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. 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大...



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36--55各题所给的四个选项(A. B.C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mrs. Thompson once taught in an elementary school. On the very first day of school, like most

teachers, she said that she    36  them all the same. But it was a  37    because that was impossible.A little boy named Teddy did not play well with the other children, and with  38 clothes,constantly needed a bath. It got to the point  39  Mrs.Thompson would take delight in  40  hispapers with a broad red pen, making bold X's and putting a big "F" at the top. One day, Mrs. Thompson was required to  41  each child's past records, and she put Teddy's off till last.42,when she reviewed his file, she was in for a  43.She learned he was once a(n)  44  child. Unfortunately,his mother had a terminal illness and died, making Teddy withdrawn. Since then, he hadn't shownmuch    45    in school.

Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and felt  46  From that day on, she paid particularattention to Teddy. As she worked with hiITl, his mind seemed to come  47.The more sheencouraged hlm, the quicker he48.By the end ofthe year, Teddy had become one of the 49 students in the class.

Ten more years passed. One day, Mrs. Thompson received a letter from Teddy saying he wasgoing to be    50  and was wondering if Mrs. Thompson would agree to take the place at thewedding usually  51  for the mother of the groom.

Ofcourse, she agreed. They hugged each otlier and Teddy whispered in her ear, "You are the best

52  Ihave ever had. Thank you for believing in me, making me feel  53  and showing me that I could make a difference."

With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Thompson  54  back, "Teddy, you were the one who taught me I

could make a difference.I didn't know how to  55  until I met you."

36.A.knew       B.loved       C.recognized    D.admired

37.A.promise     B.dream       C.decision     D.lie

38.A. neat        B.costly       C.dirty       D.cheap

39.A.where       B.that         C.which      D.how

40.A.preparing    B.writing      C.examining    D.marking

41.A.review      B.arrange      C.list         D.remark

42.A.Therefore    B.Otherwise    C.However    D.Besides

43.A.delight      B.surprise      C.fear       D.puzzle

44.A.naughty     B.enthusiastic    C.lonely     D.excellent

45.A.power       B.interest     C.honor       D.concern

46.A.ashamed     B.proud       C.curious     D.doubtful

47.A.true         B.w eak       C.alive       D.strong

48.A.responded    B.marched     C.answered    D.went

49.A.worst        B.smartest     C.strongest    D.busiest

50.A.employed     B.registered    C.settled     D.married

51.A.made         B.designed    C.reserved    D.booked

52.A.teacher       B.mother     C.friend      D.classmate

53.A.necessary    B.important    C.negative    D.responsible

54.A.called       B.smiled       C.whispered   D.gestured

55.A.study      B.Iive         C.behave     D.teach


36-40 BDCAD   41-45 ACBDB  46-50 ACABD  51-55 CABCD 【解析】略


―― Our family will travel to Shanghai for the World Expo this weekend.



B.Take care

C.Have fun

D.Good luck




Considering the injuries he's had, there can be little_______of him winning the race.








This is a good opportunity_______I'm sure you can learn something.








――Oh, what a pity! All the tickets were sold out.

――I'm sure we_______ two, but you were not quick enough.

A.could buy

B.had bought

C.would buy

D.could have bought




Jim has_______so much weight that many of his clothes don't fit him any more.







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