满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To make sure of your success in the comi...

To make sure of your success in the coming speech contest, first of all you should know your_____






D 【解析】略

— You can’t enter the building without______permission .

— I’ve lost_______ permission card .

A.the ; a

B.a ; the





第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








Dear Li Hua,

I'm very worried. In school, I am not popular at all. I don't know why. Perhaps this is because I am too shy. I want to change myself to be open and sunny, but I never accomplish this. I always feel lonely at school. I am sort of thinking I had better leave school. Can you help me? Can you tell me what to do?



Dear Jane,

Thank you for your trust.




Meanwhile, if you get lonely, write a letter to me. I'm always here for you.

Best wishes.


Li Hua



第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Being lonely in the crowd might seem ridiculous. But according to a recent survey, the situation is all too common. Loneliness and other anxiety problems — worrying about life's pressured — can even lead to self-murder.

An article in China Daily gave no reason for this other than the usual blaming of the post-80s generation. According to a high-level official, young people suffering from discouragement are mostly “spoiled (溺爱的) and have not been taught to be independent, responsible and express 'thank-you'.” Well, how do you like that! First, I don't think China's youth are exactly spoiled. They certainly have more things than their parents did, but a lot of the money spent on them is for their education including various extra classes.

Discouragement and anxiety are now the fastest growing challenges in modern societies. We sense a lack of close friends who can talk to honestly and openly. In 1985, a US study found that one in ten people did not have such a friend. In 2006, it was one in four. It's easy to see the connection between loneliness and discouragement. But what actually causes this increasing loneliness?

Surely, with Internet social networking sites such as Kaixin, we have more friends than ever. A new study has shown that the more time teenagers spend in front of computers, the less close they are to friends and family. Kaixin or QQ may be fun but it lacks meaning, compared to personal connections in the real world.

And then there are those endless online games popular with young Chinese but increasingly there are more interesting choices. For example, new sports such as skateboarding are starting to catch on in bigger cities, as is playing music in a band. These creative hobbies are done in a group and thus friendship can be stronger. Hopefully young people will also be drawn out of the Internet cafes and interactive computer games that in fact fail to recreate a real and interactive experience.

Plenty of friends, but I’m still lonely


=(77)________is common among teenagers, which even causes adoption of self-destruction.

=Youth (78) ________ from discouragement and other anxiety problems.

(76) ________for being lonely

=Teenagers lack independence and (79)________ and expression of appreciation.

=Parents focus mostly on children's (80) ________ including extra classes rather than the personality building.

=People have no close friend who can have an (81) ________ and open chat with each other.

=Youth spend more time on computers and get less (82) ________to their family and friends.

=Kaixin or QQ may be fun but doesn't have the experience from real (83) ________ connections.


=Attending sports or playing music in a band to (84) ________ friendship.

=(85) ________ a real and interactive experience instead of staying long in Internet cafes.



Bored by the Chinese courses he was majoring in, Zuo Cheng, 18, couldn't imagine having to drag himself into class day after day, week after week, for four years. The Beijing Language and Culture University student decided that enough was enough. After rounds of examinations and interviews, he managed to transfer (转移) to the Department of International Accounting.

"It may seem like I've wasted a year and have to start college all over again, but now that I've settled on a field, I'll be able to concentrate." Zuo said. Zuo is not alone.

At the China Three Gorges University in Yichang in Hubei province 53 out of 59 students in the Physics Department took transfer exams last term. Unfortunately only 22 of them got a place on another major.

Jiang Xin, 20, who was able to switch to electrical engineering and automation from physics, said that physics graduates had few other choices besides going into teaching. He added that a career in education just didn't suit him.

"I should have better job prospects (前景) and the chance to earn more money once I graduate," Jiang said. Many first year college students find their majors uninteresting.

However, Shao Yanfang, who works at the admissions office of a university, advised students to consider both short-term and long-term goals. "After graduation do you want to find yourself in a job very specifically related to your college major? Or, would you like to possess the knowledge and skills that will enable you to work in many areas? These are the questions students need to consider. Above all, your choice of major should be based on your own interests, abilities and personality," Shao said.

1. After Zuo Cheng managed to transfer the collage major, he felt________.

A. sad          B. happy               C. nervous           D. pitiful

2. Which of the following statements is true?

A. A lot of students are not accustomed to the life on campus.

B. Students who attend university want to earn more money.

C. Students can change their major based on their interests.

D. Students who are weak in their study can change their major.

3. In the passage, Paragraph 3 functions as ________.

A. an example        B. an introduction   C. a conclusion        D. an explanation

4. According to Shao Yanfang, students are supposed to think about ________ when changing majors.

A. present knowledge and skills              B. short-term and long-term goals

C. future earnings and jobs                  D. relationship between friends

5. The text is written mainly for those ________.

A. Company managers                     B. Job hunters

C. Collage directors                       D. College students



For more than two decades, Oprah Winfrey has been the change-your-life champion who ruled over daytime television much like Johnny Caron once ruled late night.

However, now she’s ready to say goodbye, Wimfrey told viewers Friday that The Oprah Winfrey Show would close in September 2011 after 25 years on the air.

“I love this show. This show has been my life. And I love it enough to know when it’s time to say goodbye,” Winfrey said, holding back tears.

Winfrey’s show “is one of daytime television’s very foundations,” said Larry Gerbrandt an analyst for the firm Media Valuation Partners in Los Angeles. “Stations build their schedules around her. They gave it the best time period and used it to promote other shows.”

Winfrey offered no specific plans for the future, except to say that she intended to produce the best possible shows during the final two years.

“I just wanted to say whether you’ve been here with me from the beginning or you joined me last week, I want you all to know that my relationship with you is one that I hold very dear,” she said. “Your trust in me and the sharing of your precious time every day with me have brought me the greatest joy I have ever known.”

The Oprah Winfrey Show’s open atmosphere and frank conversation determined the talk show style and made Winfrey one of the most influential women in the US as well as the wealthiest black woman in the world.

“She has had great effects on today’s society. She’s just part of every one’s life,” said Yasmeen Elhaj, a 19-year-old student from Chicago.

1. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Winfrey’s Contributions to TV Show

B. Winfrey’s Show to Close in the Year 2011

C. Winfiey’s Great Influence in the USA

D. Winfrey’s Support for Black People

2. Winfrey’s talk show has lasted________.

A. nearly 25 years                     B. less than 20 years

C. no more than 20 years                D. more than 25 years

3. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Winfred will change her show style in the coming years.

B. Winfrey will have some other specific plan for the future.

C. Winfred does promote some other shows after her retirement.

D. Winfrey appreciates every moment she has with her viewers.

4. Which of the following can best describe Oprah Winfred?

A. Energetic and funny.                 B. Friendly and clever.

C. Frank and influential.                 D. Active and changeable.



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