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第二节语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句...

第二节语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


BEIJING - High school graduates from quake-hit Yushu county, Qinghai province will have greater opportunities to enter college due to favorable policies from the Ministry of Education.

Students who sit this year's college entrance examination in Yushu will receive additional test points and colleges ___31___ (instruct) to give preference to students from the area ___32___ they meet minimum admission requirements, the ministry said in a notice published on ___33___ website on Saturday.

Even for those who fail this year's exam, the education department in Qinghai will offer the students ___34___ (vary) opportunities to continue their education ___35___ receive vocational training, according to the ministry.

In China, the college entrance exam ___36___ (hold) in early June every year. About 1,000 students from Yushu's senior high schools are expected to sit this year's exam along with students from ___37___ the country.

___38___ 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Yushu of Qinghai on April 14, killing at least 2,200 people and leaving some 13,000 ___39___ (injure).

On Saturday, Premier Wen Jiabao paid his second visit to Yushu ___40___ the quake and presided over a meeting on reconstruction work.


31. have been instructed  32. if/when  33. its   34. various    35. or 36. is held             37. across   38. A    39. injured    40. since 【解析】略

Ⅱ 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)


The Squirrel and the Lion

A squirrel, merrily leaping on the branches of an oak tree, accidentally missed its hold and fell upon a lion who lay sound asleep at the trunk. His Majesty awoke in ___21___, and displayed his terrific teeth to the ___22___ squirrel, who, in the most humble manner, begged __23___ for the intrusion. “I grant you your life,” said the lion, “but on condition that you tell me the reason why you are always so lively and __24___, while my time passes so boringly.”

“Yes, sire,” replied the squirrel, “I will, in return for your mercy, tell you the secret. But he who speaks the truth ought to stand higher than he who ___25___ it; permit me, therefore, to jump up the tree.”

The lion agreed to this and when the squirrel was out of his ___26___ he thus addressed him: “You seek to know how I am always merry. ___27___ gives me a joyous mind, but sire, you are just lacking in it. Think of the many crimes and cruelties you have___28___. How many animals have you killed, while I have been ___29___ in carrying nuts to help my folks! You hate, and I love! Believe me, there is great meaning and truth in these words, and often have I heard my father observe when young: “Son, let your happiness be founded in virtue, and pleasure will be the constant ___30___ of your heart.”.

21.  A. anger         B. silence          C. surprise      D. hunger

22.  A. thrilling       B. skipping        C. trembling   D. frightening

23.  A. explanation      B. understanding    C. forgiveness D. consideration

24.  A. lovely        B. interesting     C. athletic       D. happy

25.  A. witnesses      B. answers         C. analyzes     D. hears

26.  A. sight         B. reach         C. mind      D. catch

27.  A. Nature         B. Wealth              C.Conscience  D. Knowledge

28.  A. made         B. committed     C. performed  D. accomplished

29.  A. employed      B. required        C. interested   D. devoted

30.  A. tendency      B. desire         C. companion D. assistant





What Is the Use of Examinations?

A good education should make people think for themselves. But the exam can never do anything like that.

First, examinations are second to none because it brings anxiety to students. As a child begins school, he enters a world of terrible competition.

Second, exams do not interest students to read or to learn widely. They do not help students to look for more and more knowledge, but try to put as much as possible into the students' head.

Thirdly, they lower the standards of teaching for they do not give any freedom to teachers to decide what to teach. Teachers themselves have no choice but to train their students in exam skills.  The most successful students are not always the best educated but the best trained in the skills of exams.

Fourth, they tell you nothing about a person’s true ability. The exams are often nothing more than a subjective assessment ( 主观评价) by some examiners.

However, if there are no exams, few students or even no one will do any revision or study!

















以下是有关广州海洋馆(Guangzhou Ocean World)的介绍,请根据下面表格的内容为它写一篇英文简介。








各种海洋植物; 海洋动物,如:海龟、鲨鱼、鲸鱼、海豚(dolphin)等;了解海洋是如何形成的; 许多专门供小孩阅读的有关海洋方面的书籍




1. 必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给内容。

2. 将5个句子组织成连贯的短文。






第四部分:单词和短语拼写  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


56. Doing morning exercises surely has some b_____________ effects on our health.

57. You’d better a_____________ yourself to the life here as soon as possible.

58. A baby is too young to be a_______________ of the dangers around it.

59. Only members of the club have the p______________ of using the sports facilities.

60. People of that remote village are mainly o______________ with agriculture.

61. Everybody in our class is required to p______________ in the spring outing.

62. No one knows _______  ________ what happened to him. (肯定没人知道他发生了何事。)

63. I ______  _____ an old friend I hadn’t seen for years.(我碰巧遇见了多年未见的老朋友。)

64. He lived _____________  ______________. (他过得很舒服。)

65. Later, man began to _____________  ______________ the places where the food and water were plentiful.(后来,人们开始在有充足的食物和水的地方定居下来。)



第三部分:阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


China launched its first manned spaceship at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, becoming the third country in the world to send a person into orbit after the former Soviet Union and the United States. Astronaut Yang Liwei became China’s first space man.

With a column of beautiful smoke, the Shenzhou V craft cut across a bright northwest China sky at exactly 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and went into orbit 10 minutes later.

China Central Television’s Channel One cut into its regular programming to announce the launch. The station later showed the Shenzhou V streaking(moving very fast)into the sky and disappearing, its tracer billowing (to fill with air and become larger)behind it.

Minutes after the launch, a CCTV announcer said that Shenzhou V and 38-year-old Yang Liwei, an air force pilot since 1983, had “entered orbit at 9:10.” It reported Yang was “reading a flight manual(手册) in the capsule of the Shenzhou V spacecraft and looked composed and at ease.”

The Shenzhou V launch came after four test launches of unmanned capsules that orbited the earth for nearly a week before parachuting back to China’s northern grasslands. Reports said the manned flight was expected to last about 22 hours.

President Hu Jintao watched the launch at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in northwest China’s Gansu Province.

Hu called the launch “the glory of our great motherland and a mark for the initial victory of the country’s first manned space flight and for the significant, historic step of the Chinese people in the advance of climbing over the peak of the world’s science and technology.”

He said that: “The Party and the people will never forget those who have set up the outstanding merit(贡献) in the space industry for the motherland, the people and the nation.”

“The launch of the Shenzhou V is long-awaited by the Chinese people,” Foreign Minister spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said on Tuesday. She said the flight was a key step in the “Peaceful development of space.”

NASA Administrator Sean O’ Keefe also congratulated on China’s first successful human space flight.

41. The following are countries succeeded in sending man into space EXCEPT ____

A. China          B. Germany      C. America             D. the former Soviet Union

42. The underlined word “composed” in paragraph 4 means_____

A. happy      B. nervous        C. calm        D. excited

43. According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. It’s the first time that China has sent up its first manned spaceship.

B. Before the Shenzhou V launched, four test launches of it had moved around the earth.

C. The 38-year-old astronaut was sent into space by China’s ShenzhouⅤspacecraft and landed safely the next day.

D. Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut in space.

44. The writer quoted(引用) Foreign Minister spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue’s words to express ________.

A. the Chinese have been expecting the successful space launch and it’s a great contribution to the peaceful development of space.

B. a lot of Chinese people are waiting for the launch.

C. this launch is the first time in China.

D. China’s manned spaceship made a peaceful development of space.

45. The description of Yang Liwei tells us that _______.

A. Yang didn’t know what to do and he was looking up a flight manual

B. it’s 10 years since he became an air force pilot

C. Yang entered orbit at exactly 9:00 a.m.

D. Yang trained himself well and felt very satisfied with everything in the space craft



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