满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Florence, We arrived in India last ...

Dear Florence,

We arrived in India last week, and the voyage was the worst experience of my entire life. I’m lucky to be alive!

The first part of the journey was terrible, because the ship hit bad weather almost as soon as we left Liverpool. But much, much worse was to come. Later, we were involved in a collision with another boat and we had to abandon ship!

We had been at sea for about two weeks and we were in the Mediterranean. There is now a canal between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea called the Suez Canal, which opened last year. Our boat stopped at Port Said, the Egyptian port at the entrance to the canal. I remember looking through the porthole of my cabin and wishing that I could go ashore and visit this fascinating place, but mummy had ordered that I was to stay in the cabin because I was feeling ill. “you must stay here for at least another two days.” I remember her saying. How wrong she would turn out to be! The ship left the port and headed towards the canal . I was alone in the cabin and I watched the port disappear into the distance. Suddenly there was a loud bang, followed by the most awful crunching(嘎吱的)sound, and the ship shook and turned slightly on its side.

There was an eerie silence for a moment, then people started shouting. Mummy came running into the cabin and told me that we had collided with another boat. She took my hand and we ran along the deck towards the lifeboats. There was a lot of shouting and people were running everywhere, but the crew were all acting calmly, helping people into the lifeboats and telling people not to panic.

Well, clearly we survived, as did all the passengers and crew of the ship. The other boat wasn’t so lucky. It sank and several lives were lost.

I will write about the rest of the journey soon. Please give my love to Aunt Claire and Uncle Eric.

Your loving cousin,


56.1.When was the letter written?

A.Before the author went to India.

B.In the mid – 19th century.

C.When the author arrived in Egypt.

D.Just after the author arrived in India.

57.2.Why was the journey to India such a bad experience for the author?

A.She was sick when it started and nearly died in Egypt.

B.Her ship left England in bad weather and crashed into another ship near the Suez Canal.

C.She was seasick when her ship sank.

D.She was alone when her ship hit another boat and she got sick.

58.3.The author’s mother didn’t allow her to go ashore and visit the port city, Said because      .

A.she was homesick at that time

B.she didn’t feel very well then

C.she could meet some danger ashore

D.she could see the city through the porthole on board

59.4.The underlined phrase “eerie silence” in the sixth paragraph means         .

A.pleasant calm silence

B.long peaceful silence

C.sudden long silence

D.strange uncomfortable silence


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 【解析】 1.细节理解题。从文章第一段的: We arrived in India last week, and the voyage was the worst experience of my entire life.可知答案。 2.细节理解题。从文章第二段的:“the ship hit bad weather”和“ Later, we were involved in a collision with another boat”可知答案。 3.细节理解题。文章第三段中有说到“mummy had ordered that I was to stay in the cabin because I was feeling ill.”这和选项B相符。 4.词义猜测题。根据时间状语for a moment then判断不可能是持续时间长,所以不可能选B、D选项。还用理解后面文章内容可知,这不能是pleasant calm silence。


Have you just been fired? Don’t worry. Cheer yourself up and send your  36  . Perhaps another much better opportunity is awaiting you.  37   sometimes you don’t realize it, you are asking to be fired.

Dan Zawacki was a happy camper, selling computers for Honeywell. One holiday he was  38  creative gifts and then a good idea  39 him---- selling dinner live lobsters(龙虾) to his favorite customers. He  40  them himself with butter and put them in the trunk of his car between the computers and started delivering. It was a huge  41 . As a result, one of his customers   42  they go into the lobster business together. Dan laughed. Still, this landlocked computer salesman 43  get the idea of lobsters out of his  44  . Why not turn this into a hobby and  45  a few extra dollar? While on a job assignment in Chicago, he  46  a local radio station to give him a few ads in 47 for lobster. Unfortunately, his boss’s boss heard his prize salesman 48  lobster, not computers. No surprised. Dan was let go. After  49  the company’s car, he started to think maybe this was a  50 . Playing with his phone that night, Dan tried dialing 1-800-LIVE-LOB. The number was   51  , and Dan the lobsterman was born. Today, 20 years later, Dan is still selling dinners, through his company, Lobster Gram. And he couldn’t be  52 .

Many of the fired people found ways back to fulfilling   53  and learned the pain and humiliation(羞辱) are 54  . So do not be afraid to move  55   and try your wings. Gather your support system. Persevere! Firing doesn’t mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

36. A. dreams          B. wings               C. needs           D. minds

37. A. Because         B. When                C. Though          D. If

38. A. searching for   B. making up           C. giving away     D. thinking up

39. A. came about      B. took place          C. went on         D. came to

40. A. packaged        B. sold                C. tied            D. placed

41. A. matter          B. business            C. failure         D. success

42. A.said             B. thought             C. suggested       D. hoped

43. A. couldn’t       B. mustn’t            C. shouldn’t      D. wouldn’t

44. A. heart           B. mind                C. head            D. hand 

45. A. make            B. get                 C. gather          D. spend

46. A. permitted       B. hoped               C. persuaded       D. suggested

47. A. change         B. exchange            C. place           D. need

48. A. hunting         B. seeking             C. collecting      D. selling

49. A. selling     B. paying              C. returning       D. using

50. A. thing       B. sign                C. pity            D. please

51. A.wrong        B. right               C. free            D. available

52. A. happier     B. worse               C. lower           D. higher

53. A. jobs        B. wishes              C. careers         D. promises

54. A. short       B.long                C. forever         D. temporary(临时)

55. A. back        B. on                  C. in              D. away



---- I did well in the English exam last week.

---- I did _____ . I got a full mark.

A.no better

B.no worse

C.even worse

D.not better



Despite the warm personal relations with Hu, Bush admitted that ___ differences remain between the two countries, which makes ____ dialogue imperative.

A.the; a

B.the; /

C./; a




_____ was very ____ that little Jim wrote the letter.

A.It; careful

B.It; carefully

C.He; careful

D.He ; carefully



He has lots of friend, only a few of ____ invited to his wedding.







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