满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Perhaps it is true that nobody in the wo...

Perhaps it is true that nobody in the world knows exactly how the earth __________.

A.came up

B.came out

C.came to power

D.came into being


D 【解析】略

Don’t be so upset. It won’t be ___________ your children can return to school again.

A.long before

B.long ago

C.before long




It was a pity that he __________ blind, but to the joy of his family, his dream of becoming a musician __________ true at last.

A.came; came

B.went; went

C.came; went

D.went; came





Global Shortage of Fresh Water 

1) 有人认为淡水是取之不尽的。(雨水、河水、井水、地下水)

2) 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的。(人口增加、工业用水增加、污染、干旱)

3) 提出解决问题的办法。

注意: 1. 词数:120字左右。

       2. 卷面整洁分:2分

3. 注意语篇连贯,可根据需要增减括号中的内容。






A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The manager of the office ask him how old his parents were when they were died. “Mother had a bad heart and passed away at age of 30. Father died of tuberculosis (肺结核) when he was 35.” “I’ m very sorry,” said the manager, “We can’ t insure our life as your parents were not health” Disappointing, the man left the office. He met a clerk who had listened their talk. “You mustn’t be so frank and tell the truth.” said the clerk. “Not office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little.” The man went to other office and was shown into the manager’ s room. “Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?” “Mother was 93, and died while she was play football.” 







在第76至80题中,Celia, Enoch, Martina, Brian和Derek准备选择一所大学就读。阅读下面六所大学的介绍(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需求的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余选项。

   1  Celia’s mother is a nice kindergarten nurse and when she was very young she was in close touch with children. With time passing by, she has got interested in early children education and has made up her mind to follow her mother.

   2   Enoch is from Texas of US whose grandparents were black slaves who worked on a south plantation(大种植园). He has learned some about his ancestors’ miserable past and wants to study the Black People in US. Also, he hopes the university will offer the dormitory equipped with the Internet so that he can have a good connection with his friends.

   3   Martina’ mother, as well as many of her relatives, is an active member of the Women’s Right Movement. Influenced by them, Martina thinks highly of their work and takes part in their activities from time to time. She has decided to do more studies about the Women’s Right Movements after she graduates from school.

   4  Brian expects to head for an exciting and challenging major which makes humans live better and longer when he enters university. What’s more, he is energetic and eager for an environment which is convenient for outdoor activities such as hiking , rafting so that he can enjoy a long life.

   5   With the coming of IT age, Derek is determined to find a college or university where he can have cost-effective life-long learning with high quality so as so meet the needs of a changing and developing world. Then, can you guess what his head-for major may be?

A. Most exciting and full of opportunity, challenges and self-discovery, this university combines urban cultural lifestyle with small town safety. It has a mild climate and is ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, rafting. Its main majors are Education, Engineering, Physical / Life Sciences and so on.

B. It is a community college located next to a famous resort town offering technical programs for students. Its task is to provide a comprehensive, student-centered college education and use a variety of teaching methods in the classroom. It owns the following majors: Music, Early Childhood Education, Economics and so on.

C. Our college is to achieve and maintain recognized excellence in education, service and leadership within a changing world. It is cost-effective life-long learning and prepares students for great careers. Its majors are Information Technology, Professional and Career Development Programs, Social Sciences and some others.

D. As a state-assisted private university, it was founded in 1929. The campus has grown significantly in size and scope. Residence halls are equipped with Internet access. The university offers 117 different majors including Art, Environmental Sciences, Black Affairs Studies Program, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and so on.

E. This University has earned a reputation for providing quality education to meet the needs of students preparing for new careers of tomorrow. It is close to the city of Detroit , with a safe environment. The following majors are offered: Philosophy, Psychology, Women’s Studies Program, Social Work, etc.

F. In our university, students are treated as individuals, and are helped to be good at academics, art, music. Personalized instruction in a small classroom setting is possible. Students interact one-on-one with highly qualified professors. Our main majors are: Math / Computer Sciences, Social Sciences / Humanities and so on.



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