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信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照...




A.Toyota Electron - 2006 (new): Toyota's new car is both powerful and economical. Using a combination of fuel and electricity this car will not only save money on petrol bills, but it will also save the environment. Has air conditioner and leather seats. Price: $17,500

B.BMW Series 7 - 2006 (new): Judged the "Car of Year" by Wheels Magazine this is the best high-class car on the market. It is big enough for 5 people but is smooth and fast. Has all the latest safety equipment and computer mapping system. Price: $84,900

C.Porsche 911 - 2006 (new): This newest Porsche is packed with the latest safety equipment and engine technology. It can hold 2 people and the roof can come down automatically for you to enjoy the fresh air. Has DVD entertainment system and computer mapping system. Price: $72,000

D.Chrysler Minibus - 2005 (second-hand): With its unique seating design, this vehicle can hold up to 14 people. Silver outside with black leather inside and in excellent condition.

Has 2 automatic sliding doors plus DVD entertainment system. Price: $19,200

E.Ford Fairlane - 1998 (second-hand): With a traditional Ford design, this car is dark blue and is an ideal second car for the family. Mechanically in good condition. Has air-conditioner and CD player. Price: $6,900

F.Honda Civic - 1996 (second-hand): This small, white, two-door car is easy to park and cheap to run. Inside and outside both in excellent condition.  It uses very little fuel and is the perfect car for city driving. Has CD player. Price: $2,500


Robert Anderson.  Robert has just been appointed the manager of a large international company. He wants to get a car that will impress his business colleagues yet is also suitable for transporting his wife and three children.

Julie Sunderland. Julie has recently moved into the city where she is studying. She needs a car that is cheap to buy and run so she can get to university and to her part-time job.

Bill Woodward. Bill is the coach of the local football team and needs a car that can take the players and equipment to and from their games.

Mary Alderson. Mary's rich dad promised he would buy her a new car for graduating from university. She wants something that is safe, that will allow her to enjoy listening to music and show off to her friends.

Kate Power. Kate needs to get a car to travel to her new job. But she feels guilty about the pollution she will cause so she wants a car that will do the least amount of harm to the environment.


BFDCA  【解析】略


Most American students said goodbye to expensive fruits these days. In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges heave replaced them. “People are afraid to spend now” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They basically don’t know what the future will bring and keep waiting till after the Presidential Election.”

The current financial crisis(金融危机), during which several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close, has made lots of Americans unwilling to buy expensive goods.

Samira Martino, a restaurant owner in Miami, found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals. In more than two dozen interviews with the Associated Press across the country last month, American talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts about simply making ends meet.

The crisis began last year. Experts blame it on U.S. banks lending money too easily. A lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders, the whole world’s financial markets were involved.

This month the U.S. government agreed on a $ 700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But a turn-around(转机) is not sure. President George W. Bush has warned it will take some time for the full effects of the plan to take hold in an economy that has had a world of trouble.

Last week top finance officials from 20 major economies promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble. They believe the current crisis is the worst since the Great Depression in 1929. And they all think international cooperation is the key to solve it.

51. From the first paragraph, we can infer that______

A. apples and oranges become more expensive

B. people are worrying about the Election

C. people are expecting a turn-around after the Election

D. expensive fruits are in short supply in American markets

52. Samira Martino’s restaurant is mentioned in the passage in order to ______

A. show that people cut down their expenses.

B. attract more people to come to his restaurant

C. show how hard he is trying to run his business

D. encourage people to start businesses like him

53. What is the cause of the current financial crisis of America?

A. The Presidential Election

B. U.S. banks lending money too easily.

C. The decreasing economy.

D. America’s rapid development.

54. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Many students can not eat expensive fruits in school canteens.

B. Americans are very worried about their lives.

C. The international cooperation is most needed.

D. The current financial crisis is the worst in American history.

55. This passage mainly talks about______

A. the terrible life of Americans

B. the situation of the financial crisis

C. the way to go through the crisis

D. the world financial market




Last week, while visiting my dad with my daughter, we went to a restaurant for dinner. When we were seated, my dad asked the waitress if there were any soldiers eating at the restaurant. Then waitress said there was a soldier having dinner with his friend. My dad told the waitress to tell the soldier and his friend that their dinner was paid for! He also said that he did not want to be known as the benefactor(施主).

Then waitress later commented on my dad’s thoughtful behavior saying that she had never seen anything like this before. At a local college, she had studied opera and so she used this to thank my dad by performing a piece from The Pearl Fisherman. Her voice brought me to tears because it sounded perfect!

After a while, the soldier appeared at our table (I don’t know how he knew my dad paid the bill for him.) and said that he would be sent to the front the next morning and that he could not leave this country without saying “thanks” to my dad. My dad replied that it was he who wanted to say “thanks”. They shook hands as the soldier left.

Before we left, the waitress came by again. She did a magic show as another way to show her “thanks” to my dad. Her show was really great. My dad left her a note with email address asking for her next performance time in addition to a $ 50 tip.

Everyone witnessed something exemplary in the human spirit that night. I can only hope to see more of this in the future.

46. My dad offered help to the soldier and his friend in the restaurant probably because________.

A. he wanted to thank them for all they had done

B. he wanted to know more about then

C. he wanted the waitress to thank him

D. he wanted the soldiers to know his kindness

47. The waitress performed The Pearl Fisherman in the restaurant because____.

A. she was asked to perform to the guests

B. she wanted to show off her wonderful skills

C. she wanted to show her respect and thanks to the author’s dad

D. she wanted to attract more and more guests

48. What did the soldier do in response to the author’s father’s kindness?

A. He gave something to author’s dad.

B. He gave a big tip to the waitress.

C. He said thanks to the author’s dad in person.

D. He did a magic show for the author and her father.

49. The author considered her father’s action to be ____.

A. funny        B. understandable         C. worthless            D. honorable

50. The passage mainly tells us that we should ____.

A. learn to be grateful to others      B. find ways to thank others

C. try to learn from each other               D. respect soldiers and waitresses







In 2008, the main candidates(候选人)for President each used this expression: “You can put lipstick(口红)on a pig, but it is still a pig.” This means that it is a waste of time to change something from ugly or unpleasant–looking to beautiful.

There are other expressions about improving a pig’s appearance, like this one: “A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog.” Hogs are similar to pigs, only bigger. Americans use many other expressions about pigs, hogs and female hogs called sows, like this one, “You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” This means you cannot create something valuable from something that has no value. Then there is the expression “Cast pearls before swine(猪).” That means wasting something valuable on someone who will not be thankful or care about it.

Hogs, which are very large animals, take up a lot of space but people should not take up more than their share. If one of your children is taking up too much space sitting in front of the television, other children might say: “Do not hog the couch.” And a road hog is a driver who uses more than his share of the road. Such a driver increases dangers for other drivers.

Pig terms are also used in American politics. Farmers mark their pig’s ears to identify them. In politics, earmarks are money set aside for projects in a congressman’s home state.

In many areas, pigs provide ham, bacon and other pork products to eat. All Americans want to be able to bring home the bacon because they want to earn enough money to provide the necessities of life. Experts say this term was first used in the 1920s. But it is believed to come from the much older game of catching a greased(涂了油的)pig. This was a popular event at country fairs in which the winner was awarded the pig.

41. The author writes this passage mainly to _________.

A. express his support for the Presidential Election

B. introduce some expressions used in Americans’ daily life

C. criticize the bad influence caused by expressions about pigs

D. discuss some problems caused by expressions about pigs

42. If you give a good book to a person who can’t read, which of the following is the most suitable to describe it?

A. Cast pearls before swine.

B. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

C. A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog.

D. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

43. A driver who takes up too much space on the road is often referred to as _________.

A. a greased pig                                         B. a couch hog

C. a road hog                                             D. a road earmark

44. How many words which refer to the same animal are mentioned in this passage?

A. Three                    B. Four                     C. Five                      D. Six

45. Which of the following expressions are similar to “You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”?

A. When pigs fly!                                            B. To eat like a pig

C. To sell a pig in a pork.                                 D. To sweat like a pig.



第二节 语法填空(共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


As a blind boy, I now had the key to all languages, __31__ I was eager to use it. Children __32__ can hear learn languages without any particular effort. __33__ hear other people speak, and enjoy trying to make the same sounds. The __34__ child must learn languages in a slow and often painful way. __35__ even though the learning may be slow and painful, the result is wonderful. We advance gradually from merely __36__ (name) objects to understanding the thought in a line of Shakespeare.

At first, when my teacher told me about a new thing, I asked very __37__ questions. My ideas were not clear, and I didn’t know many. But as my knowledge of things __38__ (grow) and I learned more and more words, I could ask more questions, and I would return again and again __39__ the same subject, eager for more information. Sometimes a new word make me remember an experience I had had __40__ (early) and I finally come to understand that the most effective way to learn a language well is to use it as much as possible.





阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 - 30各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Small moments sometimes last a very long time. And a few words---though they mean ___21___ at the time to the people who say them --- can have great power.

I recently heard a story from Malcolm Dalkoff, who has been a professional ___22___ for the last twenty-four years, mostly in advertising.

As a boy, Dalkoff was terribly shy and ___23___. He had few friends and no self-confidence. Then one day, his high school English teacher, Ruth Brauch, asked the class to write their own chapter that would ___24___ the last chapter of the novel since they had been reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Dalkoff wrote his chapter and turned it in. Today he cannot recall anything special about the chapter he wrote, or what ___25___ Mrs. Brauch gave him. ___26___, what he does remember is the four words in the paper: “This is good writing.” Thanks to the four words, his life has been ___27___ greatly.

“ Until I read those words, I had no idea of who I was or what I was or what I was going to be,” he said, “ After reading her ___28___, I went home and wrote a short story, ___29___ I had always dreamed of doing but never believed I could do.”

Over the rest of that year in school, he wrote many short stories, and always brought them to Mrs. Brauch for instruction. “She was ___30___, helpful and honest. She was just what I needed,” Dalkoff said.

21.     A. much                     B. little                      C. well                       D. ill

22.     A. report            B. designer                C. writer                    D. teacher

23.     A. weak                     B. independent            C. troublesome            D. helpless

24.     A. follow                   B. change                   C. connect                  D. explain

25.     A. help                       B. encouragement        C. grade                     D. words

26.     A. Therefore               B. However                C. Meanwhile             D. Besides

27.     A. improved               B. developed               C. changed                 D. enriched

28.     A. chapter                  B. novel                     C. note                       D. explanation

29.     A. everything              B. something              C. nothing                  D. anything

30.     A. encouraging           B. careful                   C. strict                      D. effective



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