满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

II.语言知识及应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题...


第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


To improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.   21 , you need to be specific. Don’t say, “Boy, did you   22   like a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed me by getting drunk and telling   23  jokes to my parents.” Secondly, stick to the present. Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year. By doing this, you   24  attention from the problem at hand. Moreover, when you complain,   25   add insults. If you start calling the other person names, that will only   26  anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really   27  you. A last point to remember is to complain privately. Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else for that   28  . Criticizing in front of a third party has the same effect as   29 . This shames the person being criticized and makes it very   30  that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.

Remember sensible ways to complain yet?

Be specific.

Stick to the present.

Don’t add insults.

Complain privately.

21. A. To start with    B. Frankly speaking    C. In addition      D. Needless to say

22. A. conduct             B. undergo                 C. perform        D. act

23. A. temporary      B. controversial       C. offensive       D. dramatic

24. A. take away     B. set off             C. draw up        D. catch up

25. A. not                 B. barely            C. never           D. seldom

26. A. commit        B. deliver            C. involve         D. create

27. A. listen to             B. work for            C. look after       D. wait on

28. A. time           B. matter             C. person         D. party

29. A. jokes          B. criticism            C. insults          D. embarrassment

30. A. likely         B. natural            C. impossible      D. Frequent


21—25 ADCAC  26—30 DABCA 【解析】略





设立“公交车司节”(Bus Drivers’ Day)


















After confession he feels a little better and can sleep ______ ______.

12. 她在学习以提高自己的代数水平。

She was studying to ______ ______ her algebra.

13. 财务负责人必须说明交给他的钱是怎样用的。

The treasurer has to ______ ______ the money paid to him.

14. 它还可指冲突或不和,常涉及暴力行动。

It can also _______ ________ a conflict or disagreement, often involving


15. 什么,应该量入为出?——我们虽然穷,哈里,可我们还没穷到那么糟糕呢。

    Live within our means? ――We may be poor, Harry, but we are not that         ______ ______.





He wandered around Tibet for about twp months. His experience is u_______.(难以置信)

With the test a_________,(临近) the atmosphere in the class is getting tense.

She has the qualification for being a________ (录取)to the college.

This scheme enables you to b________ (预算) cost through fixed monthly payments.

Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher r_______.(阶层)

Cycling is highly b__________(有益)to health and the environment.

The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, c______ (证明) that fall had arrived in Canada.

It’s said that the building is m_________ (模仿) after the great pyramid.

She considers teaching a w_________(值得的) job.

People say Vancouver is Canada’s most beautiful city, s_______(包围) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.






Many Chinese students studying abroad like to stay with host families to learn their language and culture. Nowadays, many Shanghai white-collar workers have received native English-speaking   1    (national) students as their host families, too, in order to learn English from them.

  It is usually free for foreign students to stay in a host family in Shanghai, but he/she must take   2   the responsibility of teaching English to at least one certain members of the family. Miss Li has always worried about her   3   (limit) English. “I never knew what to say to an English-speaking person,” said she. She has taken a number of English courses, but   4   has proved to be useful. Last year, she saw  5    advertisement recruiting(征募) host families for foreign students, and that was how Carey (from Chicago, US) came to her home. Carey is actually not a student, but a manager. She stays in Li's apartment for free,  6    has to teach Li oral English for 1 hour every day. “She could hardly speak Chinese at the beginning, and we had to guess   7   each other meant through gestures, ”said Li.

  Two months later, they could talk to each other   8   gesticulating(做手势). Now, Li can communicate with any English-speaking person freely. About one hundred Shanghai families have received foreign boarding students, and the figure   9   (rise). However, foreign boarding students can only help improve oral English, but   10   examination skills.



The quality of drinking water in Shanghai will meet European Union standard by 2010 and, a decade later, citizens in Shanghai will drink the best water in the world.

These were the goals set out by the Shanghai Water Authority. With the city’s population expected to increase only slightly and the economy to boom by 2020, Chen Yin, and official with the water authority, said Shanghai’s water consumption will not increase from its present amount.

Zhang Yue, director of the Urban Construction Division under the Ministry of Construction, said, “Shanghai is the first city in the country to publicize these ambitions. They will not be easy to achieve.”

He said water saving will help keep the sustainable development of China’s economy.

Saving one cubic meter of water means saving the city’s infrastructure(基础设施)costs by 10,000 Yuan. Last year, Shanghai saved 300 million cubic meters of water either from readjustment of industrial structure or the employment of new technology.

 “The aim is to arouse public awareness of the seriousness of water shortages,” Chen said. “The abundant surface water and amount of rain of the city are so misleading that they result in improper use of water.”

Shanghai lacks drinkable water. The Huangpu River, which supplies 80 percent of the city’s drinkable water, is nearing exhaustion.

The city, therefore, has been exploring new sources from the Yangtze River and growing forests along it to conserve quality water.

Besides penning regulations, the authority is popularizing technology among the public to efficiently cut the amount of water used.

At present, the city has 600,000 family toilets, each using 13 liters of water per flush. These are to be renovated(整修)to use only 9 liters of water per flush.

The authority is renovating the first 200 toilets for households – at a cost of 40 Yuan each.

In three years, all the toilets will be renovated, which saves the city nearly 15 million Yuan every year in water conservation.

Another task the city is engaged in is the treatment of sewage(污水)to improve the water environment.

At present the city can only treat 44 percent of its daily 5.04 million tons of waste water. To meet the total demand, 27 more sewage treatment factories are to be established with an estimated investment of 18 billion Yuan.


41.People in Shanghai get their daily water mainly from _______now.

A.the underground                          B.the rain     

C.the Yangtze River                         D.the Huangpu River

42.According to the passage, some people have the wrong opinion of using water

because      .

A.the renovating of family toilets will save plenty of water

B.about half of waste water has been treated already

C.advanced technology makes people use water as much as possible

D.there is plenty surface water and large amount of rain at present

43.The authority is renovating the first 200 toilets for households to          .

A.make people’s living more convenient     

B.improve people’s living standards

C.ease employment pressure      

D.meet the total demand of water

44.Which group of measures are all mentioned in the passage to save water?

a.improve drinking water quality

b.change some industrial structure

c.introduce or use some new technology    

d.speed the economic development of Shanghai

e.renovate some family toilets    

f.build more sewage treatment factories

A.a, b, c, d                       B.b, c, e, f                       

C.b, c, d, e              D.a, b, e, f

45.We can infer from the passage that          .

A.the boom of economy will need a larger amount of water in the future

B.citizens today in Shanghai drink the best quality of water in the world

C.not everyone today in Shanghai is aware of water shortage

D.all the family toilets will be renovated to save water within 3 years



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