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第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大...

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)


Nancy was getting ready for bed when she heard a cry. A little  36  , she went over to the window and   37  . A homeless girl who seemed to be about her age was  38   in front of her house. She felt  39   for the girl, because it was a cold winter, and the girl had nothing to keep her  40  .

Nancy was suddenly struck with a great  41  . She ran to her mother’s closet(壁橱), and   42   up an old quilt(被子). She had to walk  43   down to the front door so as not to trip(绊倒)over the quilt which was hanging   44  , but she finally made it. Dropping the quilt, she opened the door. Standing there was the homeless girl, looking quite  45  . Nancy smiled warmly and  46   the quilt to the girl. Her smile grew wider as she saw the true  47   on the girl’s face.

The next day a   48   came to the door. Nancy flew to the door hoping that it was the little girl again. She opened the door and looked outside. It was the little girl. The girl smiled,“I   49   you want this back.”

Nancy opened her mouth and was about to say that she could keep it   50   another idea appeared in her head.“Yes, I want it back.”

The homeless girl’s face  51  . This was obviously not the   52  she had hoped for. She slowly put down the quilt, and turned to   53   when Nancy said,“  54  ! Stay right there.” She ran upstairs and came back with a   55   quit. “Have this,”she said quietly. It was Nancy’s own quilt made of silk and feathers.

36. A.excited                   B.frightened             C.intersted                    D.nervous

37. A.cleaned up              B.sat down                   C.looked out             D.closed up

38. A.fighting                     B.shouting                    C.singing                  D.crying

39. A.pity                               B.regret                    C.fun                           D.ashamed

40. A.rich                               B.safe                          C.healthy                  D.warm

41. A.suggestion               B.idea                          C.hit                               D.trick

42. A.looked                   B.caught                   C.picked                   D.brought

43. A.slower                    B.farther                  C.earlier                   D.sooner

44. A.on                          B.in                         C.over                          D.down

45. A.tired                           B.hungry                  C.rude                          D.puzzled

46. A.lent                               B.lifted                        C.handed                  D.threw

47. A.weakness                    B.happiness              C.friendship              D.curiosity

48. A.knock                     B. friend                  C.stranger                     D.girl

49. A.believe                   B.wish                         C.suppose                     D.know

50. A.after                           B.until                         C.when                        D.before

51. A.fell                         B.lost                           C.glared                   D.saved

52. A.quilt                           B.topic                         C.gift                           D.answer

53. A.enter                          B.leave                         C.speak                    D.thank

54. A.Help                           B.Wait                         C.Stop                         D.Listen

55. A.cheap                     B.big                           C.new                          D.clean


36-40BCDAD 41-45BCADD 46-50CBACC 51-55ADBBC 【解析】略

Tom studied hard .He wanted to ________ of the good chance to learn .

A.make the least

B.make the most

C.make up

D.make out



They have made greater progress than________ .

A.they had expected


C.to be expected




Every day, mainland China_______ Hong Kong _______lots of vegetables, fruits and meat.

A.supplies; to

B.supplies; with

C.offers; with

D.offers ; for



His ____ look on his face suggested that he was ____ to hear the _____ news.

A.surprising, surprised, surprised

B.surprised, surprising, surprised

C.surprised, surprising, surprising

D.surprised, surprised, surprising



During next June and August he _________ in the field with his parents.

A.was working

B.will be working

C.will work

D.has worked



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