满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二卷 第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分50分) 第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;...


第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分50分)

第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1.5分。满分15分) 此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:





Believe it or not, proper nervousness has its advantage.                   66.___________

Like in sports events to make athletes to gain good results, it can also          67.___________

sharpen our mind, thus allow us to perform well in exams.                  68.___________

However, too much nervousness can result from sleeplessness,               69.___________

harming our health. What’s worse, it can make our mind at loss. As a         70.___________

consequence, our mistakes increased in exams, and we may even fail          71.___________

to write any answers.

Several methods can be used to solve the problem above. Firstly,            72. ___________

review our lessons well, that can make us have more confidence and less      73. ___________

anxious. Secondly, take some deep breath to calm down at the beginning of     74. ___________

any exam. Last and not least, always keep this in mind: I’ve studied hard, so    75. ___________

I’m sure to do the best I can.


66 advantage ---- advantages      67 去掉第二个to  68 allow---allowing  69from---in    70 at 后加a 71 increased---increase   72 正确  73 that--- which   74 anxious--anxiety 75 and--but 【解析】略

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在本题下面的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Purser: Excuse me, have you filled out your customs declaration form yet?

Han: No, I haven’t. ___1____

Purser: Yes._____2______

Han: Thanks...It looks rather complicated.

Purser:___3____ ---the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty-Free Quota List. Right.Here.

Han: I have nothing but personal belongings.

Purser:_____4__. But please go over the lists to make sure that you have nothing to declare.

Han: All right. We seem to be standing still.

Purser: ____5____. We’ve waiting for the quarantine (防疫)and immigration(移民) officers to come on board to check the passport and health certificates. There they are now, on that launch.

Han: Well, I’d better hurry and get ready to go ashore. Thank you.

A.In that case, just put down “personal effects”.

B.I can help you. Please look through the two lists.

C.Am I to fill it out before we land?

D.I’d better hurry now.

E.Here’s a form for you, sir.

F.The ship is docking(靠码头) soon.

G.What can I do with all my belongings?



Divorce is bad for environment

US researchers raised a new theory on Monday: divorce is bad for the environment.

The global trend toward higher divorce rates has created more households with fewer People,

scientists at Michigan State University reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of


More households means more houses,fuel and water are Heeded for them,the researchers  wrote.“Globally,the number of households is increasing much faster than the number ofpeople,”said co-author “Jack” Liu in a telephone interview. “Even in regions with declining populationn, we see substantial increase in the number of households. Divorce is the main reason for reducingthe number of people in a household,” he said.

The average divorced person’s household is about 40 to 50 percent smaller than the average married person’s household, Liu said. But whether there are three or six people in a house ,the amount of fuel needed to heat them is about the same. In the United States, divorced households used 74 billion kilowatt—hours of electricity and 2.850 trillion liters of water in 2005, half of which could have been saved if households had stayed the same size as when they were married.

In the United States and 11 other countries between 1998 and 2002, if divorced households had combined to have the same average household size as married households, there could have been 7.4 million fewer households.

The number of divorced households in those countries ranged from 40,000 in Costa Rica to

almost 16 million in the United States around 2000. The number of rooms per person in divorced households was 33 percent to 95 percent greater than in married households.

“If you really want to get divorced, maybe you can remarry with somebody else, or live together with somebody else you like”, Liu said.

1. In America when the number of households is_________, the number of people in a house is__________.

A. increasing, decreasing               B. decreasing, increasing

C. increasing, increasing                   D. decreasing, decreasing

2. What does the word “substantial” in the third paragraph mean?

A. Great        B. Little           C. Sudden                D. Timely

3. How much electricity would have been saved without so many people getting divorced in America in 2005?

A. 7.4 million kilowatt-hours                 B. 16 million kilowatt-hours

C. 37 billion kilowatt-hours             D. about 30 billion kilowatt-hours

4. The last paragraph is the writer’s_________for people.

A. advice            B. encouragement         C. demand          D. order



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

Fesil Mahand, a Pakistani-American citizen , is accused of driving the explosives-laden car into Big Square on Saturday evening. He__21__appear in court in New York later. Mr Mahand was__22__ at Kennedy Airport attempting to__23__ a flight to Debai. __24__from the US say Mr Mahand recently returned from a five-month visit to Pakistan.

A senior Pakistani security officer in Islamabad said that the authorities had no __25__of Mr Mahand. A car __26__a bomb made from fertiliser, fireworks, petrol and gas tanks __27__in Big Square on Saturday.The Nissan Pathfinder __28__with its engine running and lights flashing. The bomb was discovered __29__it could explode after a street-vendor noticed smoke coming from the vehicle and alerted police.

Mr Holder told a news __30__that investigators were pursuing "a number of leads", adding: "We will not rest until we have brought everyone responsible to__31__." He __32__the American people to "remain alert " and report anything __33__to the police. Mr Holder said the __34__car bombing "would have been a deadly attack __35__been successful".

He added: "It's clear that the intention __36__this terrorist act was to kill Americans. "Big Square was full of __37__and theatergoers when the alarm was__38__. Police evacuated a wide area of the district and closed subway lines, while a controlled explosion was__39__. Officials said the bomb was crude, __40__could have sparked a "significant fireball".

21. A.is about to        B.is due to         C. is accustomed to        D. has been to

22. A.aborted          B. nearly          C. arrested            D. abandoned

23. A.aboard         B.get off        C.broad            D. board

24. A. Reports       B.Interviews      C. Stories             D. Research

25. A.meaning             B.want            C. knowledge         D. message

26. A.including        B. containing     C.contained               D. included

27. A.was missing       B.were leaving       C. left                    D. was left

28. A. was parked     B.has been parked  C. parked           D. had parked

29. A.since            B. until         C. before             D.unless

30. A.association      B.communication  C. media            D. conference

31. A. law            B. justice         C. jail                D.death

32. A.suggested         B. warned         C. urged                D. advocated

33. A.special           B.superior        C.safe               D. suspicious

34. A. attempted        B.informed       C.involved           D. investigated

35. A.it had         B.did it           C.it has              D. had it

36. A. behind         B.back            C.beneath            D.above

37. A.persons        B. terrorists       C. tourists             D.minsters

38. A. risen            B.  raised        C.arisen             D.announced

39. A.carried on        B.put out          C. brought out              D. carried out

40. A. but           B.and            C.still                D.otherwise



The hotel in Nanchong wasn’t particularly good. But I ____ in many worse hotels.

A.was staying


C.would stay

D.had stayed



It isn't cold enough for there _____ a frost tonight, so I can leave Lim's bike out safely.

A.would be



D.to be



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