满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A new study shows older men a lack of de...

A new study shows older men          a lack of deep sleep are nearly twice as likely to develop high blood pressure.

A. suffering for     B. who is suffering       C. who suffer from        D. who suffer to


C 【解析】略

________2010 in China , the number of students ________to study art is rising a lot.

A. Compared with; choosing                                B. Comparing to; choose 

C. Comparing with; chosen                             D. Compared to; choosing



If you don’t work hard, it will be of no________ for others to help you.

A. sympathy               B. significance           C. relation             D. sign



Tom works in a company and gets paid by _____ hour, totally 5,000 yuan _____month.

A. the; the                          B. a;  the                           C. the; a             D. a; a





第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


[1] If you are a recent soc,ial science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment from your computer major classmates, you may have the last laugh.There are many advantages for the social science major because this high-tech“Information Age" demands people who are flexible(灵活

的)and who have good________.

[2]There are man}r social science majors in large companies who take up important positions.For example,a number of research studies found that social science majors have achieved greater managerial success than those who had technical training or pre-professional courses. Studies show that social science maiors are most suited to change, which is the leading: feature of the high speed,high-pressure,_high-tech world we now live in.

[3] Social science majors are not only experiencing success in their long-term company jobs,but they are also finding jobs more easily. A study showed that many companies had filled a largepercentage of their entry-level positions with social science graduates. The study also showed that themost sought-after(广受欢迎的)quality in a person who was looking for a job was communicationskills, noted as "very important" by 92 percent of the companies.Social science majors have these skills, often without knowing how important they are. It is probably due to these skills that they have been offered a wide variety of positions.

[4]  Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their tech-nically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't regret theirchoice of studv.

76. What's the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


77.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

For instance,a study showed that social science majors had held more important positions, com-pared to those technically trained students.


78.Fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 5 words.)


79.What have you learned about the social science majors in finding a job in this high-tech "Infor-mation Age"?( Please answer within 30 words.)


80.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.





阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The poachers-illegal hunters-had finally found a buyer for their stolen goods.A meeting was 3 6 ,and when the buyer asked to see the goods, they brought out a small duffel bag and un-zippedh.Inside was a 37  one-year-old baby gorilla.The poachers had likely killed the little female's parents and  3 8  her in the forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in Africa.Then they took her across the border into Rwanda,  39  to sell her as a pet.

But the buyer didn't bring  40   ;he brought the police.The Rwandan authorities    41 the young gorilla to the nearby headquarters of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project.The vets(兽医)there realized that she had not been given 42 food or water, but they were much more worried about something else."Baby gorillas simply don't  43  without their mother's constant body contact," says vet Chris Whittier.If they didn't quickly establish a  44  relationship with the baby gorilla, which her caretakers named Dunia, she  45  not survive.

Dunia needed contact, but she resisted  46  at first, shying away from people who reached  for her.Three caretakers worked in shifts, taking  47  holding her, carrying her around on their backs, and cradling her while she slept.48 she became stronger,a month after she was res-cued her  49   revealed the psychological stress she carried inside-much of her hair fell out. That was a delayed  50  to the combined traumatic experiences of losing her parents and being kept-with a poor diet-by the poachers.

After six months ofloving care that included around-the-clock attention,a good diet, and a  5 1    home at the project's headquarters, Dunia was looking and acting like a  52  ,happy young gorilla should. "Dunia is sort of a shy show-off," says Whittier. "Her  53  lsgrowing and she's becoming more independent, but when she is  54  ,the first thing she does is run back to her  55 ,just like she would to her mother."

36.A.attended      B.held        C.arranged       D.delayed

37.A.energetic     B.terrified       C.dangerous      D.fierce

38.A.freed       B.followed       C.tricked          D.caught

39.A.intending     B.pretending          C.remembering    D.wondering

40.A.luck        B.benefit         C.profit               D.money

41.A.introduced          B.persuaded    C.presented      D.rushed

42.A,local          B.delicious      C.enough         D.fresh

43.A.complain     B.develop       C.survive        D.grow

44.A.social       B.physical       C.mental          D.special

45.A.would         B.should         C.might           D.must

46.A.eating          B.attention      C.rescue           D.love

47.A.turns       B.efforts         C.time          D.advice

48.A.If            B.As           C.Although      D.Because

49.A.health          B.mind       C.behavior       D.appearance

50.A.reaction       B.action          C.expression     D.description

51.A.comfortable  B.natural        C.private          D.ordinary

52.A.shy         B.healthy        C.strange         D.typical

53.A.satisfaction  B.confidence    C.interest         D.patience

54.A.touched       B.left          C.wamed         D.scared

55.A.home        B.forest        C.caretakers      D.comer



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