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The United Nations says forty million pe...

The United Nations says forty million people or so around the world went hungry in 2008,mainly because of higher food prices. Early estimates from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that 963 million people did not get enough to eat.

World food prices have dropped since early 2008.Prices of major crops have decreased by more than half from their height earlier last year. But they remain high compared to earlier years.

But FAO official Hafez Ghana says lower prices have failed to end the food crisis(危机)in many poor countries."For millions in developing countries," he says, "getting enough food every day to live an active and healthy life is a distant dream.”

The FAO says food shortage is a threat to people's health.Today, two-thirds of the world's undernourished people live in just a few countries. These are India, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Ethiopia and so on.

A report on food insecurity warns that the current economic crisis could send even more people into hunger and poverty.

In sub-Saharan Africa, the percentage of the people who continually go hungry fell from 34% in 1997 to 30% in 2008.But the FAO says Ghana is the only country that has reached two sets of hunger reduction targets.These were set by the 1996 World Food Summit and the Millennium Development Goals.The main reason is the growth in agricultural production in Ghana.

The FAO says some countries in Southeast Asia like Thailand and Vietnam have made progress in hunger reduction goals.But South Asia and Central Asia haven't, and North Korea is still in hot water.

31. What FAO official Hafez Ghana says implies _.

A. it's easy but takes long to provide people with enough food

B. enough food can make people more active and healthier

C. there is difficulty solving the food shortage in a short time

D. people in developing countries will never get enough food

32. Ghana has reached the targets of hunger reduction mainly because of _.

A. the still high food prices                      

B. the donation of developed countries

C. the two targets of hunger reduction      

D. the growth in agricultural production

33. The underlined word "undernourished" in Para. 4 probably means _.

A. hungry and unhappy                       B. unhealthy for lack of food

C. not fat because of poverty               D. undeveloped and poor

34. Which country has not made progress in hunger reduction?

A. North Korea    B. Thailand      C. Vietnam     D. Ghana

35. What is the best title of this passage?

A. The food production of the world

B.    The hunger reduction target of the FAO

C.    The food shortage around the world

D.    The solution to the global food shortage


 C  D  B  A  C 【解析】略

第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

If you walked past the supermarket, you would find many foods that have been treated ____16______ (kill) any harmful germs that might have been in them. Milk is a good example. Raw milk --- that is, milk just as it comes from the cow --- may be _____17_____    (safe) to drink. But ____18______ the milk is heated and then cooled, the harmful germs are killed. The man ____19______discovered this way of treating milk was a Frenchman by the name of Louis Pasteur.

In the supermarket you would also find many frozen foods --- frozen fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. As techniques for ____20______ (freeze) food are being improved, more frozen foods are appearing on the market, and more people are buying them. Fruits and vegetables to be sold in the supermarket are often frozen the moment ____21______are picked. The       ____22_____(soon) fruits and vegetables are frozen, the better. _______23_____, machines are often taken into the fields where____24______food grows, so that little time is lost _____25_____picking and freezing.

















Dear Li Hua,

I am glad to know that you are going to study in Canada, so I am writing to tell you something about this country.


Best wishes.


Li Li





☆A  (Unit 1   Book 4  Women of Achievements) ★

Jane Goodall, who had intended to work with animals in their own environment since her (66) c_________, went to (67) A________ and devoted herself to (68) _________ (study) the behavior of chimps. It was tough but she considered it as a (69) w_________ career. Through her study, we learned much more about chimps. She argues that the life of these animals should be (70) r_________ and that they should be left in the wild and not used for (71) e_________ or advertisements. Besides, she was very (72) c__________ of these animals. Now, she has achieved everything she wanted to do, which inspired those who want to cheer the achievements of women.

☆B  (Unit 2  Book 4  Working the Land) ★

Yuan Longping, a man who graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953 and now works the land, does his research and grows hybrid rice. He is an agricultural (73) p_________ to have a high output of rice without (74) e_________ the area of fields. He devotes his whole life to finding ways to increase the rice output, to (75) f_________ the Chinese and the world people. He is (76) c_________ his knowledge so that more farmers can be free from (77) h_______ and satisfied with their lives. Yuan cares little about his money and fame, devoting a great deal of time and money helping others doing agricultural research. He wishes for more cheap rice for all the people. Yuan Longping is a great (78) p_________.

☆B  (Unit 3  Book 4  A Taste of English Humour) ★

Chaplin’s parents were poor music hall performers. It was (79) a__________ that Chaplin was brought up successfully when he was very young. Unfortunately, his parents died, leaving the family even worse off. Chaplin could act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. Nobody was ever bored watching him, for he made everything entertaining.

He became known (80) t__________ the world later. He wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972, he was given a special Oscar for his outstanding work in films. He spent his last years in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.




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Wild World——this exciting show takes you around the world to places of unimaginable natural beauty and danger. Learn more about our world and see animals as they live in nature.

Time:Friday 8.30-9.30 pm

Sports Sunday—learn what’s happening in the world of sport. See how your team performed, find out who is playing and watch interviews with all your favourite sports stars.

Time:Sunday 1-5 pm

The Music Man——John Rogers is a musician by day but a secret superhero crime fighter by night in this long—running television action drama.

Time:Weekdays 3.00-4.00 pm

Lateline——All the latest news and opinions from around the world. If you want to know where there is trouble in the world or the reasons behind the global economic crisis,join our team of award winning journalists.

Time:Weekdays 9—10 pm

Entertainment This Week—Covers the world of entertainment. Hear this week’s number one song, watch the newest movie reviews and listen to all the latest gossip about the stars.

Time:Saturday 6 pm

Pop Star—Hundreds of young and (sometimes) talented performers sing the latest songs and compete to see who will become the nation’s newest Pop Star.

Time:Thursday 7.30 pm


Sarah O’connor. Sarah is trying to decide where she will spend her summer vacation. She has a number of different places in mind but is worried about terrorism and her safety so she doesn’t want to go anywhere that is dangerous or may become dangerous soon. 

John Smith. John loves football and as a senior company manager needs to know the latest economic news. He seldom gets home before 10 o’clock at night during the week so he likes to relax in front of TV on the weekend. 

Robert Wise. Robert is a fan of action. He loves to watch exciting TV shows whether they are fictional or real. He usually only has time to watch TV on weekday evenings as he works during the day and on weekends he likes to go hiking and camping.

Joan Johnson. Joan is a housewife who sometimes feels bored at home so she enjoys watching exciting TV shows. When the kids are home on the weekends and after school she never gets a chance to watch TV as they want to watch the shows they like. 

Bill West. Bill is a music fan and a musician. He is always trying to hear the newest and most popular songs and learn more about his competitors. He is usually free after he finishes work at 5 pm except on weekends when he plays with his musical group in a local club. 





When someone says “Well, I guess I’ll face the music.”, he doesn’t mean that (31)_______

is planning to go to a concert. It is something far less happy, as you are (32)________ (call) in by your boss to explain why you did this or did that, or (33)______you did not do this or that.

At some time (34)______ another, every one of us has to “face the music”, (35)________

(especial) as children, we can all remember father’s angry words “I want to talk to you!” And it was only because we did not listen to him. (36)_____ a bad thing it was!

In the middle or at the end of every term, some students have to “face the music”. The result of the exam will decide (37)______they will have to face the music or not. There might be parents’ blame and the contempt (轻视) of the teachers and other (38)___________(classmate).

The phrase “to face the music” is well known to every American, (39)_____ or old. It is at least 100 years old. It originally means that you have to do something (40)_______ (brave), no matter how terrible the whole thing might be, because you know you have no choice.



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