满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_______ is hard is to do good all one’s...


 _______ is hard is to do good all one’s life and never do anything bad.

  A. He                       B. It                             C. That                         D. What


D 【解析】


Just because they make more money than I do, _______ they seem to look down on me.

  A. so                        B. and                          C. but                          D. 不填




 I’d like to have visited the Palace Museum last week, but something unexpected _______ to my father.

A. had happened           B. happened                  C. has happened            D. happens




.-What are you busy with?

   -The conference _______ in our city next week.

  A. held                            B. will be held                     C. be holding                D. to be held




. You spent ¥300 on a pair of cotton gloves. Such a pair of cotton gloves _____ be worth so much.

  A. mustn’t                B. wouldn’t                  C. can’t                        D. needn’t




. The child walked quietly to the bird. _______ into the forest when he was about to catch it.

  A. Flew it away                                            B. Away flew it

C. Flew away it                                                D. Away it flew



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