满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

B I had never seen sand dunes(沙丘)before....



   I had never seen sand dunes(沙丘)before. If you go to the seaside in Britain, you may see some small hills of sand, but nothing very impressive. Of course, Africa is home to many beautiful “sandscapes”, but I was in China, so I went to Dunhuang.

   I had spent my first day looking at the beautiful Mogao caves. Now I wanted to experience something very different.

   I have been walking in Asia, Europe and America, but nothing prepared me for walking over hills of sand. Whenever I took a step up a hill, my feet would sink into the sand and move backwards. Sometimes it seemed as if I were moving in the wrong direction.

   I wanted to see the sunset so I had to climb to the top of the highest sand dune. The sun was beating down upon my back as I walked slowly over the sand. Some plants had managed to survive in the dry ground but not many.

   As I climbed higher, the hills of sand became steeper and my feet started to slip further backwards. I ended up with my hands and knees, crawling (爬行)upwards through the top. I just let go if I would fall the way down. But I refused to give up: inch by inch, I made my way to the top of the sand dune.

   When I got there I was amazed by what I saw. The sand formed a very sharp point, just like a knife-edge. One side of the dune was bathed in sunshine, the other covered by shade. As I looked into the distance, the same pattern was repeated on all of the hilltops, and the difference between dark and light was beautiful.

   As the sun began to sink, the shadows grew longer and the light became warm and orange. The wind had come to life and sand was blown against my legs as I walked along the dunes. Soon it was getting dark and I could only just make out the line of footprints that marked my journey to the top of the hill. I slowly made my way down to the bottom, my path lit by the dying sun.

65 The author probably went to climb the sand dunes __________ after he arrived at Dunhuang.

  A. on the afternoon of the first day       B. on the afternoon of the second day

  C. on the evening of the second day      D. on the evening of the first day

66. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. Africa has many beautiful sand dunes.

  B. The author could see nothing but his own footprints on his way back.

  C. The author had seen some kinds of sand dunes before he visited Dunhuang

  D. What attracted the author most was that the sand formed a very sharp point.

67. The author got to the top of the highest hill of sand _____________.

  A. on his hands and knees all the way

  B. with falls to the bottom many times

  C. on his hands and knees in the last leg (一段旅程)

D. with a few rests all the way                

68. The author mainly wants to tell readers about_____________.

  A. the beautiful sunset         B. his experience of climbing the sand hills

  C. the joy of traveling in nature  D. the difficulty of climbing the sand dunes


 B  C  C  B 【解析】




If you are in charge of a project, the key to success is getting everyone to want to help you. As a director, I point, I suggest. I gently push the actors in the direction I want them to go. In the 1986 movie, “Nothing in Common”, Jackie Gleason’s character, Max Basner, gets fired from his job as a clothing salesman. The scene, shot on a boat, shows Max’s despair about being out of work. I was looking for some gesture that would allow Max to show his feelings.

Jackie had far more experience at everything than I did, and at first I was frightened. What could I possibly tell “The Great One” about acting? Finally I decided to direct by suggestion, and sat down with Gleason to talk about the scene. “So Max is sad, right?” I said.

Gleason nodded.

“And he’s probably still carrying his pens with name on them—the ones he used to hand out to his customers, right?”

Gleason nodded.

“So what would you want to do with the pens after you were fired?”

He was silent for a moment. “Why don’t I throw them overboard?”

I stood up and turned up and turned toward the crew. “Hey, everybody, Jackie has a wonderful idea. Let’s shoot it.”

After filming the scene, Gleason called me over and said with a smile. “Garry, what kind of wonderful idea am I going to have tomorrow?”

You and your team can discover the answers to problems together. When there are no prizes or gold stars for who gets the solution first, you’ll all benefit when everything turns out right.

61.According to the writer, to succeed in a project you are in charge of , you should______.

A. make everyone work for you          B. get everyone willing to help 

C. let people know you have the idea     D. keep talking to them

62. “The Great One” in Paragraph 2 refers to______.

A. Gleason     B. the director himself    C. Max    D. Max’s boss

63. After filming the scene, Gleason called the director over and smiled at him. That’s because Gleason________.

A. thought the director gave him a good idea 

B. formed the habit of thinking of ideas while talking

C. was not confident about his acting

D. appreciated the director’s directing skill

64. The most suitable title for the passage is “_______”.

A. Directing a Film              B. The Key to Success

C. A Wonderful Experience        D. Working with Film  






I got lots of interesting experiences in a free school. At first I couldn’t believe it. There were no    41    in rows or loud-sounding bells, nor did anyone have to go to    42   . Although we lived “in”,    43   made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “ lights out”.

The    44  thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or    45  class. The new ones always went wild    46   , but his wildness never lasted long. The freedom took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like  _47  ; never did we have to   48_   “ stand up”, “ sit down”, “ speak out”. I don’t    49    one student who didn’t try his best.

The subjects were the same as those in the ___50_____ school, but what a difference in the method! For example, in botany (植物学) we had   51__  classes in the spring or fall, but instead we planted two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. Then in winter we each studied a few    52  things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different sizes of storerooms---small ones   53   , but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a    54  time, too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints(蓝图;设计图), figuring out the angles and so on. I didn’t take    55__ . But I could do the basic things with numbers. That’s   56   .

  57_    I think I am a      58    person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else of my age, and I think better. That’s probably a real big      ___59     between the free school and the regular school--- the amount of    60   .

41.A.desks            B. lights         C. books            D. windows

42.A. home           B. bed           C. class             D. work

43.A. teachers         B. parents        C. nobody           D. somebody

44.A. sad             B. last           C. good             D. strange

45.A. attended         B. took          C. missed           D. studied

46.A. from then on     B. at first         C. once more        D. just then

47.A. workers         B. pupils         C. gardeners         D. grown- ups

48.A. play            B. say           C. study             D. understand

49.A. hear from        B. feel like       C. think about        D. know of

50.A. night            B. regular        C. small            D. real

51.A. all              B. short         C. no               D. indoor

52.A.wild             B. successful     C. interested         D. particular

53.A. as well          B. after a while   C. of course          D. as a result

54.A. funny           B. great         C. convenient        D. terrible

55.A. math           B. angle         C. botany            D. gardens

56.A. uninteresting     B. interesting     C. enough           D. dangerous

57.A.On the whole     B. Once again     C. Sooner or later     D. After a while

58.A. careful          B. better         C. busier            D. lovely

59.A. problem         B. chance        C. difference         D. change

60.A. reading          B. gardening     C. teaching          D. thinking





---What’s the matter with Tim?

   ---Oh. Tim’s cellphone was left in a taxi accidently, never _____ again.

   A. to find      B. to be found     C. finding     D. being found




Mrs. White bought a _____ wallet for her husband.

   A. small black leather                  B. black leather small

   C. small leather black                  D. black small leather




The boy is the equal of the girl, _____ intelligence is concerned, but he doesn’t work hard at all.

   A. as far as     B. as soon       C. as well as     D. as long as



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