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Bored by the Chinese courses he was majo...

Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn't imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years. The Beijing Language and Culture University student decided that enough was enough. After rounds of examinations and interviews, he managed to transfer (转移) to the Department of International Accounting.

"It may seem like I've wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I've settled on a field, I'll be able to concentrate." Zuo said. Zuo is not alone.

At the China Three Gorges University in Yichang in Hubei province 53 out of 59 students in the Physics Department took transfer exams last term. Unfortunately only 22 of them got a place on another major.

Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics, said that physics graduates had few other choices besides going into teaching. He added that a career in education just didn't suit him.

"I should have better job prospects (前景) and the chance to earn more money once I graduate," Jiang said. Many first year college students find their majors uninteresting.

However, Shao Yanfang, who works at the admissions office of a university, advised students to consider both short-term and long-term goals. "After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major? Or, would you like to possess the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas? These are the questions students need to consider. Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interests, abilities and personality," Shao said.

1. After Zuo Cheng managed to transfer the collage major, he felt________.

A. sad          B. happy               C. nervous           D. pitiful

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. A lot of students are not accustomed to the life on campus.

B. Students who attend university want to earn more money.

C. Students can change their major based on their interests.

D. Students who are weak in their study can change their major.

3. In the passage, Paragraph 3 functions as ________.

A. an example        B. an introduction   C. a conclusion        D. an explanation

4. According to Shao Yanfang, students are supposed to think about ________ when changing majors.

A. present knowledge and skills              B. short-term and long-term goals

C. future earnings and jobs                  D. relationship between friends

5. The text is written mainly for those ________.

A. Company managers                     B. Job hunters

C. Collage directors                       D. College students


 B  C  A  B  D 【解析】略

For more than two decades, Oprah Winfrey has been the change-your-life champion who ruled over daytime television much like Johnny Caron once ruled late night.

However, now she’s ready to say goodbye, Wimfrey told viewers Friday that The Oprah Winfrey Show would close in September 2011 after 25 years on the air.

“I love this show. This show has been my life. And I love it enough to know when it’s time to say goodbye,” Winfrey said, holding back tears.

Winfrey’s show “is one of daytime television’s very foundations,” said Larry Gerbrandt an analyst for the firm Media Valuation Partners in Los Angeles. “Stations build their schedules around her. They gave it the best time period and used it to promote other shows.”

Winfrey offered no specific plans for the future, except to say that she intended to produce the best possible shows during the final two years.

“I just wanted to say whether you’ve been here with me from the beginning or you joined me last week, I want you all to know that my relationship with you is one that I hold very dear,” she said. “Your trust in me and the sharing of your precious time every day with me have brought me the greatest joy I have ever known.”

The Oprah Winfrey Show’s open atmosphere and frank conversation determined the talk show style and made Winfrey one of the most influential women in the US as well as the wealthiest black woman in the world.

“She has had great effects on today’s society. She’s just part of every one’s life,” said Yasmeen Elhaj, a 19-year-old student from Chicago.

1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Winfrey’s Contributions to TV Show

B. Winfrey’s Show to Close in the Year 2011

C. Winfiey’s Great Influence in the USA

D. Winfrey’s Support for Black People

2. Winfrey’s talk show has lasted________.

A. nearly 25 years                     B. less than 20 years

C. no more than 20 years                D. more than 25 years

3. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Winfred will change her show style in the coming years.

B. Winfrey will have some other specific plan for the future.

C. Winfred does promote some other shows after her retirement.

D. Winfrey appreciates every moment she has with her viewers.

4. Which of the following can best describe Oprah Winfred?

A. Energetic and funny.                 B. Friendly and clever.

C. Frank and influential.                 D. Active and changeable.



Drinking a lot of water does not do any good to the body, according to two experts in the United States. In fact, they warn, drinking too much water could be, in certain Cases, harmful.

In a study, Dr Stanly Goldfarb and Dr Dan Negoianu, both of the Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pennsylvania, the United States, have denied the popular belief that drinking a lot of water clears body toxins (毒素) better, improves skin, and helps reduce weight.

Dr Goldfarb and Dr Negoianu say that they found little proof to support the public opinion that drinking 8 glasses of water every day benefits health. At the same time, they found little proof of harm in drinking 8 glasses of water every day.

It is widely believed that in some cases — such as athletes, people who live in hot, dry  environments, and those with certain medical conditions — drinking a lot of water indeed helps,  but no studies have been done to prove the benefits of this practice in average, healthy people, the  website medheadlines. com reports.

The study at the University of Pennsylvania also examined reports that some people experienced increased headaches when their consumption of water was low. In one small study, which the doctors reviewed, the group drinking the most water reported fewer headaches than the control group, “but the difference in the number of headaches was so small between the two groups as to be considered unimportant.”

The researchers concluded that there is no scientific proof to support that average, healthy people need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

The website medheadlines. com says that, according to an Indian doctor, drinking too much water is harmful. If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, problems can occur.

1. What’s the key message delivered in the passage?

A. Drinking too much water might bring harm.

B. Whether to drink enough water makes no difference.

C. Drinking too much water may cause headaches.

D. Average, healthy people should drink more water.

2. We can learn from the passage that 8 glasses of water every day ________.

A. proves good for the body             B. has scientific proof of harm

C. is sure to reduce headaches            D. is generally considered necessary

3. Who may agree that drinking lots of water helps to lose weight?

A. Two experts.                     B. General public.

C. An Indian doctor.                  D. A website.

4. According to the passage, we know that ________.

A. the website medheadlines. com is developed by an Indian doctor

B. the study was carried out by two experts with an Indian doctor

C. the two experts performed the study at the University of Pennsylvania

D. drinking 8 glasses of water every day can cure certain diseases



Central London Bus Guide This guide includes maps showing where buses and Night buses run in Central London and major tourist attractions. This guide is not available to download.

Tube Toilet Map The locations of toilet and baby changing equipment on the Tube (地铁) network. You can download the Tube Toilet map.

Step-free Tube Guide Tube and DLR stations with step-free access from the street and information about the step and gap between the platform and the train. Where you can change step-free between different Tube lines and between Tube and National Rail services. You can also download the Step-free Tube guide.

River Thames Boat Services A guide to entertainment and business river services with maps, places of interest and useful information. You can also download River Thames boat services.

Getting Around London - your guide to accessibility A complete guide to accessibility on all means of transport, including a guide to Freedom Passes, Journey Planner and interactive maps. You can also download the Getting around London - your guide to accessibility.

Taxi and Private Hire Guide The taxi and private hire guide includes information on taxis and other private hire services in London, including details and how to make a complaint. You can also download the taxi and private hire guide.

1. If you download something about ________, you will fail.

A. Central London Bus Guide                B. Getting Around London

C. River Thames Boat Services               D. Step-free Tube Guide

2. Which of the following statements is right?

A. Young mothers have no places to get their babies changed on tube.

B. Disabled people have no access to tube and national rail services.

C. You can enjoy transport service in London before planning your journey.

D. You can complain about the taxi and private hire services in London.

3. The information above is mainly about ________.

A. places of interest                        B. traveling in London

C. transport advantages                     D. journey planning



第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


More and more people are choosing to take their holidays in the UK rather than travel abroad.

In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more and more British people started traveling abroad for their summer holidays. After all, the British weather wasn't very good, even in summer, so a lot of British people left the UK for a vacation. Particularly popular with families on a budget was the "package holiday", where the cost of flights and hotels were offered as one discounted price by travel agents.

In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier on average, or at least had more money left after they spent on the living cost. As a result, they started to go abroad in groups, to places such as Spain and Greece.

British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. Climate change means that the UK now has a hotter climate than before, so people do not need to go abroad to find good weather. Also, the credit problem has affected the international value of the British pound, so going abroad is more expensive than it used to be. As a result, more and more British people are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.

This year, British hotels in areas such as the English Lake District have seen a 40 percent increase in booking compared with last year. That rise is mainly owing to the British staying in their own country for their holidays. In addition, however, foreign tourists are now finding the UK cheaper to visit than previously.

In the UK, the national tourism industry — when people go on holiday in their own country — is healthier than it has been in decades. The UK has always been famous for its international explorers. It is only just starting to discover itself, however.

1. The underlined phrase "package holiday" in Paragraph 2 means a holiday________.

A. offered by hotels                        B. with a package

C. including flights                        D. with less expense

2. We can infer from the passage that________.

A. the value of British pound has become a huge problem

B. young people in the UK spend more than their parents

C. British people think of a hot summer as good weather

D. many Greek people leave for the UK for their business

3. Why do some British hotels have an increase in booking this year?

A. Because many people have seen the Lake District.

B. Because hotels in the Lake District are very cheap.

C. Because more British spend their holiday home.

D. Because foreign tourists have found these hotels.

4. What's the writer's attitude towards the British tourism industry?

A. Optimistic.       B. Negative.         C. Doubtful.         D. Noble.



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题。1.5分,满分30分)


What can you do to make sure your car isn't stolen? Well, first and most obviously, ____36____ the car when you leave it. That includes locking the boot for luggage and closing all the windows. Even a ____37____ break allows a thief to insert a wire to force open the lock button. Of course, don't leave the keys hanging in the ignition (点火器). And don't hide a ____38____ key inside or outside the car — thieves know all the hiding places. If your car ____39____, lock up before you go for help. ____40____ you can't start the car, a thief may be able to.

Now since dusk to mid-evening are the ____41____hours for car thieves, make sure you park in a ____42____ area, where there are plenty of passers-by, ____43____, near a busy store or a restaurant. Avoid leaving your keys with a garage or parking-lot assistant: choose the place you park ____44____.

Keep your driver's license in your wallet or purse, ____45____ in some small separate divisions of your car. You should also have a record of your car's ____46____ statistics both in your wallet and ____47____ at home. This can help with recovery ____48____ stealing.

And finally, it's a good idea to ____49____ some kind of safety equipment. There is a ____50____ available from alarm systems that set off a siren (警报) if an ____51____ is made to force open the car ____52____ any way, to fuel shut-off systems and time delay ignition systems. A warning sign will also help ____53____ would-be thieves. They don't want to waste time on trying to steal a ____54____ car.

So, help yourself put car thieves out of ____55____ by always locking your car, fixing anti-stealing systems and co-operating with the police by reporting any attempt at stealing.

36. A. start     B. open   C. lock    D. stop

37. A. big       B. tiny    C. cosy    D. long

38. A. useful   B. special       C. different     D. spare

39. A. breaks down B. breaks up   C. breaks in    D. breaks out

40. A. Only if B. If only       C. Even if      D. As if

41. A. tiresome      B. golden       C. dangerous   D. nervous

42. A. well-organized    B. well-known       C. well-educated    D. well-lighted

43. A. say       B. speak  C. tell     D. talk

44. A. oneself B. itself   C. yourself     D. himself

45. A. nor       B. not     C. or       D. either

46. A. extra    B. accurate     C. common     D. vital

47. A. somewhere   B. anywhere   C. everywhere D. nowhere

48. A. instead of     B. in case of   C. on account of     D. for fear of

49. A. clean    B. stick   C. fix      D. repair

50. A. category      B. design C. branch       D. range

51. A. announcement     B. attempt      C. expression  D. explanation

52. A. in  B. on      C. by      D. with

53. A. encourage    B. inspect       C. inspire       D. discourage

54. A. protected     B. decorated   C. furnished    D. examined

55. A. control B. sight   C. business     D. order



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