满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As a parent you have the responsibility ...

As a parent you have the responsibility to help your children understand money. But first you will need to understand your own attitude towards money, and make sure to practise what you teach.

Ask yourself what things that cost money are the most important to you. Also ask yourself what financial goals do you have for yourself and your family this year, in five years, and so on?

Take a minute to write down a list. Below are some ideas to get you started. There’s no right or wrong here. This exercise is just to help you grasp what money means to you so that you can help your children understand your values.

◆ Home

◆ Household expenses

◆ Education

◆ Recreation, entertainment

◆ Savings

◆ Charitable contributions

You can start discussing money when your children are as young as three years old. The best time to teach a child anything is when he or she shows an interest. So he prepared to start talking about money when your child starts asking you to buy candy or toys.

Begin by showing how money is exchanged for items or services. Show your children how money works by allowing them to buy something, such as a toy or a book.

Be open and honest, and explain to your children why they can or cannot have certain items. If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, you might say, “You have enough toy trucks now.” Or, if the request is for multiple items, “You have a choice to make, between this toy and that one.”

You can start explaining the bigger picture once your children understand the basic function of money. Show an older child how money is used to provide for the whole family.

45. Why should parents understand their own money attitudes first?

A. To help their children earn money.      B. To set an exampel to their children.

C. To help them set financial goals.       D. To help them tell right from wrong.

46. Which of the following is NOT one of the major categories of things that cost money listed in the article?

A. Travel and investments.               B. Household expenses.

C. Education and entertainment.         D. Savings and charitable contributions.

47. Which of the following is NOT a way to teach the children about money?

A. Showing how money is exchanged.

B. Allowing children to buy whatever they like.

C. Explaining the limits involved in using money.

D. Having an open discussion about money.

48. According to the passage, when should parents start teaching a child about money?

A. When the child can understand its basic function.

B. When the child can understand how money is used to provide for the whole family.

C. When the child knows how to support a family.

D. As young as three, or when they start showing an interest.


45-48 BABD 【解析】略

The 149th anniversary of Washington University’s founding will be celebrated with a presentation of Distinguished Alumni(校友) Awards for six famous teachers and alumni for their outstanding professional achievements, public service, extraordinary service to Washington University, or all three. Among the sixd awards winners for this year is Chen Zhangliang.

Chen Zhangliang is one of China’s most famous scientists, who was born into a poor fisherman’s family in Fuqing City, Fujian Province in 1961. after graduating from a university at home, Chen went to the US for further study. Since coming to Washington University as a doctoral student in 1983 to study transgenic(转基因的) plant engineering, Chen’s academic career has focused on gene cloning and the development of disease-and-pest-resistant plants. He completed his doctoral degree in biology at Washington University in 1987 and returned to Beijing to establish the National Laboratory of Plant Genetic Engineering at Peking University.

A productive scholar, Chen has published many books and more than one hundred research papers. He holds over ten patents with an equal number pending(等待决定的). Currently he is president of China Agricultural University and vice president of Peking University.

In addition to his academic career, Chen is also founder and president of the Weiming Biotechnology Company, which produces many DNA recombinant drugs and vaccines. He’s also a representative of China’s National People’s Congress and vice chairman of China Biotechnology Association. In addition, he serves as vice chairman for the China’s National Youth Federation.

Among his many honors are the UNESCO Javed Husain Prize for Young Scientists and TIME’s Global 100 Roster of Young Leaders for the New Millennium, as well as the Science and Technology prizes from the Ministry of Education in China.

41. Chen Zhangliang takes part in the following activities EXCEPT __________.

A. the Chinese government’s work

B. the university’s management

C. the management of agriculture

D. the production of biochemistry medicines

42. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Chen Zhangliang gained a doctor’s degree at the age of 26.

B. It’s possible for Chen Zhangliang to obtain about 20 patents.

C. Chen Zhangliang established the genetic engineering laboratory in Beijing.

D. Distinguished Alumni Awards are mainly given to the students of the university.

43. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. An introdction to Washington University’s anniversary activities.

B. A brief introduction to a world-famous university.

C. The scientific achievements and honors of Chen Zhangliang.

D. The career development of Chen Zhangliang

44. This passage gives us the inspiration that ___________.

A. knowledge can change one’s destiny

B. wehre there’s a will, there’s a way

C. a good scholar can become an official

D. a good beginning is half done





My workplace, as do many others in our town, supports local services and the needy. One of the main services we _____21________ is our local food bank, a center where free food is made available to those in need.

This year, the food bank is _____22_______ more than in the past. _______23 cannot let the shelves become depleted(被耗尽的) or the food _______24________. Others, ________25______ children, depend on it. With the country’s _______26_______ situtation stalled(停滞) and more people out of work, more people are _____27______ and need supplements to feed their families.

This year, all the _______28______ in our area got together and decided to sponsor a “Food Fight Contest”. The contest will include 3 categories or areas to ______29_____: a) supply the most food, b) donate the most money, _______30______ c) provide the most volunteers. A company can win in all 3 areas or 3 different companies can win in each different area, ______31_____ the results. The contest will begin April Fool’s Day through the end of the month.

We’re kicking off a(n) _______32________ for fun this week. We’re all _______33______ and WE PLAN TO WIN! The last several years, to make donating ________34______, we set up food sculpture competitions between departments. Each department _______35______ bring in cans, sacks of rice, peanut butter, etc., then build and compete for the best _____36_____. The sculptures would be in a central location so coworkers could cast their vote for their ______37______. We tracked how much ____38_____ was provided by each group and then after the competition, all the _______39______ were taken to the food bank. We challenged ourselves to deliver more food and more weight each year, _______40______ it was for a great cause.

21. A. turn to          B. belong to          C. refer to          D. donate to

22. A. supported        B. challenged        C. criticized        D. enlarged

23. A. We             B. You               C. They           D. All

24. A. pile up          B. go bad             C. run out          D. sell well

25. A. only            B. actually         C. even             D. especially

26. A. cultural          B. economic         C. historical         D. political

27. A. hungry           B. anxious           C. unhappy         D. lazy

28. A. schools         B. charities       C. companies        D. governments

29. A. prove            B. stress             C. find              D. win

30. A. or               B. and             C. but               D. so

31. A. focusing on        B. relating to      C. depending on     D. leading to

32. A. campaign         B. adventure      C. ceremony         D. exhibition

33. A. excited           B. involved         C. thanked         D. prepared

34. A. likely            B. fun               C. useful           D. public

35. A. could             B. must             C. would           D. should

36. A. design            B. grade             C. speech          D. play

37. A. group           B. friend            C. hobby           D. favorite

38. A. money           B. food             C. energy          D. attenetion

39. A. gifts             B. goods          C. donations        D. participants

40. A. knowing          B. imagining        C. hoping          D. showing



In order to improve my spoken English, I read ________ English _______.

A.every day; every day

B.every day; everyday

C.everyday; everyday

D.everyday; every day



_______ in the room where Mr. Johnson lived _______ the exhibition was held?

A.Was it; that

B.It was; where

C.Is it; that

D.It is; where



---Does the museum have a gift shop? I want to get something for my friend.


A.No, I’m sorry to say I’m still working for it

B.No, I need to see your passport

C.Yes. I think I saw one on the first floor

D.Yes, I do agree that it’s a good shop



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