满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

. 第二节背诵考查(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) She screame...



She screamed ,__1___(push) him and ran to her room __2___ the rest of the day.

The women were impressed by the delicious c____3____. Just before they left , Claire heard Gladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so handsome __4___  Tony. What a sweet victory ___5_____(envy) by those women.

The company was pleased __6___ Tony’s report on his three weeks with Claire. Tony had protected __7___   human being from harm .He had prevented Claire from harming herself through her own sense of ___8__ (fail).He had opened the curtains that night __9___ that the other women would see him and  Claire ,__10____(know)that there was no risk to Claire’s marriage .                       


1-5 pushed , for , cuisine , as , to be envied ; 6-10 with, a , failure , so , knowing 【解析】略


Over the past 5 years reciting English has helped me change it _____ way or another for the better  .

A  any  B  either  C   every  D  one




With the kid _______ the way , we got to the destination on time .

A  leading  B  led  C  to lead   D  leads




The conference ________ next year is of great importance .

A  held  B  to  hold  C  to  be held  D  being  held




It is said that dogs will keep you _______  as long as you want when you feel lonely .

A  safety  B  company  C  friend  D  house




He has an extraordinary talent ______ painting and his works have been ______ display throughout the country .

A  for  in ;  B   in  on ;  C  for  on ;    D  with  on



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