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第三节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下...

第三节:语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


When inviting some friends at a dinner, we Chinese often say, “The dishes are not good. Please forgive me.” In fact, it is a Chinese way of    51     ( be) modest, what he really means is that all the dishes here are really wonderful!   52   he really hopes is compliment from the guests! But   53   English would not understand it at all! Now that it is not good, why should you present the dishes before us? The English would say to their guests “ Enjoy yourselves!” when eating   54  “ Hope you’ve enjoyed   55    !” after eating.

While eating, we Chinese often say to the guests, “Eat slowly.” This would be very   56   ( puzzle) to the foreigners: Am I eating very violently? Am I eating too quickly or too much?

And now come to the end of the dinner when your guests   57   (leave) . The Chinese would say: “Walk slowly!” This is a very polite saying in Chinese,   58   will also be confusing to the foreigners: Why can’t I walk fast? Does it matter  59   I walk slowly or not? Are you worrying that I may fall over? So change your words 

60   a simple “ Bye!” or “ See you next time!”


51.being       52.what                53.the     54.and      55.yourselves   56.puzzlling    57.will leave / are leaving  58.but    59.whether   60.for   【解析】略

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


When a person is curious about something, it means he is   36   in it and wishes to know something about it. We can say he has curiosity about that thing. There is nothing wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad  37  on what people are curious about. 

Curiosity   38   can be silly or wrong. Some people with nothing to do are   39   of curiosity about what their neighbours are doing. They are anxious to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are   40   home or taking outside, or why they have come home so early or late. To be interested in these things is silly because they are not important. It is none of their  41   to know what their neighbours do or are doing. Such curiosity is not only foolish but also harmful. Most probably, it may   42   to small talk which often brings harm, shame or disrespect to   43   , and thus   44   their feelings. 

On the other hand, there is a noble (高尚的) curiosity — curiosity of wise men, who wonder at all the great things and try to find out all they   45   about them. Columbus would never have found America if he had not been   46   . James Watt would not have made the steam engine   47   his curiosity about the rising of the kettle lid. All the discoveries in human history have been made   48  a result of curiosity,   49   the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have   50   — or nothing to do with the happiness of the public. 

36. A. engaged

37. A. keeps

B. pleased

B. puts

C. interested

C. takes

D. excited

D. depends

38. A. always

B. sometimes

C. seldom

D. never

39. A. full

40. A. taking

41. A. work

42. A. refer

43. A. other

B. fond

B. bringing

B. housework

B. lead

B. others

C. proud

C. going

C. duty

C. cause

C. another

D. out

D. coming

D. business

D. bring

D. the others

44. A. hurts

B. effects

C. shows

D. destroys

45. A. need

B. must

C. may

D. can

46. A. famous

B. careful

C. curious

D. hard

47. A. for

B. without

C. with

D. in

48. A. as

B. in

C. on

D. of

49. A. so

B. however

C. but

D. or

50. A. much

B. little

C. some

D. any




Why not get some work experience first ______ go straight on to university?

A. other than 

B.. more than 

C rather than

D. less than



_________we will go home or not will ____________it is going to rain tomorrow.

A.Whether; depend on whether

B.Whether; depend on

C.When; decided on if

D.How; depend on whether



The news_______ the girl studying at the art college had a_______ for music and dance___________us.

A.which; gift; was pleased

B.that; gift; pleased

C.which; gift; pleased with

D.that; gift; was pleased with



—My teacher punished me this morning.

—Why? You’ve done nothing wrong, ______ I can see.

A.as long as

B. as well as

C. as far as

D.as soon as



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