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第四部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题...




This story took place in Central Africa more than 30 years ago. One day two Europeans got to a small village in which the Negroes lived. One of them looked like the boss, the other was his assistant. The boss looked Sambo up and down said,“Young fellow, you look strong. Would you like to work for me? I will give you more money than at the rubber plantation(橡胶园).”At first Sambo wasn’t able to make up his mind, but a few minutes later he agreed.

Sambo’s new work wasn’t hard. He had only to carry light parcels from the village to the camp of the Europeans. He went a short distance along the road, then into the forest and straight to the camp. On the fifth day, when he went through the woods, he saw a big cage with a lion in it. He hesitated a little and went on. All of a sudden the cage was opened and out jumped the lion with a horrible roar(吼叫).

Sambo dropped the parcel and ran as fast as possible, so as to reach the camp in time. for the white man there were armed with guns. All at once Sambo saw two men high up in the tree. They were the two Europeans for whom he was doing. The assistant was turning the handle of the camera with a smile. It was now clear to him that he had been cheated. His eyes were filled with hatred. He wished to kill them, but it was too late.

1. The young man named Sambo was probably _____.

 A. the assistant of the two Europeans           

 B. an African who worked at the rubber plantation

 C. an African who acted as a hunter in the forest   

D. the servant of the two Europeans.

2. The two Europeans went to the African village_____.

A. so as to take some photos for the villagers there

 B. in order that they could write a book on travels.

C. to take a picture which showed how a real lion ate a real man

 D. in order to save Sambo in time of danger

3. What did the boss say to Sambo?

A. He asked Sambo to serve as his servant in his country.

B. He wanted Sambo to guard against the lion.

C. He asked Sambo if he was afraid of a lion.

D. He told Sambo that he would be well paid if he would work for him

4. Not until Sambo _____ did he find out that he was cheated.

A. caught sight of the lion                     

B. saw the cage with a lion

C. found the white men on the branch of the tree  

D. ran before the lion as fast as he could

5. In this story the writer mainly told us_____.

A. how Negroes were not so clever as the white  

 B. how cruel the two white men were

C. what a silly young man Sambo was 

 D. Sambo carted so much for money that he lost his life at last


 B  B  D  C  B 【解析】



Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each   16   to help drain the fluid(排出流质) from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time  17   on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their families, their homes, their jobs and a whole lot of things. Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by  18   to his roommate what he could see   19   the window.

The man in the other bed began to   20   for those one-hour periods when his   21   would be broadened and brightened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a   22   with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children   23   their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm among   24   of every color and a fine   25   of the city skyline could be seen in the   26  . As the man described all this, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and  27   the beautiful scene.

Days and weeks passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to find the man by the window, had died   28  in his sleep. Later, the other man asked   29   he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch.

Slowly, painfully, he managed to   30   and take his first look at the   31   world outside. Surprisingly, it   32   a blank wall.    

The next day he learned from the nurse that the man was   33   and could not   34   see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to   35   you.”

16. A. morning                   B. afternoon              C. evening                  D. night

17. A. flat                                B. quiet                       C. still                     D. calm

18. A. listening                   B. talking              C. describing        D. explaining

19. A. beyond                B. outside                  C. behind              D. near

20. A. look                           B. live                          C. prepare                 D. work

21. A. health                 B. dream                    C. world                D. career

22. A. garden                B. farm                       C. mountain          D. park

23. A. made                   B. rowed                    C. took                    D. sailed

24. A. trees                         B. flowers                  C. houses                       D. birds

25. A. photo                  B. map                        C. view                   D. appearance

26. A. distance                       B. hospital                 C. future               D. sky

27. A. enjoy                   B. experience      C. sense                 D. imagine

28. A. peacefully        B. painfully                 C. sadly                  D. bravely

29. A. when                   B. if                         C. how                    D. why

30. A. climb up                   B. stand up                C. sit up                  D. turn up

31. A. real                           B. noisy                       C. ordinary                 D. new

32. A. contained                B. covered                 C. connected        D. faced

33. A. mad                          B. blind                       C. ill                    D. dead

34. A. yet                       B. just                         C. even                   D. clearly

35. A. support               B. fool                         C. cure                    D. encourage




 ----Thank you for helping me carry such a big box upstairs.

   ----       .

  A. After all, I am younger than you.    B. It’s my pleasure.

  C. With pleasure.                   D. It’s not worthy to mention.




. _____ that they had made an important discovery in science.

A.Little they realized               B. They had realized little

C.Little did they realize             D. Little had they realized 




 Come and see me whenever           .

  A. you are convenient           B. you will be convenient  

  C. it is convenient for you        D. it will be convenient to you




.That’s such a good radio _____ almost every one wants to buy ____people can pick up many channels about the world..

A. that, as     B. as, as          C. as, that      D. that, that



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