满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The weather is concerned with all of us...


 The weather is concerned with all of us because it________us so directly--what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

A. effects           B. guides                C. affects             D. benefits


B 【解析】


 Compared with last year, entrance examination enrollment in Anhui stopped________, which went down by eleven thousand.

A. mounting up     B. speeding up          C. bringing up           D. calling up




 Danny________ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.

A. works           B. is working            C. has worked           D. worked




.——Someone might see us.

  ——________? We’re not doing anything illegal.

A. So what        B. What for            C. Why not            D. What’s up




Although the Roman couldn’t be forced to pay taxes, they couldn’t vote________they agreed to__________ the government.

A. unless; submit to                         B. until; correspond to

C. when; resign to                           D. while; compromise to




. The teacher suggested the dictionary________at once.

A. be referred to be bought                 B. be referred to being bought

C. referred to be bought                    D. referred to being bought



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