满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It's really time I should go home, but I...

It's really time I should go home, but I'm enjoying myself, so I ______ here a bit longer.

A.am staying

B.have stayed




A 【解析】略

At last Tom was able to ____ her to give up the foolish idea that she wanted to go there alone.











操场上:拔河比赛(tug of war)



收获:放松、交朋友、发挥潜能(show one’s hidden talents)

[写作内容] 假设你是校报记者,写一篇简讯报道这次活动。你的报道需包括以下五方面的内容:






[写作要求] 必须使用5个句子表达全部内容。




1. 就我而言, 我渴望得到这个出国深造的机会。

___  ____  ___  ___  ___, I __  ___ ____  have such a chance to ___  ___for further study.

2. 他意识到自己无法适应城市的生活,决定搬回农村。

He ______  _____  ______he couldn’t ____  _____  ____the city life and decided to move back to the countryside.

3. 只有老板的私人秘书才能接触到这份文件。

Only the private secretary of the boss ______  _______  ______this document.

4. 他被宣布为这次比赛的冠军。人们都过来祝贺他的胜利。

He was____  ____  ____the champion of this competition and everyone came to_____him on his victory.

5. 他日夜沉溺于酒吧,以至于他的妻子和他离婚。

He ___  ______  _______pub day and night _____  ______ his wife ______ him.

6. 人们都很同情他的不幸遭遇,并纷纷捐款帮他度过难关。

People _____  _____  ____his unfortuante experience and _____money to help him out.

7. 学校正在考虑如何提高学生的住宿。

The school _____ _____  _______how to improve students’ ________.

8. 他推荐我读一本关于国家安全的书。

He ________  _______me a book about national _______.



It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean’s largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species. Attaching radio devices to it is difficult, and visual sightings are too unreliable to give real insight into its behavior.

So biologists were delighted early this year when, with the help of the Navy, they were able to track a particular blue whale for 43 days, monitoring its sounds. This was possible because of the Navy’s formerly top-secret system of underwater listening devices spanning the oceans.

Tracking whales is but one example of an exciting new world just opening to civilian scientists after the cold war as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening system built over the decades to track the ships of potential enemies.

Earth scientists announced at a news conference recently that they had used the system for closely

monitoring a deep-sea volcanic eruption (爆发) for the first time and that they plan similar studies.

Other scientists have proposed to use the network for tracking ocean currents and measuring changes in ocean and global temperatures.

The speed of sound in water is roughly one mile a second—slower than through land but faster than through air. What is most important, different layers of ocean water can act as channels for sounds, focusing them in the same way a stethoscope (听诊器) does when it carries faint noises from a patient’s chest to a doctor’s ear. This focusing is the main reason that even relatively weak sounds in the ocean, especially low-frequency ones, can often travel thousands of miles.

81. The passage is chiefly about ____ .

A. an effort to protect an endangered marine species

B. the civilian use of a military detection system

C. the exposure of a U.S. Navy top-secret weapon

D. a new way to look into the behavior of blue whales

82. The underwater listening system was originally designed ____ .

A. to trace and locate enemy vessels

B. to monitor deep-sea volcanic eruptions

C. to study the movement of ocean currents

D. to replace the global radio communications network

83. The deep-sea listening system makes use of ____ .

A. the sophisticated technology of focusing sounds under water

B. the capability of sound to travel at high speed

C. the unique property of layers of ocean water in transmitting sound

D. low-frequency sounds travelling across different layers of water____

84. It can be inferred from the passage that____.

A. new radio devices should be developed for tracking the endangered blue whales

B. blue whales are no longer endangered with the use of the new listening system

C. opinions differ as to whether civilian scientists should be allowed to use military technology

D. military technology has great potential in civilian use

85. Which of the following is true about the U.S. Navy underwater listening network?

A. It is now partly accessible to civilian scientists.

B. It has been replaced by a more advanced system.

C. It became useless to the military after the cold war.

D. It is indispensable in protecting endangered species.





Most people want to know how things are made. They honestly admit, however, that they hardly know a thing when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. Where a composer begins, how he manages to keep going – in fact, how and when he learns his trade – all are covered in complete darkness. The composer, in short, is a man of mystery.

One of the first things the common man wants to know about is the part inspiration(灵感)plays in a composer’s work. He finds it difficult to believe that composers are not much interested in that question. Writing music is as natural for the composer as eating or sleeping for all. Music is something that the composer happens to have been born for.

The composer, therefore, does not say to himself: “Do I feel inspired?” He says to himself: “Do I feel like working today?” And if he feels like working, he does. It is more or less like saying to himself: “Do I feel sleepy?” if you feel sleepy, you go to sleep. If you don’t feel sleepy, you stay up. If the composer doesn’t feel like working, he doesn’t work. It’s as simple as that.

66. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Composer: a man of mystery           B. Practice makes good music

C. Relation between sleeping and music       D. Music: product of nature

67. The words “covered in complete darkness” underlined in paragraph 1 most probably mean__________

A. difficult to be made   B. without any light       C. black in color    D. not known

68. Most people seem to think that a composer________.

A. finds it difficult to write music     B. considers it important to have a good rest

C. should like to talk about inspiration  D. never asks himself very simple questions

69. The author will most probably agree that composers_________.

A. are born with a gift for music      B. are people full of mystery

C. work late at night for their music     D. know a lot about eating and sleeping

70. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How the music produces.

B. How secret the composer’s work.

C. Why the composer is so popular with people.

D. What the composer often thinks about.



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