满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在本...


第二节  根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在本题下面的横线上。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

—Did you watch TV last night?


—The football game between Miami Dolphins and Chicago Bears was really wonderful, wasn't it?

—(2)___________________ I wanted to, but my wife preferred to watch the old film.

—What a pity! It was quite exciting. (3)___________________

—How did it finish?

—It finished in a draw. (4)___________________

—It was quite good, but I missed the beginning of it because I had to eat first.

—(5)______ _____________

—No. After half an hour she stopped watching and started to read a book.


A.Both teams played very well.

B.I would like to watch a basketball match.

C.Did your wife enjoy it?

D.Yes, I did

E.How funny it was!

F.What was the film like?

G.Oh, I didn't watch the football match.


 D  G  A  F  C 【解析】


Los Angeles June 14, 2006 – Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah was arrested yesterday after spending two weeks sitting in a walnut tree on an urban farm a few kilometers from downtown Los Angeles. She was one of 40 people, including celebrities from the music and movie world, who were protesting at the proposed destruction of the 14 – acre farm. Police officers cut away branches from the tree and used a fire engine to reach Ms Hannah and her co – protester, environmentalist John Quigley. The two of them raised their fists in defiance(反抗)as they were removed.

Protesters, some of whom had chained themselves to concrete –filled barrels(桶),said that it was essential to keep the farm operating, as it provided food for hundreds of poor families in the area. About 350 people grow produce and flowers on the farm, which has been there for more than a decade and is situated in an inner –city area surrounded by warehouses and railroad tracks. However, the local authority recently approved plans for the area to be cleared and redeveloped for the construction of a huge new warehouse.


Ms Hannah, 45, star of films such as Splash and Kill Bill was not thrilled about being arrested. “But I felt it was important to show my support for the people,” she said. “This farm should be a model for sustainable (可持续的) urban agriculture. It needs to be replicated, not eradicated.”

The record length for a tree protest is held by a woman called Julia Hill, who remained on top of a 30-metre-high redwood tree in Northern California for 738 days from December 1997 to December 1999. She was successful in saving the tree and those around it from destruction. Ms Hill was also at the Los Angeles urban farm project this week, but her presence failed to stop the inevitable (不可避免的). No sooner had the protesters been removed than earth-moving machines moved in and began to clear the land.

1.Daryl Hannah was involved in a protest to           .

       A.save an agricultural city farm from destruction

       B.save a farm outside Los Angeles that provided jobs for the poor

       C.complain to the local council about all their development plans

       D.stop the police and fire department from cutting down trees

2.What did the protesters do?

       A.40 of them chained themselves to trees.

       B.They climbed trees with celebrities and refused to come down.

       C.They all chained themselves to large pieces of concrete.

       D.They fought with the police.

3.What did Daryl Hannah mean when she said “It needs to be replicated, not eradicated” in the third paragraph?

       A.The new warehouse much provide jobs for the poor.

       B.More farms should grow food for the cites not fewer.

       C.The city farm was a model to be copied not destroyed.

       D.The plans must be reconsidered and changed.

4.What happened after the protesters were removed?

       A.They built the warehouse immediately.

       B.They had hardly left when construction of the new building started.   

       C.As soon as they were gone, heavy machines cut down the trees.

       D.The farm was saved.




 “Don’t go down to that pond — it's dangerous!” Stephanie angrily shouted at her children. She’d overheard them talking about playing near the water on the golf course close to their apartment. It was a Saturday, and 8-year-old Jeremiah was heading outside with his 11-year-old sister, Tiara, and their 13-year-old cousin, Evon McDuffie. They often went to the George Wilson Community Center in Newark, Delaware, just three houses away from their apartment building.

The Wilson center was a good place of activity for the community, especially in warm weather. But January 20, 2006, was a rainy day with winds. It’s a good day to play inside the center. Unfortunately, the three children had other ideas.

Taking no notice of what Stephanie had said, Evon, Tiara and Jeremiah walked beyond the tree line at the back of the community center and headed toward the large pond. The kids climbed through a gap in the fence, then passed a No Entering sign posted on a metal gate nearby. As they reached the pond, they also walked by a No Skating sign.

Tiara and Evon first stepped on the surface ice, and when it held, the children went out on the pond. Evon shouted out to Jeremiah, “I bet you can't cross the whole thing.”

“I bet you I can,” Jeremiah replied, and he took off across the pond.

He made it to the other side, but as he came back, Jeremiah stepped on the thinner ice. The thin surface collapsed under his feet, and the boy sank into the cold water. Evon raced back to the apartment for help, while frightened Tiara tried to reach Jeremiah as he struggled to keep his head above water. But he kept slipping beneath the surface.

When firefighters arrived, all they could see was Jeremiah's coat floating on the water. As the unconscious child was rushed to the hospital, his life was saved, for now, but the effects of hypothermia (降低体温) and lack of oxygen left Jeremiah with serious brain damage.

1. Stephanie shouted at her children because_____________.

      A. the children didn’t behave very well at home

      B. they were too young to play outside

      C. it was raining

      D. the children secretly planned to go to the pond

2. It was __________ that made Jeremiah take courage to cross the ice.

      A. Evon’s challenge              B. the mother’s words

      C. No Entering sign                  D. the view on the other bank

3. What does the underlined word “collapsed” probably mean?

      A. changed suddenly             B. broke into pieces

      C. became thinner             D. floated away

4. Which of the following is the right order of the events that happened to Jeremiah?

      a. Firefighters came and rescued Jeremiah.

      b. The kids climbed through the fence and to the pond.

      c. Jeremiah walked across the ice.

      d. The kids planned to play on the pond.

      e. When Jeremiah made a way back, he sank.

     A. b, d, c, e, a B. d, b, a, e, c     C. d, b, c, e, a       D. a, e, c, d, b




Mobile phones should be banned from cars altogether, according to Dr Hole, senior lecturer in psychology, Dr Hole has emphasized the worrying combination of mobile phones and cars in his new book, The Psychology of Driving.

Mobile phones, fatigue(疲劳) , eyesight, drugs and age are among the issues considered by Dr Hole as he examines the factors that influence on driving. The book explores the role of each of these elements in increasing the chances of an accident and was inspired by the author's conversations with road safety experts across the country.

He says: “The government should have banned mobile phones in cars altogether. It has sent out the wrong message by forbidding hand-held phones because this gives the impression that hands-free phones are safe. The problem with mobile phones is not vehicular(车辆的) control and only having one hand on the wheel, but rather it is taking away attention from what is happening outside the car.”

Myths(荒诞的说法) about older people making worse drivers and claims(说法) about an improved reaction time among younger people are explored in the book. Questions about how drivers decide what to attend to while driving, the role of a driver's expectations in determining what they see and how they respond to the road are among the areas covered in the book. Satellite navigation systems and new design aimed at transforming cars into a mobile office, are among the modern developments which he says now compete for driver's attention behind the wheel.

Dr Hole says: “We need to be very careful about how we go about handling modern technology in cars, because we are opening a Pandora's Box. When anyone is driving there is a lot of information outside the car and if there is too much going on inside, then there is a danger of overloading the driver.”

1. Dr Hole’s strong belief that mobile phones should be banned from cars lies in __________.

      A. the inconvenience of having only one hand on the wheel caused by mobile phones

      B. the correct message of getting rid of hand-held phones sent out by the government

      C. the increase of chances of accidents

      D. the advice given by some road safety experts        

3. Which of the following is not included in his book?

      A. Hand-free phones are safer than hand-held phones.

      B. What drivers have to attend to while driving.

      C. Whether older age and slower reaction is related.

      D. Bad eyesight is one of the factors of causing an accident.                   

3. Which of the following is true?

      A. Older people are better at preventing accidents.

      B. Younger drivers’ reaction time is relatively shorter.

      C. It is a myth that some old people can still drive.

      D. A driver’s expectations are not covered in the book.

4. What can we know from the underlined sentence?

      A. What is going on outside is of equal importance to what inside.

      B. Modern developments call for drivers’ attention behind the wheel.

      C. Satellite navigation systems require more cars as mobile offices.

      D. Modern technology is responsible for the distraction (分心) of one’s attention while driving.








(Reservations(预订) not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)

Whether you’re new or experienced, our goal is not to provide you with mind-bending dates and boring stories. Instead, we offer you the famous sites, all the education information, lots of unique and fascinating stories, fantastic photo options, a comfortable bike and excellent personal service from your guide. In fact, we want you to love Paris like we do and have a great time doing it! (4 hours)


€ 22 students, € 24 adult (Day & Night combo  € 44 student, € 48 adult)

March 1– May 14


May 15 – July 31*

11am and 3pm

August 1 – November 30


*no tours July 25


(Reservations not needed for this tour to visit Paris—you will love this tour!)

Our Night Tour is the way to experience the “City of Light” at its best!

Ride through the Latin Quarter and witness the best nightlife in town. Pedal down the lle de la Cité, along the river and enjoy ice cream at Berthillon (Paris’s most famous ice cream shop). See the Louvre as never before (free concert often included) and relax onboard a boat trip on the Seine. Did we mention free wine is provided on the boat?

Make no mistake — this tour is 100% different form our Day Tour in both route and information. Over 65% of our customers take both tours and we hope you will too. Also, be sure to eat something before coming or the wine may give you an unexpected hit! (4.5 hours)

€ 26 students, € 28 adult (Day & Night combo; € 44 student, € 48 adult)

March 1 – March 31

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm

April 1 – October 31*

Everyday 7pm

November 1 – November 15

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7pm

*no tours June 21 & July 14


0156581054 / www.FatTireBikeToursParis.com / info@ FatTireBikeToursParis.com

1. According to the schedule, which day might be appropriate for a Day & Night Combo?

      A. A Saturday in November.  B. Any day in June.

      C. A Friday in March.           D. A Monday in May.

2. If a teacher and his five students plan to visit Paris during daytime, they must pay __________.

       A. €268   B. €158   C. €134   D. €142

3. One may taste the best ice cream and enjoy free wine in __________.

      A. the Day Bike Tour            B. the Night Bike Tour

      C. the Tour on the Seine D. the Tour to the Louvre

4. The following statements are true EXCEPT __________.

       A. For further information, one can call 0156581054.

       B. One can attend free concert on the boat trip on the Seine.

       C. The route of the Day Bike Tour is totally different from that of the Night Bike Tour.

       D. No reservations are needed for attending both the Bike Tours.




第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Barrier Islands

Texas has an extensive coastline that runs along the Gulf of Mexico. If you look closely at the map, you’ll notice that there are narrow islands located just off the coast of Texas. These are called barrier islands.

Barrier islands stretch along about 15 percent of the world’s coastlines. They are separated from the mainland by a shallow body of water. Some barrier islands spread out for more than 100 miles. In Texas, some of the largest barrier islands include Galveston Island, Mustang Island, and Padre Island.

Barrier islands are fragile (脆弱的) areas that contain an interdependent community of land, plants, and animals. All three need each other to exist. If one is harmed in some way, then the other two can suffer. For example, barrier islands are in constant danger of erosion, or loss of land, from wind, waves, and people. The steady movement of ocean waves and wind moves sand along the beaches. This movement contributes to erosion, which changes the shape and size of a barrier island over time. Plants not only provide animals with food and shelter, but it also helps keep an island’s sand and soil in place. When people pick native plants, it advances the process of erosion. This can harm the environmental balance that keeps an island’s ecosystem healthy. For this reason, visitors to barrier islands are usually warned to leave plants alone and to stay on roads and public beaches so that the land, plants, and animals are not disturbed.

As their name suggests, barrier islands provide a natural barrier that helps block the mainland from very bad weather such as strong windstorms and hurricanes. This protection saves lives, homes, and money every year. Barrier islands are also a major source of income for an area’s economy. Padre Island, for example, is visited every year by hundreds of thousands of tourists who take advantage of its sandy beaches and beautiful waters that are perfect for swimming, boating, and fishing. The dollars that tourists spend on the island help financially support the region and state.

1.Paragraph 3 is mostly about _____________.

       A.what barrier islands are like    B.how barrier islands form

       C.how barrier islands can exist   D.why barrier islands are important

2.Which of the following can do harm to barrier islands?

       A.Keeping plants wherever they are.     B.Going wherever visitors like.

       C.Fishing on public beaches.             D.Driving about on roads.

3.We can tell from the article that the author ___________.

       A.lives on Padre Island and loves it

       B.cares about the ecosystem on barrier islands

       C.wishes less and less travelers would visit barrier islands

       D.is concerned about the beautiful waters around the islands

4.Barrier islands are important because they ___________.

       A.help prevent bad weather damaging mainland

       B.bring in much more money than mainland

       C.can protect rare plants and animals

       D.provide more shelters for people



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