满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第三部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大...



I was going hunting along the motorway the other day when there was a sudden bang and I almost fell off my motorbike. It had a hole in the front tyre and it’s not easy to_46_ a bike without any air in the tyre.

I _47_ stop without falling off luckily, but I still had the problem of what to do with the hole. A motorbike isn’t like a car; you can’t just change a wheel and go on your way. Now, you have to take the wheel off, find the hole, cover it with a piece of rubber, and then put the wheel back together again. Usually it costs you a lot of time and you get very dirty. As I didn’t have any _48_, I set to work. It didn’t _49_ long to get the wheel off and it wasn’t hard to _50_ the tyre from the wheel. The fun really began when I had to put the wheel back on the bike. You have no_51_ how easy it is to _52_ small pieces of motorbike in the dark.

In the _ 53_ the bike was all together again but then I realized I hadn’t got a pump, so how was I going to blow up the tyre? Fortunately, a _54_ motorist saw me and pulled up. He lent me his pump and I was soon ready to start off again. Next time I am in the motorbike shop I really must remember to buy myself a small pump though I don’t know _55_ I am going to carry it on the motorbike.

46. A. drive    B. start       C. carry      D .ride

47. A. tried to B. managed to C. did        D. made an effort to

48. A. time     B. choice     C. chance          D. tool

49. A. spend   B. need      C. take       D. have

50. A. remove B. repaired     C. change          D . check

51. A. idea      B. wonder      C. fun        D. sense

52. A. look for       B. find       C. put together       D. lose

53. A .last       B. meantime   C. same time   D. end

54. A. passing B. past       C. passed     D. pass

55. A. what     B. where     C. that        D. why


46-50 DBBCA        51-55 ACDAB  【解析】略

Is this the school______________you studied ten years ago?

A.the one that


C.in that

D.in which



You may___________he will come here to give us a hand.

A.rely on

B.rely on it

C.rely on that

D.rely on it that



Many audiences listened to his speech very attentively from the very beginning to the end, my parents ___________. 







___________the car came out, we started doing market research.

A.Before long

B.Long ago

C.Long before

D.Soon before



.It is said that pandas  ___________ in our country year after year.

A.are being disappeared

B.are disappearing

C.will be disappeared

D.will disappear



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