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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文...

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


This morning I awoke from a wonderful night’s sleep. One of those completely satisfying sleep—difficult to explain, but if you’ve ever had one you’ll know what I’m    36    about.

No amount of    37    could buy a better night’s sleep. I truly    38   my blessed rest. It was like a gift from heaven. Interesting to think that Bill Gates or any    39    billionaire you can     40   really couldn’t have had a more satisfying, fulfilling night of sleep.

That started me thinking of other    41   that cost nothing or very little.Like a drink of cold water on a    42   day.Or a warm relaxing    43   when you’re tired.

What could be better than    44    to your favorite music or watching good movies? These are    45    delights—small pleasures.I hope this doesn’t    46    too silly in today’s rough,loud world.I wonder if the new generation can appreciate some such things.

We’re told we   47    the latest model car, or TV or computer to be happy,but it’s all a trick, a marketing move.No sooner do we get these things,    48    we’re looking to replace them    49    a newer car, or TV or computer.

This is not to say that money isn't important. Money can help    50   , clothes and house those in need.Money is neither all good nor all bad—it’s just a   51    of life that can be used for good things or abused(滥用).

I suppose having    52    money worries can give a certain peace of mind that   53   a person to have a good night’s rest. But no amount of money can   54    buy that wonderful, particularly restful night’s sleep that I   55   last night.

36.A.telling         B.talking        C.hearing       D.referring

37.A.poors              B.persons       C.workers      D.riches

38.A.appreciated      B.feared         C.disliked      D.doubted

39.A.one          B.more        C.other      D.big

40.A.write         B.remember    C.mention      D.say

41.A.dreams        B.pleasures     C.nights     D.gifts

42.A.happy          B.fine         C.cool       D.hot

43.A.match          B.walk        C.talk        D.bath

44.A.enjoying      B.receiving    C.listening     D.looking forward

45.A.quiet         B.interesting    C.moving      D.exciting

46.A.sound          B.keep        C.seem      D.prove

47.A.have         B.need        C.buy        D.find

48.A.when         B.than        C.and        D.then

49.A.with         B.by           C.for         D.in

50.A.eat           B.feed        C.serve      D.food

51.A.necessity      B.thing        C.kind       D.tool

52.A.many              B.some        C.no          D.few

53.A.makes         B.forces         C.allows     D.advises

54.A.always         B.already       C.still        D.ever

55.A.experienced     B.awaited     C.liked       D.talked about


36---55   BDACC   BDDCA   ABBAB   ACCDA 【解析】略

It is said that the famous football star is now willing to play for______ would pay him three million dollars a year.



C.no matter who




.How long do you think______ the construction company finishes the project?

A.it will be before

B.will it be until

C.will it be when

D.it will be that



The Beatles singing Yesterday______ memories whenever we hear it.

A.brings down

B.brings back

C.brings out

D.brings up



I would rather______ the professor and I would rather you______ for him at once.

A.invite; sent

B.invited; send

C.inviting; sending

D.invite; sending



.Was it______ it snowed last night that you didn’t come?







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