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Ⅲ阅读 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 第一节:阅读理【解析】 阅读下列...

Ⅲ阅读  (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


The relations between man and wife are changing. A majority of working women remain in full charge of their home; they come back at night to the cleaning, washing, and cooking that constitute their second career. But more and more husbands are sharing the burden and willingly taking on chores that their fathers would rejected as unmanly, and as too mysteriously difficult anyway. In such cases, man and wife become equal partners, both working outside, both pushing the vacuum cleaner. Actually, the number of husbands who do help that way is much smaller than the number of those who accept the idea in theory. And when the equal partnership is a fact, it doesn’t always work well. The marriage can be destroyed when the wife is more successful in her profession than her husband in his, particularly when she earns more than he does. Sociologists see in this situation one of the main reasons for the increase in the divorce rate—another reason being the husband’s refusal to help with the housework or the care of the children. A third reason could be the growing awareness of the professional woman that she doesn’t have to remain married if she is too unhappy.

61. What is the housework like in the traditional husband’s eyes?

A. It’s a mysterious job.

B. It’s a little difficult

C. It’s women’s job.

D. It’s only men’s job.

62. The underlined sentence means________________.

A. When man and wife share the housework, man can’t do it well.

B. When man and wife share the housework, women can’t do it well.

C. when man and wife become equal at home, it doesn’t mean a good marriage.

D. when man and wife are equal partners, marriage doesn’t necessarily go well.

63. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT______________.

A. more husbands act in helping housework than those agreeing it without action.

B. more and more husbands are helping their wives to do housework.

C. most of the working women take charge of their house.

D. it is possible for the marriage to fail if women earn more money than husbands.

64. What may be the reason for the divorce according to the sociologist?

A. The wife refuses to look after the child.

B. The wife is more successful than her husband.

C. The wife is aware of her unhappiness in marriage.

D. Both A and B.

65. The best title of the passage is most likely to be___________.

A. Equal Partnership Means Nothing in Modern Family.

B. The Changing Relations between Man and Wife.

C. Reasons for Increasing Divorce.

D. The Relations between Husband and Wife.


 C  D  A  B  B 【解析】略

第三节语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Not knowing ___51____ a particular gesture means in different countries or culture can be ____52___ (confuse). People do not realize how much significance a gesture can have ____53____ it is misunderstood. To non-Germans, an American _____54_____ (tour) at a German hotel giving an “ OK” sign by making a circle with his index finger and thumb is “ saying” everything is fine. ____55______, for Germans, that particular gesture can cause offence (冒犯) and is certainly not appropriate.

Over the years, scientists have studied hundreds of gestures. They note that in some countries, ____56____ Australia, ____57_____ is considered rude not to look someone directly in the eyes as they speak ____58____  in other countries like Japan, lowering your eyes _______59_____ (be) a sign of respect. Studies have shown that if people are aware of the different ways that gestures are interpreted; They are more likely to have _____60_____ (good) cultural experiences.



When they hurriedly arrived home, they found their house ______ and a lot of things _____.

A.break into; missing

B.broken in; missed

C.broken into; missed

D.broken into; missing



The child was almost _______________ from the outside world.

A.cut off

B.cut down

C.cut out




36. Immediate action should be _______ to prevent people from being affected by the bird flu.







As we know, the rose _____________ England.







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