满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

______what many people thought, the grad...

______what many people thought, the graduate came here not to ______ fame or money but the true value of life.

On the contrary with; look for

B.     To the contrary of; hunt for

C.    Opposite to; search

D.    Contrary to; seek


D 【解析】

Sarah hopes to become a friend of ______ shares her interests. 

A. anyone                   B. whomever                     C. whoever                D. no matter who



Once one’s desire ______ reason, trouble is sure to follow.

A. overcomes         B. is overcome by           C. gets rid of   D. is rid of



The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _____ I thought was a dangerous speed.    

A. as               B. which                     C. what         D. that



When I was talking to her about her table manners, she stared at me as if listening to me attentively but I could see her mind ______somewhere else.

A. wondering        B. wandering                   C. walking               D. thinking of




1.福利 n.                            2.尊重 vt. & n.                  3. 鼓舞vt.

4.运动; 战役n.                   5.支持 vt. & n.                     6.(偶然)遇见 phr.

7.观察;观测 v.            8.递送;生(小孩)v.               9.娱乐 n.

10.蔑视;瞧不起 phr.  11.查阅;谈到 phr..                   12.值得做的 a.

13.考虑周到的 a.         14.  紧急情况 n.                 15.  学会;学院 n.

16.专家 n.                          17.  过着……的生活phr.    18.  举动 n.

19.仁慈 n.                          20.  比率 n.                               21.  直言的;坦诚 a.

22.连接;关系 n.         23.  争论 v.                       24.   窝 n.

25.谦虚的 a.          26. 晒黑 a.                              27.  斗争,拼搏,努力vt.&vi.

28.产量,输出n.                   29.使变大,伸展,阐述vt.&vi.       30.循环,流传vt.&vi.

31.摆脱,除去phr.         32.  对……感到满意phr.    33.  配备,装备vt.&vi.

34.宁愿,宁可phr.         35.  集中(注意力)于phr. 36.  谷物,粮食,颗粒n.

37.输出,出口vt.&vi.            38.  工作;职业 n.                    39.  数据;统计 n.

40.有机的,器官的adj.   41.  化学的,关于化学的adj.       42.  肥料,化肥n.

43.使迷惑,使为难vt.    44.  矿物,矿石n.                 45.  幸亏;由于phr.

46.减少,缩减vt.                  47.  使……免受(影响)phr.   48.  总结,摘要n.

49.营养,滋养,食物n.    50.  评论;议论 n.vt.&vi.



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