满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) A concert vi...


A concert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a large audience. Suddenly there is a loud snap( 断裂声 ) and the__31___could be heard throughout the auditorium( 礼堂 ).The audience ___32___knew that a string( 弦)had broken. They all __33____the concert to stop for a short time ___34___another instrument was brought to the musician.

But instead, the __35___composed( 使镇定 ) herself and then signaled the conductor to start again.The orchestra( 管弦乐团 ) continued where they had __36___and the musician played the music on three strings. In her __37____she worked out new fingering to make up for the missing string. A work that few people could play __38___on four strings, the violinist played on three.

When she __39____and bowed to the audience,there was a silence in the hall. And then the crowd rose to their feet and cheered wildly. The violinist ___40___and wiped sweat from her forehead. When __41____returned to the hall, she ___42___why she had continued to play although there was a __43___string. "You know," she said, "sometimes it is the artist's __44___to find out how much music you can still ___45___with what has been left."

Maybe we've lived most of our lives and we have only a little time left. Maybe disease has ___46___us of our capacity( 能力 ) to work. Or perhaps a financial(财政的) loss has left us very__47___. Can we still make "music"?

There will come a time when we all __48___loss. Can we find the __49___to discover how much "music" we can still make with what has been left, just like the violinist? And if it takes extra courage to make the "music", others will __50___ your effort. Some people have lost more than others, but they are brave enough to face it. They inspire the rest of us to reach greater heights.

31. A. voice           B. sound          C.music        D. scream

32. A.immediately      B. gradually       C. hardly       D.eventually

33. A. hoped          B. advised         C.urged        D.expected

34. A.when           B.until           C.after         D. since

35. A.audience        B.conductor        C.violinist      D.pianist

36. A.left             B. stopped         C.remained     D.arrived

37. A.hands           B. eyes            C.opinion      D.mind

38. A.fast             B.badly           C.well         D.gently

39. A.started          B.performed        C.finished      D.paused

40. A.worried         B.smiled           C.apologized    D.escaped

41. A.thought         B.happiness        C.excitement    D.silence

42. A.asked         B. wondered        C.explained     D.introduced

43. A.broken         B.lost              C.bad          D.difficult

44. A.dream         B. plan              C. suggestion    D. task

45. A.take           B.get               C.make         D.carry

46. A.warned        B.reminded          C. required      D.robbed

47. A.poor          B.brave              C.guilty        D.rich

48. A.appreciate      B.avoid             C.experience     D.improve

49. A. assistance     B. hope              C. support       D.courage

50. A. comment      B.applaud            C. accept        D.blame


31---35: BADBC        36---40:BDCCB    41---45:DCADC     46---50:DACDB 【解析】略








61.Oprah Winfrey is a black woman whose rise to fame is an inspired story.            

62.That’s a pleasure to meet you again.                                         

63.I would rather not to tell you the truth.                                       

64.Each time we celebrate a festival changes a little.                             

65. Some researchers believe there is no doubt whether a cure for AIDS will be found.           





Jack: Hi,Frank.

Frank: Hi, Jack.

Jack:   56   

Frank: Yes. I have some books to read, but I can do it later.

Jack: I want you to do me a favor.

Frank: Go ahead.    57   

Jack: Professor Smith is coming this afternoon. I am expected to meet him at the airport, but I have an important meeting to go to.

Frank: I can do it for you.      58    

Jack: He’s about your age, in his early thirties. Tall and handsome.

Frank:      59     .

Jack: Oh, about three o’clock. He is taking flight number 231 from Detroit. Thank you.

Frank:      60     .

A.See you this afternoon.

B.How can I recognize him?

C.What do you want me to do?

D.Are you free this afternoon?

E.When should I leave for the airport?

F.I am honored to meet the famous professor.

G.Are you going to the meeting this afternoon?



------Is it OK if I have another cup of coffee?

------Of course, ______.

A.don’t worry

B.no problem

C.no hurry

D.help yourself



Don’t be discouraged. ______things seriously and you will make great progress.


B.To take





It was a time______many sad things happened to her and she had to______them.

A.that; be on good terms with

B.which; bear

C.in which; come to terms with

D.when; come to term with



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