满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you arrive at the Shanghai Expo sit...


When you arrive at the Shanghai Expo site, the first thing you see will be a huge red building in the ancient architectural style.Built according to the concept of “Oriental Crown”, the China Pavilion(展馆)will be the largest national pavilion at the Expo.

Themed “Search of the east”, the three-storey pavilion will be divided into three sections.Footprint of the East on the top floor will illustrate the change of Chinese cities; at Journey of Wisdom on the second, China’s four great inventions—the compass, paper, printing and gun-power will be displayed; and Blossoming(盛开) City on the ground floor will showcase the scenery of future cities.

Fantastic film

Take a lift and you will be taken to the 8,500-square-meter top floor.There, in a film by Lu Chuan, you’ll see how Chinese cities have changed, especially over the past 30 years.The 10-minute movie will be shown in a 600-seat theater.

“It will be like a short epic.The scenery of the work will be like Lord of the Rings.I will shoot the movie in many Chinese cities.Some love stories will be involved,” said Lu.

Grand painting

The painting Along the River During Qingming Festival, is considered a national treasure.It describes life in Bianjing, which is today’s Kaifeng in Henan province.More than 1,000 years ago, it was the largest city in the world.Multimedia technology will make more than 1,500 characters of the painting walk and move along a 100-meter-long wall.

Happy families

Four families are chosen from Zhejiang province to show their daily lives.Films of the families and furniture from the households will be exhibited.

At the pavilion, you’ll gain insight into the daily lives of these families at different periods.The designers believe these will mirror the great changes Zhejiang has witnessed since China’s reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s.


Pick up your camera and upload your videos online, because you may find your work broadcast at the China Pavilion.

The search launched by four websites encourages people to capture and record the rapid development of cities in China and the beauty and the color in people’s lives.Two hundred outstanding entries will be made into films and played on screens at the China Pavilion.

With the theme “Same time”, the films will show the work and life of people in different parts of China at the same specific moments.Entries should last at least 30 seconds.

Four gold prize winners will be awarded about 10,000 yuan each.Others whose works are selected will also win prizes.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the article?

         A.Visitors can easily find the China Pavilion beside the traditional red building.

         B.The theme of the China Pavilion is “Oriental Crown”.

         C.The China Pavilion is designed by famous film director Lu Chuan.

         D.Visitors can get to the top floor of the China Pavilion by lift.

2.The painting Along the River During Qingming Festival in the China Pavilion is special in that___________.

         A.it shows what life was like in Beijing, the capital of China.

         B.its epic scenery is like that of Lord of the Rings.

         C.it describes the life of the world’s largest city more than 1,000 years ago.

         D.it has more than 1,500 characters walking along a 100-meter-long wall.

3.In the China Pavilion all the exhibits and activities are trying to illustrate the very theme: ___________.

         A.harmonious and sustainable development in China    

         B.great changes of Chinese cites

         C.the city makes life better                         

         D.humans and nature

4.Which of the following can be regarded as the best suitable topic for the blank?

         A.vivid city life show          B.Chinese lifestyle

         C.thrilling moment                 D.prosperous cities


 D  C  C  A 【解析】


Freshmen, eager to get home for the Chinese New Year, queue up at the railway station for hours.Days later, they squeeze into a crowded train and dream of the home-cooked meals and love they'll enjoy once they arrive home.This, they say, makes all the trouble of getting home worthwhile.

However, many freshmen come to find that home is not exactly how they remembered it.Living away from their parents has exposed them to a new life of freedom – one that within hours of arriving some begin to miss.Household chores(家务活)and complaining parents are just a few of the things that can ruin students' winter fantasies.“My parents still treat me like I was in senior high,” Song Ying, a 19-year-old freshman at Shandong University, complained.“I get an earful from them every day.”

During her first term away from her Hubei home, Song missed everything – from her parents cooking to the city bus.She cried and ached to sleep in her own bed.So, upon finishing her exams, she fled home, thinking everything would be just as it used to be.But she was wrong.Now, she spends entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.She logs online to update friends' profile on SNS, skips meals and sleeps in – just like she did on campus.

Things have been even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi, a 19-year-old freshman at Beijing Jiaotong University.Instead of moving to a friend's house, though, he has decided to challenge his parents' rules for his right to be an adult at home.When they complained about the amount of time he spent in the toilet, Luo said he decided “enough is enough” and lost his temper.He feels guilty about his attitude, but he still argues that he is grown up enough to live by his own rules.“I just want to live my own way of living, wherever I am,” said Luo.

Recent graduates like Wang Kai know what Song and Luo are going through.But Wang, who graduated in 2008 and now works in Beijing, says students should value the time spent with their family and “just try to be nicer.” Wang says he acted the same way when he first returned home from college, but now, living 1,500 km away from his hometown in Hunan, he regrets his behavior.He realizes that his parents meant well.And, looking back, he says that “the way of living that we got used to on campus is not that healthy anyway”.

Parents, meanwhile, are more understanding than you might think.“Living on their own in a strange place can be hard –we've been there before,” said Luo's father.“We want to make sure that they are healthy and happy.Sometimes maybe we just worry too much.” As for the tension that's arisen between father and son, Luo senior laughed and said, “It's not a problem at all – he's my son; we work things out, always.”

1.Having read the passage, we can infer that home is now a(n) ___________for most freshmen.

         A.birdcage                       B.paradise

         C.temporary station in life         D.open house

2.Why are things even tenser at home for Luo Ruiqi during the Chinese New Year?

         A.He has to spend entire days at a friend's home to “avoid all the restrictions”.

         B.He has decided to go against his parents for his right to be an adult at home.

         C.He feels guilty about his attitude towards his parents.

         D.He has wasted much money his parents gave to him.

3.According to the text, there exists a main problem between parents and children that_______.

         A.parents want to bring their children under control as before.

         B.children look down upon what their parents always do.

         C.their way of life is apparently different now.

         D.they are always misunderstanding each other.

4.Who the text implies is mainly responsible for the bad parent-child relationship?

         A.parents         B.social changes               C.professors           D.freshmen

5.What does the underlined part in the 2nd paragraph probably mean?

         A.learn a lot                B.receive much punishment

         C.get a scolding             D.have a narrow escape




After achieving a 9 percent GDP growth, hosting a successful Olympic Games and carrying out its first space walk, you'd think China would be happy.Yet China is not pleased.That at least is the opinion of a new book written by a group of Chinese authors.

China Is Not Happy was released in March.It is a follow-up to the 1996 work China Can Say No, a bestseller that complained about the influence of the West, and the US in particular, on China.Thirteen years later, the authors of China Is Not Happy list their dissatisfaction with how China is being treated in the world today.They argue that China needs to use its growing power and economic resources to build its own position of outstanding performances."From looking at the history of human civilization, we are most qualified to lead this world.Westerners should be second," the book says.

The authors, single out the US for special scorn (轻蔑), and say their book's message has been helped by the economic crisis."This economic problem has shown the Chinese people that America does have problems, and that what we've been saying is right," said Wang Xiaodong, one of the authors in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.Since being released on March 13, the book has become a bestseller in many Chinese bookstores.The publisher has printed 270,000 copies, and says sales are far better than expected.

Yet much of the response to the book has been negative.Several reviews in the Chinese media have criticized the book's radical opinions.The book is a way to "fish money from the pockets of the angry youth and angry elderly," wrote one critic in the China Youth Daily.Meanwhile, a well-known sociologist, Li Yinhe, has said that China needs patriotism (爱国精神), but there is a limit.In her blog she wrote, "If we are to bully other countries, take the world's resources and try to lead it, we're going over the top." Wang Xiaodong admitted in an interview with the US' Time magazine that the book's title is a bit of a trick."Those words in the title are just for the purpose of promoting the book in the marketplace," he says."We didn't choose them.It was the people selling the book who chose the title, because it would sell well."

1.What is the best title of the article?

         A.Happy China makes wonders          B.China—happy or unhappy?

         C.China is not happy                    D.China challenges the world

2.Which of the following statements doesn’t agree with the opinions of the new book?

         A.China has made great historical breakthroughs in the past several years.

         B.China’s civilization has advantages over the westerners’.

         C.China needs to use its growing power and economic resources to build its own world


         D.China should be the number one leader in the world

3.The book is named China Is Not Happy because___________ .

         A.China wants to put pressure on the western countries.

         B.it reflects the national feelings of Chinese people.

         C.it is a good selling point.

         D.the authors of the book want to make a hit in the market.

4.The writer presents the article with the purpose of ___________.

         A.introducing a new book                 B.promoting a new book

         C.raising discussions about a new book       D.honoring the authors of a new book




第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

In the dining room of my grandfather's house stood a giant grandfather clock.Meals in that dining room were a time for four generations to become one.The table was always spread with food containing love as the main ingredient.And that grandfather clock stood like an old family friend, watching over the laughter that was a part of our lives.

As a child, the old clock fascinated me.I watched and listened to it during meals.Even more wonderful to me was my grandfather's routine.He wound (上发条) that clock with a special key carefully each day.That key was magic to me.It kept our family's magnificent clock ticking and chiming.I remember watching as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the hidden door in the clock.He inserted the key and wound — not too much, nor too little.He never let that clock wind down and stop.He showed us grandchildren how to open the door and let us each take turns winding the key.I remember the first time I did it I was so excited to be part of this family routine.

After my grandfather died, it was days after the funeral before I remembered the clock!

"Mama! The clock! We've let it wind down."

The tears flowed freely when I entered the dining room.The clock stood there quiet.It even seemed smaller without my grandfather's special touch.

Some time later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key.The old house was quiet.No laughter over the dinner table, no ticking or chiming of the clock — all was still.I took the key in my shaking hand and opened the clock door.All of a sudden, I was a child again, watching my grandfather with his silver-white hair and blue eyes.He was there, winking at me, at the secret of the clock's magic, at the key that held so much power.

I stood, lost in the moment for a long time.Then slowly and carefully I inserted the key and wound the clock.It came back to life.Tick-tock, tick-tock, life and chimes were breathed into the dining room, into the house and into my heart.In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather lived again.

1.Why does the writer say the table was always spreading with food containing love as the main ingredient?

         A.The food was delicious and tasty.

         B.The meal was made by his dear grandparents

         C.The whole family talked about the love of each other over meals.

         D.Four generations lived joyfully and harmoniously to become one.

2.By describing Grandfather’s routine in detail in the 2nd paragraph, the writer expresses___________.

         A.It’s troublesome to make the clock work.

         B.It’s a fantastic thing to play with the clock.

         C.He greatly misses his late grandfather

         D.His grandfather had a preference for the clock.

3.What kinds of mood are shown in the essay?

         A.Sad and hopeful                   B.desperate and hopeful

         C.Heart-broken and hopeless        D.cheerful and hopeful




第二节  完形填空(20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Monty Roberts, owner of a horse ranch (牧场) in San Ysidro, once told us a story.“When a young man was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to   21   and do when he grew up.In his seven-page paper he described his   22   of someday owning a horse ranch.He drew a   23   floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would   24   on a 200-acre dream ranch.Two days later he received his   25  back.On the front page was a   26   red F.The teacher said, ‘This is an   27   dream for a young boy like you.You have no money.Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.’ Then the teacher   28  , ‘If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your   29   .’ The boy asked his father what he should do.His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own   30   on this.However, I think it is a very  31   decision for you.’   32  , after a week, the boy   33   the same paper, making no   34   at all.He stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my   35  .’ Monty then turned to us and said, “I tell you this story   36   you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch.I still have that school paper framed (装框) over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the   37   is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.When the teacher was leaving, he said, ‘Look, Monty, I can tell you this now.When I was your teacher, I was   38   of a dream stealer.During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams.  39   you had enough determination not to give up on yours.”

Don’t let anyone   40   your dreams.Follow your heart, no matter what.

21.A.be               B.find        C.learn      D.see

22.A.reason            B.goal       C.purpose     D.way

23.A.rough              B.new       C.secret             D.detailed

24.A.live             B.locate         C.sit           D.run

25.A.mark          B.paper              C.plan       D.idea

26.A.large          B.tiny        C.beautiful    D.long

27.A.old              B.imaginative        C.impractical         D.interesting

28.A.shouted         B.smiled        C.replied        D.added

29.A.grade                  B.need      C.honesty      D.ability

30.A.time           B.energy        C.mind      D.money

31.A.urgent            B.quick      C.important  D.good

3.A.Actually            B.Finally         C.Gradually   D.Usually

33.A.turned down      B.turned around   C.turned to   D.turned in

34.A.comments         B.changes     C.judgment   D.answer

35.A.dream            B.courage     C.interest      D.spirit

36.A.though           B.because     C.until       D.if

37.A.incident          B.event     C.story      D.lesson

38.A.anything        B.nothing      C.everything D.something

39.A.Fortunately        B.Strangely   C.Curiously   D.Probably

40.A.forget             B.steal      C.know     D.realize




—Shall I lock the lab now before I go home?

    --- ___________.I’ll check it myself later.

         A.Go ahead            B.No problem                 C.No hurry              D.Don’t bother



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