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In “Relax, We’ll Be Fine”, columnist Dav...

In “Relax, We’ll Be Fine”, columnist David Brooks writes, “the fact is, despite all the problems, America’s future is extremly bright.”

Mr. Brooks acknowledges that “According to recent survey, 60 percent of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. The same percentage believe that the U.S. is in long-term decline. The political system is not functional. A financial crisis looks unavoidable. There are plenty of reasons to be sad.”

But, he writes:

“Demographers(人口学家) predict that over the next 40 years, the U.S. population will increase by an additional 100 million people, to 400 million over all. The population will be determined, hardworking and relatively young. In 2050, only a quarter will be over 60, compared with 31 percent in China and 41 percent in Japan.”

As the rising generation leads an economic recovery, it will also participate in a communal

(of community) one. We are living in a global age of social entrepreneurship(创业精神).

In sum, the U.S. is on the edge of a demographic, economic and social recovery, built on its historic strengths. The U.S. has always been good at destructive change. And it’s always been good at decentralized community-building, too. Surely a country with this much going for it is not going to wait around passively and let a rotten political culture drag it down.

51.In his article Relax, We’ll Be Fine, David Brooks intends to____________.

A.encourage Americans to be optimistic about their future

B.give Americans courage to face their financial crisis

C.persuade Americans to live happily and generously

D.inspire Americans to lead an economic recovery

52.There are all the reasons for Americans to be unhappy except____________

A.the function-failed political system         B.the increasing population

C.the declining economy                   D.the wrong direction and financial crisis

53.Over the next 40 years, according to David Brooks, Americans will be____________

A.more optimistic and humorous            B.more pessimistic and stronger

C.more energetic and promising             D.more considerate and aggressive

54.In the author’s opinion, America____________.

A.has always benefited from wars            B.has done well by its political system

C.has contributed a lot to human progress     D.has contributed to world’s economy

55.We can learn from the passage that____________

A.American political system and culture are backward

B.Americans are not a nation to give in to difficulties

C.Americans are very destructive and aggressive

D.America has been in an economic and social recovery


51---55   ABCAD   【解析】略

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan–-- Afghans burned tires and chanted “Death to America” after U.S troops fired Monday(April 12, 2010) on a civilian bus near Kandahar, killing four people and wounding more than a dozen. Afghanistan’s president accused NATO of breaking its commitment to safeguard civilian lives.

The attack angered Afghan officials and the public in Kandahar, the Taliban’s birthplace, and dealt a blow to U.S and NATO efforts to win popular support for a coming offensive to drive the insurgents(叛乱分子) from the biggest city in the south. NATO expressed regret for the loss of civilian lives and said it was investigating.

Nearly 200 Afghans blocked highway where the shooting occurred, burning tires, firing weapons and chanting “Death to America” and other slogans. They also called for the ouster (forcing somebody out of a pasition) of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a Kandahar native who has been appealing for the people here to support the U.S-led campaign against the Taliban.

“The Americans are constantly killing our civilians and the government is not demanding an explanation,” protester Mohammad Razaq said. “We demand justice from the Karzai government and the punishment of those soldiers responsible.”

Kandahar, a city of about a half million people, is nominally under government control, but the Taliban have stepped up infiltration(浸润), staging attacks and threatening local people.

“These foreigners have their enemies, but killing Afghans is not the answer,” said Abdul Hadi, who sells homemade herbal medicine in a public market. He said international forces should publish a schedule of their patrols(巡逻) so Afghans can keep out of the way.

“Better yet, I would like to see them leave Afghanistan,” he added.

Haji Zahir, who runs a transport firm, said it was time for U.S. and other foreign forces to withdraw from the country.

“They say they want to bring security. It is all lies, lies. They kill Afghans. That is not the way to bring security,” Zahir said.

46.According to the passage, we can safely conclude that____________.

A.American soldiers are killing Talibans effectively

B.Anger rises as US troops kill 4 Afghans on a bus

C.NATO expressed great dissatisfaction with American troops

D.Afghan President Hamid Karzai required NATO to withdraw

47.The underlined word in Paragraph 5 nominally most probably means____________.

A.completely unknown to the people in the world

B.partially well-known to the people across the globe

C.bearing the name of a famous person around the world

D.officially described as something, when this is not really true

48.As for NATO soldiers’ rude action, Abdul Hadi is ____________.

A.absolutely angry and upset        B.a little pleased but impatient

C.very angry and dissatisfied        D.impatient but bearable

49.We can infer from the passage that____________

A.NATO troops can completely control Afghanistan

B.NATO troops can bring security to Afghanistan

C.Afghans will accept NATO’s control sooner or later

D.it’s impossible for NATO to conquer Afghanistan and its people

50.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A.NATO fails to win popular support for a coming offensive.

B.Kandahar is the most important city in Afghanistan.

C.NATO has really brought security to Afghanistan.

D.NATO troops will withdraw from Afghanistan in the near future.



第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


It was a winter morning, just before Christmas, while most people were warming up their cars, my husband, Trevor, had to ride his bike 4 kilometers away from home to work. On his

31  (arrive), he parked his bike outside the back door   32   usual. After 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone,   33   was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, and also the bike was used   34  (get) groceries, saving us from having to walk long distances from   35   we live.

I was so sad that I wrote to the newspaper and told   36   our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, and then called my husband to fetch it. Once again my husband had a way to get to and   37   his job. It really is   38   honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.

People say that a smile can   39  (pass) from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it   40  (strong) our faith in humanity. And it has influenced us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others.



第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


There was once a scientist. After a lot of practice and efforts, he learned the art of reproducing himself. He did it so   21   that it was impossible to tell the reproduction from the original.

One day while doing his research, he   22   that the Angel of Death was searching for him. In order to remain   23   he reproduced a dozen copies of himself. The reproductions were so   24   that all of them looked exactly like him. Now when this Angel of Death came down, she was at a loss to know which of the thirteen before her was the original scientist and

25  . She left them all alone and returned to the heaven.

But, not for long, for being an expert in human   26  , the Angel came up with a clever idea. She said to the scientist,   27   all thirteen of them, “Sir, you must be a genius to have succeeded in making such perfect reproduction yourself. However, I’ve discovered a flaw(缺陷) in your work, just one tiny little flaw.”

The scientist immediately jumped out and shouted, “  28  ! Where is the flaw?”

“Right here.” said the Angel, as she   29   up the scientist from among the reproductions and carried him off.

The whole purpose of the scientist and his reproduction failed as he couldn’t control his

30  , so he lost his life.

21.A.quickly                   B.perfectly                 C.actually                  D.really

22.A.realized                  B.remembered            C.acknowledged         D.complained

23.A.superb                    B.young                     C.aware                     D.alive

24.A.different                 B.familiar                  C.popular                   D.similar

25.A.confirmed               B.blamed                   C.confused                 D.frightened

26.A.history                   B.nature                     C.society                    D.system

27.A.addressing                     B.mentioning             C.encouraging            D.challenging

28.A.Unbearable             B.Suspectable             C.Fantastic                 D.Impossible

29.A.picked                    B.took                       C.caught                    D.hid

30.A.soul                       B.idea                        C.pride                      D.spirit






     Nowadays, the pressures on schools and teachers are often passed on to students and parents. Students are tested more and assigned more homework. In the past 25 years, homework assignments have risen by 51% according to a 2008 study at the University of Michigan. That is an average of 12 extra hours of homework per week!

     Excessive homework often leaves no time for students to have fun or do something for themselves. Many parents spend at least three hours every night going through their children's work.

      However, the governments' efforts to cut the homework burden of primary and middle school students have drawn mixed reactions.  Ironically, though teachers have been widely criticized for piling on homework, it is parents who sometimes ask for more work for their children! When teachers don't give homework, some parents will go to the school and complain. They want teachers to assign homework every day as a means of making sure teachers do their job and the children have work to do.















Dear Patti

I’m writing to you for some advice on my studies. As you know, football is a very popular sport in the world and I am attracted to it and I have fallen in love with it, which makes me feel so crazy. I have spending lots of time doing many things related to it, like watching football matches, reading newspapers and magazines, and searching the Web for more information about football. As a result, it has certainly disturbed my normal study. Though I know to be a football fan is my hobby and my major adjective is to learn more knowledge in school, I can’t concentrate on my lessons and gradually I am tired of them. I am still a senior middle school student, and I’ll have my own business even when I grow up, so I am not likely to do a job in the field of football. But now I can’t stop myself from getting involved further with football. So I feel very depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction .

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua










Dear Li Hua,

Thank you for your letter. From your letter, I’ve known something about your situation.                                                                              







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