased to more than one million. Now every year, thousands of tourists flock to the pack ice to witness the wonderful sight of new pups born in spring.

55. What is the passage mainly about?    

A. Hunting Harp Seals is illegal.

B. Protecting Harp Seals.

C. Harp Seals.    

D. Lifespan of Harp Seals.

56. An adult Harp Seal could be described as being ___________.    

A. brown in colour and weighing 12kg

B. brown in colour and weighing 130kg

C. white in colour and weighing 12kg    

D. white in colour and weighing 130kg

57. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?    

A. Adult Harp Seals only eat shrimp.

B. Adult Harp Seals eat different food at different times.

C. Adult Harp Seals prefer to eat krill. 

D. Adult Harp Seals catch small fish to feed their young.



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