满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The reading skills of young male student...

The reading skills of young male students may improve more when huts are tutored (辅导) by women, a Canadian study shows, contradicting some school policies to hire male teachers to improve boys' literacy.

Herb Katz, an education professor at the University of Alberta, took 175 boys in the third and fourth grades, identified as struggling readers, and paired them with a research assistant who worked on their reading skills for 30 minutes a week over 10 weeks.

On average, the boys paired with female tutors felt better about their reading skills after the 10 weeks than those who were guided by a male research assistant, the study found.

Katz said the study, published in the US journal Sex Roles, may cause educational policy - makers in countries such as Australia and Britain to rethink policies that call for more male teachers to be hired to provide role models for boys whose reading skills fall behind their peers (同龄人). "It tells us that the way governments respond with policy is perhaps a little too quick and a little too simple," Katz said." Boys and girls enter kindergarten with similar reading skills, Katz said, but by the end of the third grade, boys have lower reading scores than girls. The reasons behind that difference are not entirely clear. "I don't know that reading skills fade so much as teachers may not recognize what boys are doing," he said. "We don't really know a lot about boys, even in those early years."

The boys involved in the study attended 12 schools in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Most were from downtown neighborhoods. About a third were native Canadians and 55 percent came from ethnic minority groups.

60. What's the purpose of this passage?

A. To encourage boys to do more reading.             B. To persuade schools to hire female teachers.

C. To advise good ways for reading skills.              D. To provide some information about a study.

61. The underlined word "contradicting" in the first paragraph probably means"_________".

A. finding out       B. going against        C. standing by         D. bringing about

62. Which of the following is TRUE about the boys taking part in the study?

A. They have difficulty in reading.           B. They take no interest in reading.

C. They come from different Canadian cities.   D. They have no female teachers at school.

63. It can be known from the passage that _________.

A. women must be better al teaching than men

B. girls do more reading than boys

C. male teachers are preferred to help reading- troubled boys in Australia

D. governments will change their policy on hiring teachers


60---63   DBAC 【解析】略



I am a team leader in an insurance company. We are going through a lot of changes right now, which is  36  much stress for all of us.

A few weeks ago I was having a day so  37  that I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work, and was about ready to change to a less stressful job  38  . Something happened that day to change my way of  39  and I am so appreciative of this young lady. I want to let her know that the small act  40  .

On the top of my cubicle (工作隔间) I have a small collection of lighthouses (灯塔) to let people know where I am sitting  41  my team members have to find me for emergencies.

That day I came into the office and was about to get the day  42  when Crystal came over. l asked if she needed anything. She said, "I  43  you something. " I looked at her with a  44  look and said, "Well, thank you, but why  45  you buy me anything?" I had never spoke to this young lady   _46  . She said, "Every day I stand up and look across the  47  and see your lighthouses. Then I feel I am not alone and I encourage myself that there are always  48  things in life. I saw this on the way to work and thought  49  would like it. I wish it would have the same  50  as your Lighthouses do. " In her hand she had a small globe with a Lighthouse and a ship on it. I gave her a hug and  51  her. I don't think she knows how much that small act of  52   changed my day: 1 remained  53  the rest of the day.

For anyone that reads this, I hope you remember, no matter what the  54   is, you could change

someone's day,  55  even his views on life.

36. A. preventing              B. reducing            C. causing            D. suffering

37. A. funny              B. nice               C. bad              D. dull

38. A. everywhere          B. elsewhere            C. anywhere          D. nowhere

39. A. working             B. behaving          C. speaking            D. thinking

40. A. broke my heart       B. touched my heart   C. lost my heart       D. tore my heart

41. A. in case                B. so that              C. as if              D. even though

42. A. ended                  B. started             C. changed            D. avoided

43. A. borrowed          B. lent               C. sold               D. bought

44. A. delighted               B. puzzled            C. thankful            D. worried

45. A. might              B. dare                C. could                      D. would

46. A. before              B. then                    C. since              D. after

47. A. dorm              B. office             C. ship               D. tower

48. A. bright             B. challenging        C. bad               D. stressful

49. A. colleagues          B. leaders            C. you                D. I

50. A. opinion            B. cause              C. expectation         D. effect

51. A. praised             B. thanked             C. scolded             D. refund

62. A. justice               B. courage             C. kindness             D. tolerance

53. A. careful             B. encouraged         C. tired                       D. alone

54. A. present               B. work               C. gesture             D. intention

55. A. so                 B. for                 C. or                  D. nor



President Obama held talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao in Beijing, ________ economic recovery, climate change and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons.

A.which was discussed

B.in which they-discussed

C.when they discussed

D.which discussed



A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, ________ all four people on board.




D.to kill



At first, his teacher couldn’t' realize that Lang Lang had a ________ for music though he said he wanted to learn the piano so much.







-- Perhaps Tom's not in.

-- ________. Look, the light's on.

A.Yes, he can be at home

B.No, he mustn't go out

C.Yes, he must be at home

D.No, he needn't go out



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