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Shanghai celebrated____one year countdow...

Shanghai celebrated____one year countdown (倒计时) to the opening of___2010 World Expo on May 1, 2009.

A.the ;/

B.a; the

C.the; the

D.an; the


C 【解析】略



1. 注重学习多,注重其它方面少, 如:社会活动,体育锻炼等;

2. 暑假中要参加一些公益活动,如:帮助小学生学习,帮老人做事,做志愿者等;

3. 大学生活的计划: 努力学习,生活自理,和老师同学相处好。

Before graduation, I feel an urge to talk about my regrets for the senior high school and the plan for my college goals.



Julia Roberts was born on October 28, 1967 in Georgia, USA, and she earned an Oscar nomination(提名) for her performance in 1989’s Steel Magnolias.

Later in 1990, she starred in the sad romantic comedy Pretty Woman. The film was an international hit and Roberts became a household name. But her later films, particularly Dying Young (1991), were of a decidedly uneven quality.

In 1993, Julia Roberts married country singer Lyle Lovett and then made a successful come back in The Pelican Brief (1993). But her next two movies in the following year, Pre-a-Porter and I Love Trouble proved to be critical(评论的) and commercial disappointment. Roberts’ bad luck continued when Mary Reilly (1996) failed at the box office. But her career began to pick up again with Michael Collins and Conspiracy Theory (both 1996). In 1997, Roberts made a successful return in comedy My Best Friend’s Wedding and continuedher quick rise in 1999 with Noting Hill and Runaway Bride. Both films helped to further restore Roberts to her status (地位) as the most shining woman in Hollywood. Her biggest success comes from Erin Brockovich. For the excellent performance she made in it Julia Roberts was given the Oscar Best Leading Actress Award on March 25, 2001.

Now Julia Roberts looks on course to win her 10th award for favorite female movie star at this year’s People’s Choice Awards on Sunday in Los Angeles.

68. Which of the following movies made Julia Roberts an international name?

A. Steel Magnolias      B. Erin Brockovich    C. Pretty Woman       D. I Love Trouble

69. Why was Julia Roberts given the Oscar Best Leading Actress Award in 2001?

A. Because she made an excellent performance in Erin Brockovich

B. Because she has become a household film star

C. Because she is the prettiest woman in the Hollywood

D. Because she has been wealthy and well-known

70. The underlined phrase “pick up” in the text means ________.

A. collect       B. stand up      C. fetch      D. improve

71. The underlined sentence means that _______.

A. Julia Roberts is going in the right direction

B. Julia Roberts looks more beautiful

C. Julia Roberts is looking for methods

D. Julia Roberts looks very happy



Good news for game lovers― a tank game has come out recently. In this game you are in a tank and the screen shows your view of the landscape outside. You gain points by shooting enemy tanks, supertanks, missiles (导弹) and flying saucers(飞碟).

Expert players can gain scores of around 150,000 points at this game. To get a high score you have to destroy twenty tanks as quickly as possible. After this, the supertanks, missiles and flying saucers appear. These are worth far more points than the ordinary tanks. However, the number of tanks you have to destroy before the supertanks appear varies on different machines.

Try to get close to an enemy tank from the side or the back, so it cannot shoot at you. Then, when you get close, turn to face it, line it up in your sights and fire before it turns to shoot at you. If you miss or are too slow, quickly escape by moving out of the enemy's line of fire. You can then move around the enemy and come in from another side.

When a supertank appears, try to destroy it as quickly as possible. Then wait safely behind an obstacle(障碍物)for a missile or flying saucer. The cubes are useful objects to hide behind as you can fire over them without exposing yourself to danger. The missiles will fly straight at you, but they are difficult to hit, so do not shoot at them until they are quite close. The saucers are much easier to hit, but do not follow them as you will be open to attack from enemy tanks. 

60. This passage is an / a ______ about a game.

A. instruction    B. liberation        C. tradition     D. construction

61. If you hide behind the cubes during an attack, which of the following may not happen?

A. Avoiding being exposed to danger     B. Destroying a missile

C. Firing over missiles or flying saucers   D. Being hit by a missile

62. If you can destroy a supertank, missile or flying saucer, you will get_____.

A. many more points        B. a machine to play with

C. an ordinary tank         D. nothing

63. From the last sentence we can see that you are likely to be attacked by tanks if you_____.

A. hit a flying saucer            B. run after a flying saucer

C. fire straight at a missile        D. shoot at enemy tanks





The part of the earth’s history known as the coal age began more than 250 million years ago and lasted millions of years. During that time, in the area that is now the United States, coal beds formed from Texas to the north Atlantic coast.

At that time thick forests swamps(沼泽) covered much of the earth’s surface. Great trees died and fell into the swamps. Then they rotted (腐烂)and new trees and plants grew on top of them. The process repeated itself for thousands of years. The rotted plants turned into a substance called peat(泥炭), which is still forming today in many swamps.

Meanwhile the land surface was changing. Movement in the earth’s crust (地壳) pushed up hills in some places, while elsewhere land sank. Swift rivers ran from the hills; heavy rains fell and the rivers overflowed, leaving muddy sand in the sunken wooded places and swamps. Oceans, too, poured in over the low-lying land, carrying sand that covered the peaty areas.

The pressure of water and sand pressed the oxygen and hydrogen out of the peat, leaving carbon. Under constant pressure, the rotted material, containing a high percentage of carbon, formed gradually into coal.

56. This main idea of the passage is about the ______.

A. coal beds in the U.S.   B. earth’s history   C. formation of coal   D. swamp age

57. When plants died, they _____.

A. grew up again       B. fell into the water and rotted

C. fell into coal beds    D. turned immediately to coal

58. Hills were formed as a result of _____.

A. movements of the earth’s crust       B. the remaining from swamps

C. the remaining from swift rivers       D. ocean currents

59. What is implied but not stated in the passage?

A. Peat is still forming today.

B. The formation of coal requires high pressure.

C. The land surface changed during the coal age.

D. The formation of coal was very rapid.



It was only in 1997     J. K. Rowling completed the first Harry Potter story,          _______ was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

A.that; that

B.that; which

C.when; that

D.when; which



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