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语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的...



My father woke me  31          early in summer morning when I was fourteen and announced: “ Get up. You’re going to with me to cut the grass.”

The idea  32          my father actually thought I was big enough to help him in his business made me feel proud and  33           (excite). From sunup to sundown my father, my young brother and I worked in the large yards in a rich part of Atlanta, Georgia. By the end of the day I was tired out, 34           I felt good. I had put in a hard day’s labor and had earned $6.

One day my father found some leaves I’d missed and pull me aside. “Clear away these  35           , ”he said firmly , “ and don’t make me have to tell you to do it again.” The message was clear. Today I value the importance of doing a job right the first time. It will never fail to impress the person you are working  36          .

After two years my father told my brother and me that he felt that we were old enough to do lawns on our  37          . Every Saturday during our last two years of high school, we set out early in the morning with the same desire and drive we had gained while  38          (work) under our father.

Taking care of lawns was not exciting or high-paying, but that didn’t matter. It taught me that any job is a good job and that whatever I was paid was            39           than I had before.

In every job I’ve held-from dong lawns to  40           dishes-I have learned something that helped me in my next job. If you work hard enough, you can learn from any job you do.


31. up              32. that                      33. excited                          34. but                        35. leaves 36. for                37. own                      38. working                         39. more                   40. washing 【解析】略



A father had three sons, but the brothers were always quarreling. Their father tried to make them good fiends, and called all his sons to him. He showed them three sticks and said, “I want to talk to you. Take these sticks and tie them together. Then try to break the bundle of sticks.” The oldest son tried with all his strength but he could not break it. Then the other two did the same, but neither of them could break it. “Now,” said the father, “untie the bundle and each of you take one stick and try to break it.” Either of them could break the stick easily. Then the father said, “My sons, when the sticks are bound together, it is very strong, and you cannot break it. But when they are united, you can break each stick easily. When you work together and help one another, you can become as strong as the bundle. But if you only quarrel and do not stand together, you will be broken as easily as these sticks.”


1)   以约30个词概括短文的要点;

2)   以约120词就“团结”为主题写一篇短文,至少包括以下内容要点:

a) 用具体实例说明团结的重要性;

b) 从中得到了什么启示。


(1)  可以使用实例或其它论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;    (2)  标题自定。

[评分标准]           概括准确、语言规范、内容合适,篇章连贯。



IV. 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)            你最近对200名学生


















A.A scarf, a good present for fair ladies. In winter, in addition to keeping you warm, a scarf around your neck can help draw other’s attention.

B.Guitar Beginners. Do you like music? Do you want to play the guitar well in a short time?

This new book, written by guitarist Frank Jones, helps even the most basic beginner read his way to being a competent guitar player in just 20 days.

C.The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a short novel written by Mark Twain, an American famous writer. It is very interesting and adventurous.

D.The Milk Calcium, produced for the senior. More and more people have realized that to be healthy is really the most important. The milk Calcium is especially good for the ones lack of calcium(钙).

E. The Classic Explorer’s Compass, a precious instrument, will help you know wherever you are. Each comes with its own waterproof leather case.

F. Super Shoes, the sports shoes liked by all the young. Wearing Super Shoes can be attractive. It is said that Super Shoes can help you to be the winner in every sports game.

你打算为你的朋友Mike, Mary, Robert, Lily和Tom选购新年礼物。请阅读有关对他们的描述,匹配信息选出最适合他们的礼品。

56. Mike likes sports and travel. He would like something that he can take with him on his  journeys, especially when he is camping or hiking, because sometimes it is hard to find the direction.

57. Mary likes parties and discos. She likes to look smart, and she is very fond of music. She says that she likes books, but she never reads any. Now, she wants to learn how to play a musical instrument.

58. Robert is an eighty-year-old man. He likes doing exercise in the morning. But one week ago, the doctor told him that he suffered from osteoporosis(骨质疏松) in a common health examination.

59. Lily is a beautiful girl. She sings well and is going to perform at the New Year’s party. She’d like to wear something that is attractive at the party.

60. Tom is a junior student. He likes playing basketball and reading. He would like to read something about taking a risk.



Limit the use of private cars, improve public transport and encourage the use of bicycles to control traffic congestion(拥挤) during the 2008 Olympics, experts from foreign countries advised Beijing on Friday.

Professor Nigel Wilson, of the civil and environmental engineering department of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said he was "supportive to the limiting of private cars during the Olympic Games", saying that in foreign countries, the method is also adopted during big events, but he was unsure about the approach.

The government planned to keep an average of more than one million cars off the roads to improve traffic flow during the Olympics, said Liu Xiaoming, deputy director of the Beijing Traffic Committee, at the China Planning Network First Urban Transportation Congress.

Sharing Wilson's view, Dr. Yoshitsugu Hayashi, dean of the Graduate School of Environmental Studies of Nagoya University, believed the reduction in car use should be achieved not by banning, but through incentives.

"Drivers who don't use their private cars could be given points," he said, "and the points could be exchanged for goods from online shopping."

Wetzel stressed limiting the use of company cars. "Governmental officials should also be encouraged to use public transportation or ride bicycles," he said, adding that he himself is a bicycle-rider in London.

Matthew Martimo, director of Traffic Engineering with Citilabs, said the bicycle was China's advantage. "Limiting private cars is an idea worth trying but it is just a temporary solution," he said. "The real cause of congestion is high density of people in Beijing and many have cars."

Beijing, with a population of 15 million, is home to more than three million automobiles, and the number is rising by 1,000 a day.

Professor Wilson said the Olympic Games was a great opportunity for Beijing to think about traffic problems and develop transportation, adding that the city had already been making public transport more efficient. Beijing has promised to stretch its 114-kilometer city railway to 200 kilometers before the opening of the Olympic Games.

“We are looking forward to borrowing Beijing's experiences and drawing from its lessons in preparation for the 2012 Olympics,” said Wetzel. 

51. The underlined word incentives in paragraph 4 means_______.

A. something that encourages people to try           B. online shopping

C. points could be exchanged for goods                D. award

52.It can be seen from the passage that ______.

A. the government planned to forbid over 1 million cars to run on the roads during the Olympics.

B. banning private cars is the best way to solve traffic congestion in Beijing

C. Beijing now has 200 kilometers of city railway

D. the use of company cars will not be limited

53. Why did Wetzel stress “ he himself is a bicycle-rider in London”?

A. To limit the use of company cars.

B. To encourage governmental officials to use public transportation or ride bicycles.

C. To show that riding bicycles is good for health.

D. To show that he loves riding bicycles.

54. Which of the following may be the reason for the traffic congestion in Beijing?

A. The 2008 Beijing Olympic games.

B. The number of cars in Beijing is rising by 1,000 a day.

C. The large population in Beijing and the large number of cars.

D. Public transport in Beijing is not efficient.

55. The purpose of the passage is ________.

A. to limit the use of private cars, improve public transport

B. to encourage the use of bicycles to control traffic congestion during the 2008 Olympics

C. to borrow Beijing's experiences and draw from its lessons in preparation for the 2012 Olympics

D. to tell the advice given by foreign experts on traffic congestion during 2008 Beijing Olympics



Slang is a popular, less official and often very current form of language. It is an important part of a living language and is constantly changing as language changes. Slang is often playful, direct and sometimes less respectful than the more official and traditional version of language. So now I'm going to lay it on you! To “lay it on” is American slang for “to tell” or “to explain.”

Slang can take many forms. For example, slang can be local to one city or area. In Washington, D.C. there is a whole set of slang to describe politics and business in the city. For example, the term POTUS stands for President of the United States. POTUS can often be found with his wife, FLOTUS, the first lady of the United States. “Inside the Beltway” is a popular expression that describes the area of Washington, D.C. The beltway is the large highway that circles the city.

The Internet has helped create a whole new kind of computer-related slang. An “angry fruit salad” is an expression that describes a Web site with too many bright colors. “Netiquette” is slang for correct behavior when using the Internet.

Young people often develop the latest slang. For example, to say Special English “rocks” or is “phat” means Special English is really great. A “kegger” is a party where beer is served.  If something is “wack” it is wild and crazy.

Different professions often have their own slang as well. For example, medical workers might refer to a complaining patient as a “gomer”.  A "tough stick" is someone whose veins are difficult to find when he or she needs to have blood taken.

No matter how well you speak English, there are always new and interesting slang words to discover. There are entire dictionaries for describing slang. Many experts do not even agree on what is and what is not slang. Often slang words later become a part of officially accepted language. Official or not, slang is an energetic and exciting part of the American language that continues to change. 

46. Which of the following is not true for slang compared with the official language?

A. Playful                                                   B. Direct                    

C. Less respectful                                     D. More official

47. It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A. if you speak English very well, there is no problem for you to understand English speakers

B. slang words are created by people in their daily life

C. English speakers are clear whether it is a slang

D. slang words will never be accepted as official language

48.Which of the following is not mentioned to have helped create slang?

A. The internet.                                        B. Young people.          

C. President of the United States.         D. Professions

49. Where do you think is the passage adapted from?

A. A radio speech                                      B. A magazine.             

C. A textbook.                                           D. A newspaper.

50. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. What is slang?                                      B. Slang is popular

C. Who creates slang?                                   D. Slang is a language.



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