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第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇1...


第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


When I was a teenager, my dad did everything he could to advise me against becoming a brewer(啤酒制造者). He didn’t even want me anywhere near a vat(酿酒用的桶). So I did as he asked. I got good grades and went to Harvard.

In the second year, I began to realize that I’d never done anything but go to school. So, at 24 I decided to drop out (辍学)for some time. Obviously, my parents didn’t think this was a great idea. But I felt strongly that one can’t wait till he is 65 to do what he wants to in life. Having worked for 2 years, I went back to Harvard to continue my study.

After graduation, I got a highly-paid job in Boston. After working there five years, I wondered, “Is this what I want to be doing when I’m 50?” At that time, Americans spent good money on beer in low quality. Why not make good beer for Americans? I thought.

I decided to quit my job to become a brewer. When I told Dad, he was astonished, but in the end he supported me. Six weeks later, at the Great American Beer Festival, my Sam Adams Boston Lager(淡啤酒) won the top prize for American beer. In the end I was destined(注定) to be a brewer. My advice to the young is simple: decide by yourselves not your seniors what you should do for a life when you are young. 


1. 用大约30个词概括原文内容。

2. 然后用大约120个词表达自己对如何解决“孩子的个人志向与家长愿望之间的矛盾”的看法,内容包括:






【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。


The author tells us that he became successful in his life by making decisions by himself in spite that his decisions didn’t agree with his father’s, which is advice for the young. It can often be seen that parents force their children to do what they expect them to for a life. However, this may often lead to conflicts between children and parents, sometimes even unfortunate consequences. As is known, anything the children decide to do when they are young will generally be their lifelong careers. If parents’ advice is against their ambitions or interests, they may be failures without the sense of achievement. Therefore, if parents care about their children’s future success and happiness, please respect their ambitions and choices. But do you think it needs communication and proper tactics to make your parents to respect your choice and ambition? Here is an example in my life. When I was about to graduate from junior school, one of my friends, who loved auto engineering, decided not to go to high school, but go to a vocational to learn auto engineering. His parents were terribly against his idea. One evening, he sat by his father and asked a question what would increase fastest in the future 10 years. His father realized what he wanted to say after giving him the answer. They talked about cars and car repairing for hours. His parents eventually agreed with him and supported his choice. From the above, we can draw a conclusion that if you try to solve the problem by communication and proper tactics to make your parents understand your decision, they will respect your choice and ambition.   【解析】




















评分标准: 句子结构准确;信息内容完整;篇章结构连贯。

Dear students in Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,

Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee has informed us that 100 |Asian Games volunteers will be recruited in our university, who must meet all of the following conditions.


Those who are voluntary in taking part in the glorious service, please send your resume to the email address studentunion@gfs.edu to sign up before March 30th. The office of the Student Union will contact the chosen candidates for an interview before April 10th.







A. The Regal Palace Chinese Restaurant

The Regal Palace Chinese Restaurant at Days Hotel & Suites offers healthy Chinese fare, with nourishing delicacies like braised chicken with Chinese herbs and braised crocodile meat with Chinese herbs. Available in January.8778 9888 ext 292

B. Han Mei Fang Chinese Restaurant

Zhaolong Hotel's Han Mei Fang Chinese Restaurant has prepared Taiwan-style seafood and classic dishes for the New Year. The menu features five-flavored nine-hole abalone, sweet and sour flavored squid roll, garlic-flavor prawn, and three-cup chicken. There are also the delicious noodles with pig's claw and prawns prepared with spirit served in a bamboo barrel.6597-2299 ext 0215

C. Huang Ting Cantonese Restaurant

Enjoy Chinese folk music over the New Year's Eve dinner at Huang Ting, Cantonese restaurant at The Peninsula Hotel Beijing, decorated in courtyard house style. It offers a set menu with a variety of seafood dishes. There are iced abalone, pan-fried king prawn with pesto sauce, grilled cod fish with fresh mango.8516-2888 ext 6691

D. Paulaner Brauhaus

Paulaner Brauhaus at Kempinski Hotel in Beijing has a live band performing over authentic German beer and dinner for New Year's Eve, and a countdown at midnight. On New Year's Day the hotel has beach games, with a Bavarian brunch.(0898) 3889-8888

E. Italian restaurant Da Giorgio

Italian restaurant Da Giorgio at the Grand Hyatt Beijing has a five-course set dinner for New Year Eve, with a complimentary glass of champagne. At the same time Grand Caf offers a dinner buffet with unlimited soft drinks, juices and imported red and white wines.8518-1234 ext 3738

F. Ken de Rouge

To mark its first anniversary, Ken de Rouge, located by the beautiful west bank of Houhai Lake, introduces two promotional feasts, at 988 yuan and 1,288 yuan, each comprising 14 courses, plus soup and dessert. The 988 yuan banquet has braised sea cucumber, tea-flavored prawn, and red carp in lotus leaf. The 1,288 yuan banquet has Buddha jumps over the wall soup, venison tendon and kong pao prawn. Offer valid until January 20th.6402-6665


56. Niu Xiang is planning to study abroad and he would like to spend his New Year’s Eve in a western style restaurant, where he can join some foreign friends in welcoming the coming of the New Year.

57. The Blacks newly arrived at Beijing from Italy. Mr. Black prefers to try some sea-food while Mrs. Black would like to feel the traditional Chinese environment.

58. The Johnson boys have very good appetite and are especially fond of different drinks and juice. Their mother wishes to bring them to a place where they need not pay extra money for the drinks.

59. Yao Mingming is tired of the Hakka food his mother cooks. He wants to take her to some nourishing delicacies from other regions, like some special flavored seafood.

60. Mr. Smith owns a very big company. He would like to treat some business friends to a luxurious dinner in a quiet and beautiful environment.





Romanian-born German writer Herta Mueller won the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature yesterday, honored for work that "with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, describes the landscape of the dispossessed(被流放者)," the Swedish Academy said.

   The 56-year-old author, who immigrated to Germany from Romania in 1987, first gained public attention in 1982 with a collection of short stories titled Niederungen, or Lowlands in English, which was promptly censored(审查通过) by her government.

   In 1984 an uncensored version was smuggled to Germany where it was published and her work describing life in a small, German-speaking village in Romania was popular with the readers there. That work was followed by Oppressive Tango in Romania.

  "The Romanian national press was very critical of these works while, outside of Romania, the German press received them very positively," the Academy said. "Because Mueller had publicly criticized the dictatorship(独裁) in Romania, she was prohibited from publishing in her own country.” In 1987 she immigrated to Germany with her husband two years before dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was toppled from power.

   Mueller's parents were members of the German-speaking minority in Romania and father served in the Waffen SS during World War II. After the war ended, many German Romanians were deported(放逐) to the Soviet Union in 1945, including her mother, who spent five years in a work camp in what is now Ukraine.

   Most of her works are in German, but some works have been translated into English, French and Spanish, including The Passport, The Land of Green Plums, Traveling on One Leg and The Appointment.

   Mueller has given guest lectures at universities, colleges and other venues in Paderborn, Warwick, Hamburg, Swansea, Gainsville (Florida), Kassel, Gottingen, Tubingen and Zurich among other places. She lives in Berlin. Since 1995 she has served as a member of Deutsche Akademie fur Sprache und Dichtung, in Darmstadt."

   Mueller is the 12th woman to win the literature prize. Recent female winners include Austria's Elfriede Jelinek in 2004 and British writer Doris Lessing in 2007.

   The award includes a $1.4 million prize and will be handed out on December 10

1.Herta Mueller was awarded Nobel Prize in literature because of____________.

A.her public criticism upon the dictatorship in Romania

B.her works with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose

C.her works describing the life of the dispossessed in Germany 

D.the popularity of her works with the readers in the German-speaking village

2.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?

    A.German Romanians were treated unfairly in Germany in the 1940s.

B.Her parents were dispossessed to Ukraine after the World War II.

C.Her first work was published in Germany in the early 1980s.

D.Her works were all translated into versions in different languages.

3.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that _____.

    A.people then in Romania had the right to say whatever was true.

    B.Herta Mueller left her home country after the dictatorship was ended.

    C.Herta Mueller immigrated to Germany together with her parents.

    D.Romanian citizens lived a hard life without democracy in the 1980s.

4.According to the passage, which of the following works has an English version? 

    A.Lowlands in English                  B.Oppressive Tango in Romania.  

C.Traveling on One Leg                 D.The Land of Green Plums

5.What is the passage mainly about?

    A.Mueller made great contribution to literature through hard work

B.Mueller won the Nobel Prize for her great literature works.

C.Mueller gained great popularity by describing dictatorship.

D.Mueller was treated badly in Romania and immigrated to Germany.





U.S. airlines are seeing a major interruption because of hundreds of flights canceled due to the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano, but European flight companies will face the biggest losses.

The airline business has been tough: The decline dramatically slowed traffic; February heavy snow forced U.S. airlines to cancel thousands of flights; and now the ashes from the volcano stopped all traffic in and out of northern Europe for days.

"For U.S. flight companies, it'll be a relatively short-term hit," said Michael Boyd, president of Boyd Group International, an aviation (航空学) consulting firm. "We think right now they're down about $80 million in terms of lost income, and they're down domestically about 80,000 passengers that would have been flying domestically but aren't because they can't get here."

Delta announced that volcano-related interruption grounded about 400 flights until Monday at a cost of $20 million in lost revenues. But compare that to the recent snowstorms, when the airline canceled 7,000 flights and lost $65 million in revenue.

The disruption has created uncertainty for customers, but analysts say U.S. airlines won't face as many costs as you might think. They are not flying in extra planes to handle the passengers in trouble because, airline analyst Robert Mann said, companies simply don't have them.

"Airlines run a very lean operation now," Mann said. "So, since there are no spare aircraft or crews, the airlines will attempt to maximize loads on every one of their aircraft that do fly. But it may take days, or in some cases a week or so, to get some of these customers to where they want to go."

1. Which negative consequences mentioned in the passage did the disasters cause?

A. coldness, pollution and airlines’ losses    

B. airport damage, pollution and slow traffic

C. passenger delay, coldness and airport damage   

D. passenger delay, airlines’ losses and slow traffic

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The fewest airplanes will fly the trapped passengers to their destinations.

B. All the customers are sure to be sent to their destinations in time.

C. The U.S. and U.K. airlines suffered the same losses in the natural disasters.

D. The volcano eruption reduced the traffic to and from northern Europe.  

3. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?

A. the troubles that the airlines will face after the ash cloud disappears

B. the measures that the airlines will take to maximize their profit

C. the present situation of the airlines and their plan to deliver the passengers

D. the reasons why the airlines run a fine operation

4. Why will it take a long time for airlines to send the passengers to their different destinations?

A. Because the passengers enjoy staying in airports to talk with one another.

B. Because the airlines don’t have spare planes or employees to serve.

C. Because the airlines don't have enough financial support after the disaster.

D. Because the passengers are asking for full refund from the airlines.

5. The passage is most probably from_______.

A.a novel           B.a news report        C.a magazine        D.a thesis




Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


For most pregnant women, exercise is the last thing on their minds. After all, keeping slim while you’re expecting isn’t exactly the top priority— rather, it’s making sure your baby gets enough nutrients to grow. But in a small new study, researchers at the University of Auckland in New Zealand report that a mother’s regular aerobic exercise may be good for a growing fetus’ health — and may even help a baby get a healthier start in life.

The finding is a bit surprising, because exercise is known to lower the risk of insulin resistance(胰岛素抵抗),a condition eventually leading to diabetes(糖尿病). Although insulin resistance is a detriment in healthy adults, it turns out to be helpful for proper fetal(胎儿)development. In pregnant women, this condition means nutrients get shunted to the growing baby.

The question is: could a mother’s exercise put her developing baby’s food supply at risk? Past studies looking at the effect of exercise on birth weight have been inconclusive, and none have really investigated the influence of exercise on the mother’s sensitivity to insulin. So the University of Auckland’s Dr. Paul Hoffman and his team decided to study 84 first-time mothers, who were of normal weight on average, and track any effects aerobic exercise(有氧运动) might have on their insulin sensitivity and, ultimately, on their babies’ birth weight. Researchers asked some women to exercise on a stationary bicycle for at least 40 minutes per session, up to five times each week, starting in the 20th week of pregnancy; the other women were not specifically asked to exercise. When the two groups and their babies were compared, the team found that women who bicycled regularly gave birth to babies who were on average 150g lighter than those born to the non-exercising mothers. In both groups, however, the babies were of healthy weight, and there was no difference in the mothers’ weights.

Generally speaking, babies on the lower end of the normal weight range are considered healthier and less prone to developing diabetes and obesity than heavier ones, so this was an encouraging result. Even more reassuring was that regular exercise did not seem to affect the flow of nutrients to the growing babies in the womb.

1. According to the new study, a pregnant woman’s regular exercise may _______.

  A. bring benefits to a baby’s growth

  B. lower the risk of insulin resistance

  C. put her baby’s food supply at risk

  D. help her keep slim and healthy

2. What does the underlined word “detriment” mean in the second paragraph?

  A. Something that brings good.

  B. Something that brings damage.

  C. Something that brings obstacles.

  D. Something that brings development.

3. What is the purpose of the experiment carried out by Dr. Paul Hoffman?

  A. To investigate the influence of exercise on pregnant women.

  B. To find out what aerobic exercise can benefit a baby’s growth.

  C. To make sure of the effects exercise may have on babies’ birth weight

  D. To compare the differences between mothers who exercise and who don’t

4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. Lighter babies are generally believed to be healthier than heavier ones.

  B. Non­-exercising mothers will definitely give birth to heavier babies.

  C. No studies have looked at the effect of exercise on birth weight before.

  D. Some women studied were asked to exercise regularly while some don’t.

5. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

  A. All mothers should take aerobic exercise.

  B. Moms who exercise give birth to lighter babies。

  C. Exercise reduces the risk of insulin resistance.

  D. Heavier babies are more likely to develop diabetes.



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