满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Listen to the two girls by the window.Wh...

Listen to the two girls by the window.What language_________?      

A.did they speak

B.were they speaking

C.are they speaking

D.have they been speaking


A 【解析】略

It was not a serious illness, and she soon____ it.

A.got over

B.got on with

C.got around

D.got out of



—Did you enjoy yourself at the party?                  

—Sorry to say I didn't. It was____  a meeting than a party.

A.more of

B.rather like

C.less of

D.more of less



—What do you think of the blind man?

—I've never seen a man with_________sense of touch.  

A.the better

B.a better

C.a good

D.the best





76.Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

77.Can you r________me some new books on this subject?

78.The medicare cost is e________ to be one billion dollars.

79.F________causes a rolling ball to stop finally.

80.There is a general a________that smoking is harmful.

81.I asked the photographer to e________ the picture to fit in with the big frame.

82.A d________ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

83.He is always very p________. He is never late.

84.Golf has gained p________ among the wealthy in my country.

85.In order not to let water through, the company will come up with a new technique for w______walls.



A young officer was teaching some old soldiers. They had been in the army for many years and did not like officers, young or old.

They did not think this young officer could tell them anything about how to fight in a war.

Private Jones was nearly sixty years old and had fought in many wars. He had a row of medals on his chest.

“Imagine you are in a battle,” the young officer said to him. “You see seven hundred enemy soldiers coming towards you. What do you do?”

Private Jones thought for a few moments, and then he said, “I shoot them all with my rifle.”

“Now imagine there are seven hundred enemy soldiers coming towards you from the left,” the young officer said, “and seven hundred enemy soldiers coming to you from the right. What do you do?”

“I shoot them with my rifle,” Private Jones answered.

“OK,” the young officer went on, trying to get the answer he wanted, “but what if there are a thousand enemy soldiers coming at you from the right, a thousand coming at you from the left, and another thousand coming straight towards you. What do you do now?”

“I shoot them with my rifle,” Private Jones replied.

“But where are you getting all the bullets from?” the young officer demanded.

Private Jones smiled. “From the same place you are getting all those enemy soldiers.”

72. What was the young officer supposed to do?

A.    Train the soldiers.         B.     Attack the soldiers.

C.    Shoot the soldiers.         D.    Like the soldiers.

73. The old soldiers___________.

A.    didn’t like Private Jones    B.    didn’t like any officers

C.    wanted to fight in a war     D.   wanted to become officers

74. What was Private Jones doing in the story?

A.    Answering questions.       B.   Shooting the enemy.

C.    Getting a lot of bullets.      D.  Showing off his medals.

75. At the end of the story the young officer was probably__________.

A.    pleased with Private Jones    B. annoyed with Private Jones

C.    delighted with Private Jones   D. frightening Private Jones



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