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Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分40分) .第一节:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分...


Ⅲ  阅读(共两节,满分40分)



    Today I’ll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The camera is often thought to be a modern invention, but as early as 1727, a German physicist discovered that light darkens silver salt. Used as a camera, a big box was set up, and a small hole was cut in one side to let the light in; he made temporary pictures on the salt. Silver salt is still the base of the photographic film today. Then a French scientist made the first permanent picture by using a special piece of metal which was covered with silver salt. A photograph he made in 1826 still exists.

    The painter De Gear improved the process by covering the metal also with placing the common salt which we can eat. This was in 1839, the official date of beginning of photographs. But the problem was the printing of the photographs. And it wasn’t until other scientists developed the kind of photographic paper we now use that good prints were possible and photography became truly modern. In the 1870’s, Matthew Bradey was able to take his famous pictures in American Civil War. In the 20’s of this century, Georges Mann of the United States simplified film developing (冲洗), and Dr Edward Lane invented the so—called ‘Instant Camera’ which uses self—developing film. If we say photography came into existence in 1839, it follows that it took more than 100 years for the camera to reach its present condition of technical refinement(密度).

1. What discovery was the basis of photography?

   A. Light darkens silver salt.                     B. Light darkens natural salt.

   C. Light darkens silver.                         D. Light darkens self--developing film

2. How was the first permanent picture made?

   A. By making use of special paper.               B. By adding common salt to silver salt.

   C. By giving a slight colour to the silver salt.       D. By using a special piece of metal.

3. What does the speaker regard as the official date of beginning of photography?

   A. 1727          B. 1826            C. 1839            D. 1870

4. According to the speaker why is Matthew Bradey remembered today?

   A. He was a soldier.                   B. He took war photographs.

   C. He painted portraits.                 D. He designed a portable camera.

5. What did Doctor Edward Lane invent?

   A. A cheap process of developing film at home.

   B. A new kind of film.

   C. An automatic printer.

   D. An ‘instant camera’ that develops its own film.


 A  D  C  B  D 【解析】



语法填空: (每小题1.5分, 共15分)

When someone says “Well, I guess I’ll face the music.”, he doesn’t mean that 31_______

is planning to go to a concert. It is something far less happy, as you are 32________(call) in by

your boss to explain why you did this or did that, or 33______you did not do this or that.

At some time34______ another, every one of us has to “face the music”, 35________

(especial) as children, we can all remember father’s angry words “I want to talk to you!” And it was only because we did not listen to him. 36_____ a bad thing it was!

In the middle or at the end of every term, some students have to “face the music”. The result of the exam will decide 37______ they will have to face the music or not. There might be parents’ blame and the contempt(轻视)of the teachers and other 38___________(classmate).

The phrase “to face the music” is well known to every American, 39_____ or old. It is at least 100 years old. It originally means that you have to do something 40_______ (brave), no matter how terrible the whole thing might be, because you know you have no choice.






Tom was crossing the road the other day when he was a red car coming in the distance. He thought the car would stop, as the light had turned red. 21______, the car was going too 22______ and Tom soon realized that it wouldn’t stop in time. He tried to move out of its 23 _______ but it was too late. Tom was knocked down by the red car and lay 24______ dead on the road.. Passers-by quickly went to him and an ambulance(救护车)was 25_______ for. The driver of the red car didn’t stop, but one of the men had written down the number of the car, which he 26_____to the police who arrived at the site.

At the same time, Tom was taken to the hospital and his parents were called for. They were very surprised to hear of the accident and quickly rushed to his 27______. For three days Tom was not able to feel or think and his parents were worried that he 28_____ die. But on the fourth day, Tom woke up and spoke softly. His parents were 29_____ . The police by then had 30______ the owner of the car and caught hold of him at last.

21. A. Fortunately      B. Obviously        C. Besides           D. However

22. A. fast            B. slow             C. far              D. late

23. A. road            B. path            C. door             D. way

24. A. almost          B. already          C. still              D. obviously

25. A. looked          B. called            C. sent             D. asked

26. A. took            B. gave             C. posted           D. sent

27. A. head           B. side              C. body            D. hospital

28. A. must           B. might            C. can              D. should

29. A. surprised        B. calm             C. glad            D. puzzled

30.A. noticed         B. grasped           C. founded          D. followed



第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


China bans free plastic bags

CHINA began a crackdown on plastic bags, banning production of thin bags and forbidding supermarkets and shops from handing them out free, Tuesday, June 1, 2008.

Chinese people use up to 3 billion plastic bags a day and the country has to refine 5 million tons of oil every year to make plastics used for packaging, according to a report on the Website of China Trade News, and fails to get rid of them properly, wasting valuable oil and littering the country, the State Council said in a notice posted on the Central Government’s Website.

“Our country consumes huge amounts of plastic bags every year. While providing convenience to consumers, they have also caused serious pollution, waste of energy and resources, because of too much use and inadequate recycling,” it said.

Worries about pollution are growing among ordinary citizens, as years of breakneck growth has a very bad effect on the country’s air and water, but the new ban may not be universally welcomed.


1. 请用约30词概括短文的要点;

然后用约120词就 “‘为了环保和节能,禁止商场免费提供塑料袋’的禁令与方便老百姓日常生活的矛盾” 这一中心发表看法,并包括如下要点:

a) 你对国家这一禁令的看法,并说明你的理由;

b) 禁令实施后,消费者该怎么办?

[写作要求]      可以使用实例或分项论述的方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。





[写作内容]    有一个人,想偷人家的门上的铃,他知道手一碰到铃,铃就会响起来。他认为,铃声一响,他就会倒霉了。因为耳朵能听到声音,于是他就把自己的耳朵捂起来,然后去偷铃,于是铃仍然响起来,他也就被人发觉了。

[写作要求] 1. 请根据以上文字提示用5个句子来描述故事里的全部内容。

2. 注意故事的连贯性和文章的过渡。



第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


以下是Knox 大学所提供的一些课程:

A.German 202

B.Modern European History



*Intermediate language program

* 5 nights (Tue-Sat)

*Class Time: 7:30-9:30pm

*Covers both language and also provides introduction to German culture.

*German 101 is required for admission

*Cost: $1,100

*non-academic introduction to European history

*3 nights per week (Mon-Wed)

*Class Time:


*Focuses on historic sites of Europe along with basic introduction to German and French languages

*Cost: $900

*Business skills program

*5 nights per week (Tue-Sat)

* Class Time:


*Learn all you need to know to run your own business. Course ideal for a current business owner or someone thinking about starting their own business

*Cost $1,600

D.Human Resources 101


E. Introductory



F. Japanese

*Introduction to HR management

*5 days/night a week (Tue-Sat)

* Class Time:

9:30am–12:30pm OR 6:30pm- 9:30pm

*provides practical guidance to improve your ability to handle your employees; includes negotiation and conflict settlement

*Cost: $1,200


*covers the basics required for senior high school and first year university economics study

*Twice weekly (Mon & Thu)

* Class Time:


*Text books included in course fee. Recognized by all major national universities

*Cost: $600


*introductory course to Japanese language

*5 nights (Mon- Fri) a week

* Class Time:

7:30pm to 10:30pm

*recognized by all national universities for admission into second year Japanese courses

*Cost: $1,7 00


56. Jason Smith - graduated from high school last year and is now working as a sales assistant in a supermarket. Wants to get promoted but he needs to have better skills at managing people to achieve this. He works from 1:30 pm to 9:30 pm Monday to Fridays.

57. Julie Bender - is planning to travel to Europe next year and is interested in finding out more about some of the places she is planning to visit or learning a European language. Prefer to study after she finishes work at 6pm rather than on weekends.

58. Hymen Nerdstrom - a senior high school student who wants a course that will help improve  at least one of his weakest subjects, modern history and economics. Finishes school each weekday at 5pm. every Tuesday and Thursday evening has football practice until 7pm.

59. Ron Woods - works in a music shop Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm. He is interested in studying a course that will give him the skill to successfully run his own business. He also plays in a band every Sunday night which he must attend.

60. Jill Seawood - left school without graduating 5 years ago, but is now interested in continuing her education. She is interested in history and languages and wants a course that will not only help her learn more about either topic but will also help her to get accepted into university.



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