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Heavy downpours last month in Rhode Isla...

Heavy downpours last month in Rhode Island led to widespread flooding, causing millions of dollars in property damage and leaving thousands homeless. The flood waters also poured vast amounts of raw sewage(未经净化的污水) into the rivers and streams that flow into Narragansett Bay.

It sounds like the makings of an environmental nightmare. But in fact it’s just the opposite. To scientists’ delight. The sewage-loaded floodwaters have caused a well-timed growth of phytoplankton. The microscopic creatures that form the foundation of marine(海洋的) food chains. With more food available for fish. Clams and other sea creatures. The bay’s fisheries industry is expected to benefit.

In decades past. Narragansett Bay typically experienced a late winter early spring algal(海藻) bloom that fed creatures up and down the water column. But in recent years, the waters of Narragansen Bay warmed greatly, meriting this seasonal event.

Mark Berman, an oceanographer with the Nationa. Marine Fishertes Service. Said the flood seemed to have sent the bay back in its normal state.

However, local, mutate and federal officials in Rhode Island leave been batting other algal blooms that, by contrast, are causing widespread harm to the Narragansett Bay ecosystem. During summer months, sewage and agricultural runnel flows into the bay. Causing large blooms. But inseam of becoming food for sea creatures, much of the phytoplankton is consumed by bacteria, which grow last in the warmer waters. The rapid bacteria growth leads to hypoxia decrease of oxygen in the water that can cause large fish tools. One such die-off occurred in 2003. when millions of oxygen-starved fish washed up on the belches of Narragansett Bay.

The flood’s positive impact will probably be a one-time event, Mr Berman said. Mcanwhile efforts to curb the harmhl summer honors continue; in 2003. for instance, Providence completed a $359 million sewage tonal under the city designated to reduce the polluted storm overflow into Narragansett Bay.

71.Scientists believe that the row sewage flowing into the bay will           .

A.pollute the island’s environ mean   B.cause lots of property damage

C.increase the fisheries production     D.destroy the food chains in the bay

72.The potential benefit of fisherics industry rclics on the           .

A.warm temperatures of the bay.       B.growth of phytoplankton

C.large summer alga blooms      D.consumption of oxygen by beaters

73.People struggle against the summer blooms because they will          .

A.pollute the local natural environment

B.increase the prcducmon of fishery industry

C.cause large fish kills of the bay indirectly

D.provide too much food ior sea creatures

74.It can be inferred that         .

A.money spent on the summer blooms has been wasted

B.the government is inverting to promote the local fisheries

C.research of accanology should he encouraged

D.she raw sewage impacts are currently con radiator

75.The underlined word “carb” n the hast postage can be defined as “          ”.

A.control     B.consume   C.cause D.cure


71—75CBCDA 【解析】略

An old problem is getting new attention in the United States—bullying. Recent cases included the tragic case of a fifteen-year-old girl whose family moved from Ireland. She hanged herself in Massachusetts in January following months of bullying. Her parents criticized her school for failing to protect her. Officials have brought criminal charges against several teenagers.

Judy Kuczynski is president of an anti-bullying group called Bully Police USA. Her daughter Tina was the victim of severe bullying starting in middle school in the state of Minnesota. Her said, "Our daughter was a very outgoing child. She was a bubbly personality, very involved in all kinds of things, had lots of friends. And over a period of time her grades fell completely. She started having health issues. She couldn't sleep. She wasn't eating. She had terrible stomach pains. She started clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth at night. Didn't want to go to school."

Bullying is defined as negative behavior repeated over time against the same person. It can involve physical violence. Or it can be verbal — for example, insults or threats. Spreading lies about someone or excluding a person from a group is known as social or relational bullying.

And now there is cyber bullying, which uses the Internet, e-mail or text messages. It has easy appeal for the bully because it does not involve face-to-face contact and it can be done at any time.

The first serious research studies into bullying were done in Norway in the late 1970s. The latest government study in the United States was released last year. It found that about one-third of students age twelve to eighteen were bullied at school.

Susan Sweater is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network. She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need. She says bullying is connected to depression, anxiety and anti-social behavior, and bullies are often victims themselves.

66.From the case of Tina, we can know that            .

A.bullying is rare        B.victims suffered a lot

C.schools are to blame D.personalities are related

67.Which of the following is NOT bullying?

A.To beat someone repeatedly.   B.To call someone names.

C.To isolate someone from friends.    D.To refuse to help someone in need.

68.Why is cyber bullying appealing to the bully?

A.Because it can involve more people.      B.Because it can create worse effects.

C.Because it is more convenient.       D.Because it can avoid cheating.

69.According to Susan Sweater,           .

A.bullies are anti-social      B.bullies should give victims help

C.students are not requally treated     D.bullies themselves also need help

70.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A.Bullying—Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide

B.15-Year-Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide

C.Cyberbullying-Taking Off in Schools

D.How to Find Bullying among Teens



Just how comfortable is your sofa? Would you be prepared to let a stranger crash out there for the night? And, on the basis of a bit of email correspondence and seeing a photo of the sofa belonging to 'A. N. Unknown', would you travel halfway across the world to do the same? It might sound crazy, but this is exactly what millions of people have done whilst participating in an activity known as couch surfing.

Couch surfing is traveling on a budget, using a broad network of contacts in order to get overnight accommodation for free, or at as little cost as possible. Participants join dedicated(专业的) websites, providing as much information about themselves as possible in order to make others feel comfortable hosting them, or using them as a host.

Various safety features are generally available in such online networks, like verification of names and addresses, personal references, and 'vouching for' a particular member as a reliable host or guest.

As well as the financial advantages of couch surfing, participants also claim that the practice gives them a more unique, authentic travel experience, allowing them to experience culture and cuisine through the locals, rather than from the confines of sanitized tourist accommodation. We open our minds and lives and welcome the knowledge that becomes available through cultural exchange.” Said Casey Fenton, founder of Couch Surfing. Com. “CouchSurfing wants to change not only the way we travel, but how we relate to the world.”

61.What is the right order of couch surfing?

a. Provide personal information.   b. Travel to the host’s house.

c. Join dedicated websites.     d. Check photos of sofas by ensiles.

A.d-b-a-c     B.b-c-a-d     C.a-d-c-b     D.c-a-d-b

62.Which is NOT a safety lecture of online network?

A.Verification of identity.   B.A copy of the passport.

C.Personal references. D.Vouching ior the member as rdioble.

63.From the text we can know that           .

A.participants can he hosted or a host

B.couch surfing tests people’s patience

C.couch surfing leads to trust between people

D.people couch surf simply for financial reasons.

64.The text mainly intends to            .

A.introduce a new way of traveling   B.teach how to keep the Internet safety

C.promote online products  D.advocate deals of saving money

65.What can he the best title of the test?

A.Touring the World on the Interne   B.Unique Advantages of Local Traveling

C.Around the World from Sofa to Sofa     D.Cultural Exchange by Correspendence





Looking back at my school yearbooks of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, I find the style of uniform says a lot about the students and the character of the times. In the 1970s, students accessorized (配饰) their uniforms with platform shoes. During the 80s, hair was huge—literally. Students’ goofy hair filled up nearly every shot in the yearbook. In the 90s, accessories were all the rage (流行).

Uniform rules have always been strict. The restrictions (限制) are down to the inch: Gray or plaid skirts must be no shorter than two inches above the knee; a red, green, navy or white polo must be worn at all times; and only white, blue, black, and gray sneakers or flats are allowed. With all these rules, one can’t help but wonder how the typical rebellious (叛逆的) teenager can express her individuality.

Still, they manage. Senior Michelle Ferrier says she accessorizes by wearing bright colors like green and pink in bracelets, shoe laces, and headbands to stand out and be fashionable. For any stylish (时尚的) Carondelet student, accessories are key.

At Carondelet, one thing’s for sure: The older a student gets, the more she’s willing to bend the rules. Senior Natalia Piwek admits that she often pairs her “tights and colorful socks” with “illegal shoes”. If you happen to see a girl with colorful tights or boots running across the hallway, it’s most likely that she’s running from a dean.

In about two months, I will say goodbye to my uniform. I will miss the convenience of wearing it. However, I must say, wearing a uniform has taught me an important lesson that I will take with me when I go off to college: it doesn’t matter what you wear, but how you wear it. And how you carry yourself.

56.In the 1980s, _________.

A.uniform rules are sneer

B.students preferred goofy hair

C.accessories were popular with students

D.students wrote colorful shoes with uniforms

57.Which of the following combinations might the students think stylish?

a. grey bracelets     b. parks shoes laces C. green heathens

d. patterned tights   E. red polo

A.abe   B.bde   C.bcd   D.ace

58.According to the students, the restrictions of uniforms are_______.

A.atcler              B.understanding childish

C.childish           D.unselfishly

59.What’s the author’s attitude towards wearing school uniforms?

A.Objictive. B.Tolerant.   C.Agreenble.       D.Oppcaitive.

60.What is the main point of the text?

A.The history of student’s uniforms.

B.How to make school uniforms stylish.

C.Memories and lessons From school uniforms.

D.The debate oven restrictions on school uniforms.



—I never thought Jerry can speak English so fluentlyl.

—Well, actually he_________in the USA for two years.

A.was staying



D.has stayed



I wonder________there are so many natural disasters across the world in 2010.

A.which it is that

B.what is it that

C.how it is that

D.why it is that



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